The mind is not at ease at the moment...
I guess this is how people feel when they don't know how to do what they want to do... gosh....
Really miserable and lost!
Huwaaa...Aza helpppp.......
Updated :
Thanks Lea for untangling whatever mess in my head at the moment! And thanks to your lovely colorful blog which never fails to soothe me whenever I feel down.
As promised, here is the recipe for the Buns that I had showed in my facebook yesterday morning. Thanks to Noor Masri for bringing up the recipe again. I had tried this recipe long time ago when I was still in Malawi. Had made it into potato bread back then. Thanks to Channel2004 for sharing this lovely recipe with us.

Source : Channel2004 via NoorMasri
Ingredients :
140 ml water
1 egg
30g caster sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon bread softener (I added)
250g high protein flour
50g superfine flour
2-1/2 tablespoons milk powder (I used Fernleaf)
1-1/2 teaspoon dried instant yeast
30g margarine, at room temperature
enough sausages
enough chocolate filling
red cherries and sesame seeds for decoration
For glazing :
1 egg + 1 tablespoon fresh milk
margarine - for brushing after the buns are out of the oven
Method (using bread maker) :
1. Pour water, egg, sugar, salt and bread softener into the bread maker pan. Top it with high protein flour, superfine flour, milk powder and yeast.
2. Set the breadmaker to Dough function.
3. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
4. Divide the dough to 55g each and shape into small balls.
5. Let them rest for 10 minutes.
6. Ready to be shaped. Let rise until almost doubled in volume.
7. Before baking, brush the dough with egg wash.
8. Bake for 20 - 25 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 C, or until the bread is golden in color.
9. Once out of the oven, brush with a bit of margarine.
10. Let cool. Keep in an airtight container.
Sumber : Channel2004 via NoorMasri
Bahan-bahan :
140 ml air
1 butir telur
30g gula kastor
1 sudu kecil garam
1/2 sudu kecil pelembut roti (mama tambah)
250g tepung high protein
50g tepung superfine
2-1/2 sudu besar susu tepung (mama gunakan susu tepung Fernleaf)
1-1/2 sudu kecil yis kering
30g majerin, pada suhu bilik
sosej secukupnya
Chocolate filling
Buah ceri untuk hiasan
Bijan untuk hiasan
Utk Sapuan:
1 biji telur + 1 sudu besar susu - campur
sket mentega
Kaedah penyediaan :
Campurkan semua bahan kecuali mentega dan uli sehingga membentuk doh. Masukkan mentega dan uli lagi sehingga licin dan elastik. Perap doh selama 1 jam atau sekali ganda.
Tumbuk doh dan bahagikan kepada 55g setiap satu bahagian.
Ambil satu bahagian doh, gentel memanjang dan gulung pd sosej yg telah direbus.
Susun di dalam loyang yg dilenser skit mentega.
Biarkan naik 2 kali ganda, sapu atasnya dgn campuran telur dan susu kemudian taburkan atasnya dgn keju cheddar.
Bakar pd suhu 170C selama 20 min. Bila masak sapu dgn sket mentega.
Have a nice day everyone!
ehem ehem....ada seketul lg tak..huhuhu bak mai le sikit..:)
ReplyDeleteP/S: rajin beno mama tkr background blog..huhuhuhu
Sis-Lin :
ReplyDeleteAisehmen Lin.. lambat skettt je. Dah habis dah the last one. :D:D:D Ma tukar background tu sebab dah boring dengan yang lama. Tapi nak tukar ni pun, ikut angin gak.. hehehe..
I love chocolate fillings..
ReplyDeleteWOW, wish I could bake a bread/bun on my own soon!!!
ReplyDeleteThat bun is super soft looking Kak!!! :D
mama..mcm bes je wat roti..leh tahu jenis bread maker n oven apa yg mama pakai?hee..baru nak risik2 membeli utk kegunaan rumah je..
ReplyDeleteBestnya, sedapnya. Lama tak meroti, bila tengok roti yang Mama buat terliur rasanya.
ReplyDeleteMama, c&p resipi tu ye. Bila nak buat tu masih lagi tanda soal yang tiada penghujung.
ReplyDelete♥peachkins♥ :
ReplyDeleteIf you're nearby, wouldn't mind at all to pass you a few chocolate filling buns... ;)
Love, naper tak boleh pulak. Guna aje bread maker... senang kerja! ;)
faresa~* :
Mama gunakan breadmaker Empress yang hubby mama belikan di Cosway long time ago. Oven pulak, jenis Fagor yang built-in. InsyaAllah kalau tak ada aral melintang menegak, I'll post both the photos in my blog esok ye...
water lily :
Ala biasalah bab c&p ni. Mama pun rajin wat kerja cam tu. Mama lagi haru... kenkadang, the same recipe, leh dua tiga kali TERcopy sebab asyik dok perap, terlupa yang dah pernah copy... hahahaha... menambahkan harunya.. dalam pada dua tiga kali copy tu pun, buatnya tak jugak! Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteada org tak...Syakirah dtg nak roti tu..gebuss sekali...Syakirah suka. auntie tapaukanlah seketuii dua...
mamasya :
ReplyDeleteEh mana mak budak comel ni? Dia biarkan je anak dia merayau rumah orang memalam hari ni. Mesti terlupa kunci pintu la ni...
Syakirah tidur rumah aunty je la. Tak elok anak dara jalan malam-malam tau... Nanti aunty bancuh milo, Syakirah makan dengan roti ye.
Errr...dah sampaikan pesan aunty kat mama ke belum? Hehehe...