I've received a few comments in my entries, saying that the photos in my blog do take time to appear. I am not so sure about this, because I have not come across this problem when I open my blog at home. So I would be grateful if you could at least let me know, if you are facing similar problems like my other visitors. Perhaps then, I could figure out how to overcome the problem. Thank you.
Came across this recipe at Gert's kitchen quite sometime back but only tried it out last Monday. It was soft and yummy. Thank you Gert for sharing the recipe with us. Allow me to post it here for the reading pleasure of my dear guests.

1 cup of flour
1/4 cup of sugar
3/4 teaspoon of baking powder
3/4 teaspoon of baking soda
pinch of salt
1 egg
227g plain yogurt
1 tablespoon melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 teaspoon of lemon juice
castor sugar for dusting
Method :
1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degree C and coat the donut pan with non-stick spray and dust it with some powder sugar.
2. In a small bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.
3. Combine egg, yogurt, melted butter, lemon juice and vanilla until well mix.
4. Stir in dry ingredients into the egg mixture until well combined. Do not over mixed.
5. Divide the batter evenly into the baking pan and bake for 12-15 min or until golden brown.
6. Cool in pan for 5 min before removing it into the cool rack.
7. Roll it with castor sugar or glazes.

Have a nice day!
cantiknya donat, mas tak pernah wat lagi donat yg dibakar....nnti try wat la.....
ReplyDeleteMaaaa..kita dah brthun duk peram rspi donat bakar ni..tpi xtrbuat2 jgk lgii...tup2 mama dah buat dlu..klu kita ada kat permai ni rasa2 leh dpt tak 4 bjikk...heheee..cdp ye mama..ala2 j.co donat ke...
ReplyDeletecamne rupa donut pan tu?? ada jual ekk???
ReplyDeletenak buat dah lama..ma, buat posting terus ni..nanti nak buat la:D
ReplyDeleteaslmkm...ramianya orng mendonat harini...cantik2 lak tu..
ReplyDeletenak cuba jugak nanti..tq
ReplyDeletefeveret.. feveret ni... tqs mama..
ReplyDeletemama.. pernah x buat donut yang dia celup dalam syrup ??
ReplyDeletesalam mama,
ReplyDeletelama kita tak menjengah dapur mama..
this donut looks so gebu boleh lah masuk list ni..
salam ma... donut nih liat tak ma? penah wat dulu dah sejuk mak aii liat pulak jadinyer..
ReplyDeletesalam mama,
ReplyDeleteminta izin c&p chocolate banana cake ya..dah lama buat baru sekarang nak masuk entry..hehe..thanks ya ma..
nampak garing elok jek donut tuh...nanti nak trylah..never ever bake d donut b4...chumiiilll nyerr!
ReplyDeletesalam mama...
ReplyDeletelamanya sy tak mendonat... lagi2lah donat bakar lagilah tak pernah buat.. hehe..
macam mana boleh jadi betul2 bulat tu?
ReplyDeletecomel betul
sedapnyaaaaaaaa mama