What I did today.....at least till 4.30pm...
1. InsyaAllah, fasting
2. Washed the car...thanks for the color, even a splash of dirt can be seen CLEARLY! Huhuhu...
3. Did a bit of gardening.... about time! The garden, if I may call it that way, is such a sore eyes! Pulled out the dried plants (the plants must be very thankful to me for ending their misery! Hahaha....)
4. Cooked lunch for Syahmi.
5. Tried two new recipes...won't be posting it today though....
Recipe to share is something that was passed to me by Mak Lang via email. I gave it a go and it was the right decision. The cookies turned out lovely even without the coating. And being MamaFaMi who is sometimes lazy but other times the opposite, I made this cookies into 3 different versions :
~ The first version is the original version required by the recipe i.e coat the cookies with melted chocolate and sprinkle with crushed ground nuts
~ Second version, the lazier style, just drizzle the cookies with melted chocolate and sprinkle with crushed ground nuts
~ Third version, the laziest among all, just leave the cookies
Ingredients :
For the cookie :
2 cups sugar
1½ cups margarine
Vanilla essence
2 egg yolks
3 cups Maziena/corn flour ~ sifted
2½ cups flour ~ sifted
Method :
1. Cream margarine and sugar.
2. Add in egg yolks and continue beating.
3. Add in vanilla essence.
4. Add in the sifted flours, little at a time till a soft dough is formed.
5. Take a bit of dough and make into a marble size. Arrange on the prepared baking tray.
6. Bake till golden brown.
7. Leave to cool completely before coating.
Note : The cookies will expand when baked.
Coating : (I didn't do this. Instead, I just melt the cooking chocolate and dip the cookies in then sprinkle with some crushed ground nuts)
2 packets icing sugar
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
Enough hot water
1.5kg ground nuts (to be fried without oil then crushed)

maa.. apsal ler tulisan mama ni hilang2 ajer... tengah syok2 baca dia ngaib!! ajaib!! hehehe..
ReplyDeletebiskut denmark tu tak silap sy pernah tengok kat fp haniss kot.. lama dah tahun lepas kot.. ingat2 lupalahh.. hehehe.. nampak menarik.. mama dah start wt kukis raya ker? or wat kukis sample utk raya??
mama Fami,these denmark cookies look good..
ReplyDeletesalam ma...
ReplyDeleteape kabar?syoknyer dah start wat kuih raya...nampak sedap nih...
ReplyDeletewaaahhhhh..cantik banget kukis ni..
kakliza pun akan cuba nanti..nampak sodap jer..
malas-malas Mama pun jadi juga kukis sedap ni....
malas kakliza..mmg hampeh dot com....
waah....macam ada theme pulak....mula Danish...lepaih tu Denmark....hmm...lepaih ni jom terbang pi Copenhagen!! Cheq tunggu kat airport!!
ReplyDeleteyeehaaa...bahang raya sudah mai...kalah Mydin & Giant nih...langsir omah pun dah tuko...ish2....hebat nih...heheheh
ReplyDeletebiskut kak muna ni... hehe
ReplyDeleteMaDiHaA :
ReplyDeleteHah? Hilang-hilang? Eh mama tengok okay je... alamak, tersalah jampi ke ni? Hihihi....
Tak tahulah MaDiHaA. Dah banyak sangat resepi sana sini sampai tak tahu siapa post yang mana... so mama ambil yang latest je la... Buat cookies ni sebab teringin nak rasa sebab Mak Lang kata sedap...
♥peachkins♥ :
Taste good as well! Do give it a try. I bet your little adorable munchkin will love it.
Aishah@Ariffin@Aqil :
Waalaikumussalam. Alhamdulillah mama sihat-sihat aje. Saja je ambil mood dulu.. hehehe... Biskut ni memang sedap, walaupun yang togel tak berbalut tau...
hanieliza's cooking :
Waalaikumussalam kak. Cubalah kak, tak rugi.. memang sedap... Ala akak tu bukan malas, tapi tak berkesempatan yang sebenarnya...
Muna :
Muahahaha... what a coincidence. Kita tak perasan pun tau. Eh Muna, awak jangan dok tunggu kat airport tu selagi kita tak beritahu tau...nanti kot sampai bongkok 3 awak menunggu kat situ, kita tak sampai-sampai lagi! Hehehehe....
Jasmeen :
Naik juga nama Mydin dan Giant yek!
Langsir umah ma ni memang selalu tukar bila dah boring...maklumlah, langsir free! Hahaha....
kucingorengemok :
Tersedak Muna kat Copenhagen tu haa......
sis,ini biskut lama kan?emak mak teh selalu buat bila raya-tapi buat bulat2 sebesar biji guli n yes guna cocoa powder van houten tu....sedap niii....nanti sat nak pi tengok dlm buku resepi kak besaq I.
ReplyDeleteMAK TEH :
ReplyDeleteTak tahulah lama ke baru. Apa je yang orang bagi, kita test je la. Mak Teh dah jumpa buku resepi kak besaq ke? Kalau ada resepi debomb tu, jangan lupa share!
Hi mama... saya org baru nak leave comment. sblm ni slalu bukak blog mama tapi x penah komen hehehe... biskut denmark ni resipi drp arwah nenek saya dolu2... mmg favorite cokies tiap2 kali raya... baru je wat weekend lps (^_^)