A very good day to all....
Today, there'll be no recipe to be shared. But I will share with all of you, how do I go about shaping the buns. And also, the photos of my Bread Maker that I am using right now and my oven as well. All these are to fulfill my visitors request. Hope these photos helps.
This morning, when I flipped through Cosway's new redemption catalogue for the period of 1st December 2010 till November 2011, they are offering a new Empress Bread Maker and it looks really nice. The retail price is RM499.00 but if you are a Cosway member, you can purchase the Bread Maker at lower price with the coupons.
My Empress Bread Maker
My Fagor built-in oven
These were the buns that I had made yesterday for the purpose of taking the step by step photos. The buns landed in 4 different houses. Alhamdulillah... hope they enjoyed eating them as much as I had enjoyed preparing the buns.

Have a nice day! Take care!
hohohoo... bleh bukak kedai nih ma.. mcm2 pesen adoo... pilih ajerr.. kita nk yg setotet merah tgh tuh! kiut banget!
ReplyDeletecantik2.. suka tengok step by step tu ma :)
ReplyDeleteYup, agree with KakHana! U should a bakery kak! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing kak, very useful for kids like me! ekekekeke ;)
Ooops...it should be "U should open a bakery kak! :D"
ReplyDeletemama..thanks for the info..kalau mcm tu bolehla sy beli breadmaker tu..hee..pakai dwet bonus..
ReplyDeleteyalah ma.., cntik..! mmg tangan pakar gitu.., step by step tu baguslah boleh buat refer nanti.
ReplyDeletema.. dulu am cari gak BM costway tapi dh x kluar lagi, tapi tadi ma kata baru kluar baru punya ya, wah.. bagus ni.. nk gak rembat sebiji..jelous nengok loti2 mama y gebus itu..! hee.. TQ.. mama
Ma - Thanks a lot sharing with us very useful process how it done……you look like a prof la ma….you inspire me to make a bread. Insya Allah i will do....
ReplyDeletesalam mama,
ReplyDeletethank you for sharing the steps..really an eye opener..
Maaaaa...bagus2 tunjuk step-by-step tuh..rajin Ma..Waaah nnt kalau ummi dtg lgk..pastikan Ma wat semua2 shape tu tauuu..jgn x buat, kalau x Ummi pintal telinga Ma...haahaa.. *matilah, terus Ma xnak buat lgsung kot*
ReplyDeleteSalam mama..sukenye..semua sedap bun tu:)
ReplyDeletesamalah bm ngan mama;)
skrg dah takde lg rasanya bm ni..
i nyer BM brand apa ekkk...memula dpat, mcm jakun..ari2 buat roti..skrg dia dok dendiam tepi oven jd pengapit jerrr..hahahha
ReplyDeletesalam sis,wow....bestnye...selagi x ada bm ni,mak teh buat roti dlm mimpi aja la....it,s high time u buka kedai la.we're honoured to know u
ReplyDeleteTumpang pengsann eks....hehe
ReplyDeletejap2..ni ada pertandingan ceruk dapur ke ni? kt uma mat gebu pun tunjuk..kt sini lg menunjuk..hahahahha
ReplyDeleteaku bkn takat nak pingsan mat..mabuk laut aku nengok..huwaaaaaaaaaaaaa
p/S: mcm alat2 nak kerat mayat 13 pun ada...hehehe
hayaaah ma apasal lah mama tak tayang oven to siang2..mokwo nyer pun fagor jugak but different model..nanti mokwo nak tanya mama camno nak setting itu oven..bleh kan!
ReplyDeleteSalam mamafami,
ReplyDeleteBagusnya mamafami! Bulat skejap mata saya nengok bread maker empress tu. Memang ngidam sangat2lah! Hooreeei! Dah ada dalam katalog redemption ya? Love U soo much mamafami sebab info, tambah lagi ngan step by step meroti tu. gULP! Rajinnya ambik gambar step by step untuk rujukan kami yang amatur ni. cayang mamafami.
I wonder, bila agaknya dapat kumpul point banyak ni? Doakan saya, ya. ;)
canteknya maaaa.ni yg tak tahan nak mengadun roti semula nih..
ReplyDeletemesti buat selepas habis attend semua kenduri..tapi kita uli by hand je lah nampaknya..menda alah tu belum ada lagi..huhu
salam mama, trima kasih ya atas tunjuk ajar bentuk bun tu, suke suke, nnt ros try buat ya....nak dua ketul buleh mama?
ReplyDeleteHallo mama fami...
ReplyDeleterotinya cantik amat ya..pasti enak nih hehe...
thanks ya uda tunjukan cara membentuk roti yang cantik...saya mau contek ya
ReplyDeletenak pengsan makcik tengok! makcik buat roti banyak kali jugak tapi tak lembut & cantik mcm tu...errr agak2 kena beli bread maker kot?
informative tutorial, good job & thank you
Wow Mama. Thanks a zillion for the step-by-step instructions. i have wondered how people made those beautifully design bread. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteSaya tumpang lalu, nice la semua gebu. tq info; step by step
ReplyDeletehello there, i was googling for the user manual for the fagor 3h-125 oven and as i was clicking away, the pics of ur oven popped up.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you still have the manual. I desperately need a copy and Google doesnt help :( I hv this oven which was given by the previous owner of the hse i just bought. She rarely used it but she misplaced the manual and she doesnt know how to operate it..arrgh..
My problem is: I do not know what is the plus and minus knobs are for and what does the knob with the hand sign is for? PLease help....
desperate housewife
Desperate Housewife,
DeletePlease click http://mamafami.blogspot.com/2012/09/my-fagor-built-in-oven-manual.html for the manual. Take care.