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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Happy birthday Fatin honey bun sugar pop lollipop!


WITH LOADS OF LOVE... from Ayah, Mama and Syahmi....
Moga kehidupan Along diberkati ALLAH SNT sepanjang detik dan ketika...

InsyaAllah if everything goes well, we'll pay her a surprise visit this evening. I had phoned the school on Monday, to inform them about this and the teacher in charged said it's not a problem. And I made him keep this secret as well.... Wonder how Fatin will re-act!! Hahaha...

I've made for her some cupcakes...
I know she doesn't quite favour these flowery designs, but sorrylah Along... this is what your mom is capable of doing with her limited skills. Better something than nothing huh! Hahaha....

Fatin's Birthday Cuppies

Speaking of Fatin's birthday, actually the date was chosen by me. She was a week overdue that time. And why did I pick 30th March? Because that date is the birthdate of my best friend in Malacca Girls' High School, Hafiza Abd Hamid. I am still trying to find her. Fiz, the daughter of Uncle Hamid and Aunty Kalthum and the younger sister of Puan Hamidah Abd Hamid. If any of Hafiza's friend or if Fiz is read this post, please contact me via my email.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIZ.... I never forget....


  1. Every parent wishes to raise their children to become noble souls, good in every way;auntie doakan semoga menjadi smart khalifah di muka bumi ini. Smart khalifah always choose to be good

  2. salam mamafami,
    Happy birthday to Fatin. Moga cemerlang di dunia dan di akhirat. amin.. :)

  3. auww...
    why I never knew fatin's bday..
    anyway, happy birthday Fatin.. may you grow up becoming the best u can be and I wish all you dreams come true... be a good daughter to ur mom...

    Kak Ija

  4. happy birthday Fatin..moga menjadi anak yg soleha, dimurahkan reseki, diberkati Allah...aminn..

    enjoy tr special day ;)

  5. Happy Birthday to Fatin Mama...
    and to your long-lost friend gak walaupun leen tak kenal...
    leen pun ada few friends yg masih mencari, harap kita sama-sama dapat cari atau Allah permudahkan kan Mama...

  6. happy birthday fatin...muga success dunia akhirah...seronoknyer, ade surprise..hehhehe...

  7. Ma..Hppy Brdy to FATIN...smoga brjaya dunia dan akhirat..big hug n kisses from aunty maz...muahhh..

  8. happy birthday Fatin semoga menjadi anak yg solehah serta berjaya didunia n akhirat

  9. fatin is 17 already? dulu mula² baca fp ma she was 13 or 14 kot... heheh

    semoga jadi anak solehah :)

  10. Ma, masuk ni dah 3x taip dah ni..apasal la blogger ni wat hal xleh nak tinggal komen nih..! Selamat Hari Lahir buat Fatin, semoga meniti kecemerlangan hidup di dunia dan akhirat..amiiinnn... Mama Fatin tu duk godek apa la kat dapur pepagi ni nk wat surprise tu kang..hehee..

  11. Happy Birthday Fatin...may all the success in life be yours....& May Allah Bless us all always....!!Sweet 17 Dear!

  12. selamat hari lahir tuk fatin & ur friend...smoga kedua2 nyer dalam keberkatan ALLAH..amin..harap mama dapt jumpa kawan mama semula...

  13. Happy birthday to Fatin,
    May all your wishes came tru!!..

  14. Hepi belated besday yeaa dari pakcik mat (dah tuaa dahhh...kertu lagi u)..moga panjang usia, murah rezeki dan dipermudahkan hidup di dunia dan akhirat kelak... pstt kak ummi, tulah akak tak make-up2 dulu sebelum komen...hahaha, saya lagi lahh. mandi pun belum nihh....

  15. happy b'day fatin,may all of yr wishes come true, smart ye.this is for yr exam.

  16. Salam Mamafami.....Happy Birthday to Fatin dan juga kawan Mama ,Fiz...semoga hidup diberkati Allah selamanya...Insyaallah...

  17. Salam mama....happy belated birthday buat fatin semuga berjaya. Dan semuga mama menemui kawan lama kembali...

  18. Happy Birthday Fatin!

    Betoi-la macam Lin cakap, cheq macam terkejut jugak. Rasa macam baru saja cheq dok kacau Mama kat Malawi.... time flies...

  19. hepi besday fatin...moga diberkati usia..jgn lupa jasa org tua mu nak...

  20. epi belated besday fatinn... terlambat sudaaaaa... moga jd anak solehah yer!

  21. To all :
    On behalf of Fatin, I'd like to thank all of you for your kind wishes and duaas. Amin amin ya rabbal alamin...


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