Jumaa Mubaraq to all....
This morning, I woke up to a sad news of the popular ERA radio deejay, Din Beramboi. He passed away at 12.30pm after suffering from Dengue Fever. Inna lilahi wa inna alayhi rajioon. For more detailed news, please click at Utusan Online. I love listening to his morning show together with Pak Nil. Both of them are so entertaining which always make me smile and laugh alone! All his spontaneous jokes will be dearly missed....May his soul rest in peace. Al-Fatihah.....
Since it's a sombre day, I won't be writting much and will go straight to the recipe of the day. Made these rolls yesterday afternoon and managed to distribute to 3 other hoiuses. Came across this recipe at Zack's Fotopages which lead me to Dailydelicious Blog. I just had to try baking the rolls myself after looking at the beautiful photo of the rolls on both the ladies' webpage. Thank you to Pook for sharing the recipe with all of us and allow me to post it here, the way I had prepared the rolls. For Pook's method, please click here

Ingredients :
225 ml fresh milk
2 teaspoons caster sugar
2 teaspoons salt
1 egg ~ beaten
450 g flour
15 g fresh yeast or 5 g instant yeast
30 g margarine
55 g salted butter ~ softened
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 tablespoons chopped flat-leaf parsley (I used spring onions)

Method : (using Bread Maker)
1. Pour fresh milk into the bread maker pan. Add in sugar, salt and egg.
2. Top it with flour and yeast.
3. Set the bread maker to dough setting and let it knead for 5 minutes. Add in 30g margarine.
4. Leave to bread maker to finish it's task which will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
5. Meanwhile, mix butter, crushed garlic and spring onion.
6. Once the dough is ready, cut it into 2 portions. Roll flat one portion into a square shape.
7. Spread evenly the butter mixture on top. Cut the flat dough into 6 strips.
8. Place the strips on top of each other.Then cut the long 6 stacked strips into 8 or nice small pieces.
9. Arrange the small pieces into the muffin pan.
10. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 for 25 to 30 minutes or till golden brown. Oven temperature and baking time may differ.

Have a nice and safe weekend everyone!

Maaaaaaaa...walala cdpnye grlic buter fan roll ni..pndai2 plak kita buh nma bun munge..hihi..apa2 pun mksih bnyk2 ma sdi hntar kat kita..alisa n aiman suke sngat..nti leh la amik rspi ni..muahh..lebiu ma..
ReplyDeletesalam Mama, cun lah roti garlic tu, lawanye kelopaknye, ros pernah buat, tp tak jadi lah Mama, tak cun lansung, nnt nak try resepi ni pulak lah..thanks ya sharing
ReplyDeletecun melecunnnnnnnnnnnnnn roti tu, liuk lentok, iskkk sayang nak makan...klo dpt, kita frame jek mama..eiii gerammm tgk
ReplyDeletemama anta p umah k maz aje ke?umah kite tamo anta ke?cian kat kite...hukhukhukkk
ReplyDeletemak aiihhhh lawonyer roti nih! klu nk makan pong senang kan! kopek kelopak satu persatu! leh try neh!
ReplyDeletemamaaa... kalo rumah kita dekat kan bagusss!! leh jiya tumpang makan. ini idak.. asik meleleh jek air liur x habis nengok. akekekekeke
ReplyDeletemamaaaaaa miss uuu
mama cam sedap jer meleleh air liur.. ehhehe
ReplyDeletethis looks good with pasta!
ReplyDeletewaaa..esok nak buat..tak kira..tak kira..nak buat jugakkkkk....
ReplyDeleteresepi dah salin, nak buat tak tau bila.
ReplyDeletenampak cantik sungguh, very creative.
Ma..awatlah kreatipp sgt nih..sedap lembut ke roti ni Ma..elok cantik jer bercabang...Amboii Mat tu Mama, melompat2 nak try sgt2...ada terantuk kepala tu kang hehe..
ReplyDeletemaz :
ReplyDeleteTengok tu... dia menjerit lagi... hihihi... Tu la tu... sesukaaa haatiii je bagi nama kat bun ku ini. Tapi sedap gak panggil bun bunga ye... ahakss.....Nanti Maz buat ye. Pas tu ambil gambar guna kamera Maz tu ye....
ros@JMC :
Waalaikumussalam Ros. Mmm, macam mana tak cun tu? Dia terlebih kembang ke? Ma rasa, ianya bergantung kepada bekas yang kita gunakanlah Ros. Kalau ma letak dalam foil yang rendah tu pun, ada yang terkelepek keluar... macam terlebih kembang...
AbbotCottage :
Lor, ada ke nak frame roti... ish ish ish... membazir tu... ngap je!
Fiza Nordin :
Haaa meh dok dekat dengan kami kami ni... Fiza dok out of our area, so delivery tak merangkumi! Hahaha....
hana :
Mmmmm...nanti Hana buat, mesti lagi cun melecun punyalah!
Jiya :
Hi Jiyaaaaa...... nak tahu tak, sebelah rumah ma, kosong. Belakang rumah ma ni, ada dua rumah kosong tau.... Jom ler jadi jiran sekampung! Nanti senang ma nak oder cap jempol lagi... hihihi....
nadja :
InsyaAllah sedap Nadja... kalau dapat celup dalam mushroom soup, laaagi sedap. Tapi sebab ma malas nak buat, makan gitu je ler....
♥peachkins♥ :
I'm sure it'll be nicer with mushroom soup though...
Mat Gebu :
Mat... relax Mat... jangan hentak kaki Mat...nanti bergegor dinding rumah ma ni. Alah tak yah kira kira dengan jari Mat, guna calculator je, cepat sket....hihiihihi... sabor je la... Nanti Mat buat okay... lepas tu boh kata-kata hikmat..... aku buat lawa sikitttt je lagi daripada mama buat. Ingat, itu bukan riak tapi confident! Hahaha....
makcikkantin :
Tak pe makcikkantin... yang penting salin. Nanti bila sampai seru, boleh buat terus.... It's very easy to prepare.. not much hassle. Trust me!
Ummi :
Ma bukan kreatif Ummi... ma cilok je cemana orang buat. Orang tu ler yang creative kan kan kan.... Ha ah dak Mat ni, terlompat-lompat excited dia tengok roti ni macam kanak-kanak riang... eh macam pakcik-pakcik riang je... hihihi... not to worry Ummi, dia tak terantuk punya sebab dia terlompat-lompat kat padang sebab kalau dia lompat dalam rumah, dia takut teko dia pecah... ampun Mat... ma gurau-gurau manja je ye.. auw....
salam mama...hihi cantiknya dan menjadi. Akak dah buat tapi tak cantik macam nie hihi kena praktis lagi lah supaya nampak mcm nie...barulah nampak macam fan .