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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sambal Ikan Bilis dan Petai


"Lazy lazy go away
Never ever again come my way...."

Yes, my blog had been idle for quite sometime. But never mind, I think, nobody noticed.. ahakss... selamattt!!!. Besides being busy with I don't really know what, I got carried away reading. And other than that, just being plain lazy. Lazy to switch on my laptop. And how can I update with my laptop switched off?? Oh never mind, don't bother to think of the answer as it won't come out in any examinations! Hahaha...

Anyway, I had been bad naughty last week. I slept late, 4 days in a row! Shhhh... please don't tell my hubby! 2 days doing cupcakes and brownies, and the other 2, can't stop reading! Why stop at 4 days? Because the next day, I had headache and I dare not even take my BP reading! Hahaha... But yesterday, I am on the right track again.. slept slightly early... 11.30 pm... err.. at least it is better than 2am right? Ngee......


Do you eat petai? If so, how do you like it, cooked or raw? I like it raw. But I just can't get myself to eat the skin though people said, it's good to eat with the skin. Anyway, this is my first time putting petai in my sambal after Hanita said that she longed to eat 'sambal ikan bilis dengan petai'.

Posted by MamaFaMi

Ingredients :

1 Holland onion ~ sliced
2 cloves garlic ~ sliced
4 tablespoons of chillie paste
salt to taste
3 tablespoonsTamarind juice
sugar to taste
zeal (aji-no-moto) - optional
dried anchovies
enough petai
cooking oil

Method :

1. Fry dried anchovies and set aside.
2. Heat oil in a wok. Add in the onion and garlic. Fry till fragrant and soft.
3. Add in the chilli paste. Stir-fry for about 3 to 4 minutes.
4. Add in tamarind juice and a bit of water if necessary.
5. Add in salt and sugar.
6. Add in the petai and cook for another 2 minutes.
7. Remove from heat and let it cool slightly before putting in the fried anchovies. Mix well.

Note : The amount is just roughly estimated. You can adjust the chillie paste according to how hot you want it to be. We like it hot and spicy to give us more Umph.....

Have a nice day!


  1. PETAI!! My pebret!!! Suke buat ulam (mentah), lepas mkn kene cepat2 gosok gigi :-)

  2. apa beza sambal yg letak belancan dgn yang tidak?

    1. Kalau letak belacan, lebih sedap. Tapi kalau yang ada alergi kepada belacan, akan start bersin lepas habis makan... :) Tapi mama tak berapa suka guna belacan...

  3. mmmm....petai! ulam terbaik untuk kesihatan!

    1. Oh ye ke? Wah, bagus ni... mama memang suka petai! :)

  4. Waaa....petai!, sorry ok, me dont eat petai, but telan only..hehe

    1. Telan leklok Mat.. jangan sampai tercekik lak!

  5. huwaaaaa..ada petai woo! lariiiiiiiiiiiiikk!! (aksyen konon pn doc x mkn feveret wokehh!!

    1. Ala.. Ina tu bukan lari ke mana pun.. lari pergi ambil pinggan nak makan sambal ikan bilis petai.. bukan mama tak tahu! Ahahahahaha....

  6. waduhhhhh menu febret ni, kalau makan maunya bertambah nasi dan lauk..ilang segala diet..kih3..

    1. Ada hari-harinya... kita kena lupakan diet... shakali shakali... hehehe...

  7. u know what mama.. i no eat petai but my hubs suka banget akan petai.. i think he belajar makan dgn amah (nenek yg jaga dia dari baby) nevetheless i will usually masak kan sambal with petai but i kuis kuis petai tu hehehe

    1. U know what Rima, last time I also no eat petai. But then, once kena this petai mandrem, adoi... eat like i never eat before lah... ahaks... ce terai ce terai!

  8. Assalam Mama darlinggggg....!! Muuaahh muaaahh di pagi hari ni...moga BP mu ok ok aje laaa yea...tu laaaa dah x bz dgn kerja rumah dia bz kan mata dgn baca novel...penat otak dan mata taauuu...lebih baik lg Mama baking2 laaa, terapi sikit kaan..sure BP right on track jgk...tdo kena awal Maaaaaaaaaaaa....adeeehh

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ummi darling. Rasanya insyaAllah BP okay dah kot sebab kepala tak weng sangat. Hehehe... Ala, buku citer tu sedap.. tak leh stop.. cam no... shakali shakali lupa diri, okay kot. Tapi kita dah minum dah air belimbing yang Ummi suruh tu. Hamek ko.. satu mug besorrrrr... kenyang terus! Hahahahaha.....

  9. Assallamualaikum Ma..

    Ma, this is one of my fav lauk lah Ma.. Tak boleh masak selalu. nanti makan bertambah2..heheheee...

    p/s: Ma, rasanya mama tersilap letak link Nadz pada entry best moist chocolate cake recipe yg mama buat baru2 ni.. Link yg mama letak pada nama Nadz tu, utk resepi kek coklat yg satu lagi..heheheee... Sori ye ma.. Sibuk lak menyibuk kat blog mama ni...

    1. Waalaikumussalam Naz...

      Mama dah betulkan link tu... rasanya betul kot this time ye? Thanks ya....

  10. Hi Mama Fami, can cook mine without petai? The sambal ikan bilis look nice but I tak pandai eat petai. Maybe 1 or 2 biji ok lah but not more than that.

    You noti-noti ya, B/P sudah control sikit you terus 4 days titon lambat!!! Take care my dear, don't over stress yourself.

    Have a nice day, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia.... Shhhhhhhh don't cakap kuat-kuat maa... nanti I punya lookoong dengar lor. Terus dia tarik balik lesen baking... huwaaa.... hehehe... ala, I titon lambat just that 2 days for baking and 2 days baca buku saja... belum one week pun. Hahaha... very bad eh? Sudah sakit lagi tak mau dengar nasihat orang! Hehehe...

      Ohh sambal kosong eh? Very easy la... tak sampai 10 minutes can siap already. *wink*


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