When I visited Kak Ina KL's blog quite sometime ago, I came across her Marble Cheese Cake photo and can't stop thinking of it. In order to end my misery... and also, in order not to let my cheese go to waste as the expiry date was drawing near (psstt Mat , kita serupa!!!)....I decided to try out the recipe... Thanks to Umifeeza for sharing it with all of us....
Source : Umifeeza of MyResipi
Ingredients :
185g butter
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup castor sugar
1 cup self-raising flour
2 eggs
250g cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup fresh milk
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
Method :
1. Melt butter over low heat. Then add in cocoa powder. Leave to cool.
2. Add in sugar and stir. Add in eggs, one at a time. Finally add in flour and stir until well mixed.. Set aside.
3. In another bowl, beat the cream cheese and sugar till creamy. Add in the egg, vanilla essence and fresh milk.
4. Spoon 2 tablespoons of the cocoa mixture onto the middle of the prepared tin (line with greaseproof paper). Top it with 2 tablespoons of the cream cheese mixture. Continue doing so, until all the mixture finishes.
5. Bake in a preheated oven at 175 C for 45 minutes or until cake is done. Leave overnight before cutting.
Warm regards,

salam ma...
ReplyDeletenih wat aishah duk telan air liur nih..hhuhuhuuu...cun ahh marble tu...
huhhhhh...ini x leh jadi nih...mmg mengancam ini kek...taman nih lama x jenguk myresipi..tenet slow mcm siput..asik error jerk, itu psl x pasan ada kek cenggini pya mablesss...daku akan try gak maaa...
ReplyDeletepssttt...bape besor kek ni ek??
nak guna loyang bape inci??
kang terbesor, leper lak marble teman...heheheh
wah sedaaaapnyer...cheese n choc ..wat a combination!
ReplyDeletewowww....zebra muncul kembali...ehehhe....ni mesti sedap dtg jauh dari afrika...ekekeke
ReplyDeleteoohh mama though gambaqnya tak muleh ku lihat (keji tau opish nihhh block sana block sini mencikk)....tapi sodapnya sampai kat sini haa..nyum..nyum...
ReplyDeletenak kene try gak marble cheesecake ni dah lama asyik tgk kt blog k.ina dan kekwn..
ReplyDeletesalam mama lama tak jenguk wah, tergoda nampak kek ni cantik n menarik ...jemput dtg umah kita amek award..
ReplyDeleteIni guarantee kena buat nih!
ReplyDeleteUish..nampak sodap betul ni.
ReplyDeletesalam mama,sedapnya tengok marble cheese ni ..marblesssss cantik tul designnya ni yg wat tk sabor ni..he he he
ReplyDeletemama..nak cikittt! hehe
ReplyDeleteSalam mama...lama tak jenguk, sibuk sikit..maaf..tag yg mama bagi belum buat lg ..nnt kmal buat.
ReplyDeleteMengancam nampak Marble Cheese Cake tu..ada kelainan. Kmal ni mcm mama le..masuk list dulu..nak buatnye tak tau bila.
tergoda nampak kek marbe cheese ni..
ReplyDeletesalam geng....nie yang jealous nie cedap tu....
ReplyDeletesedapnya marble cheese kek ni.. tak boleh jadik ni, kena buat jugak ni...
ReplyDeleteAishah@Ariffin@Aqil :
ReplyDeleteWaalaikumussalam Aishah. Esh jangan dok telan air liur je. Cepatlah kayuh!
Jasmeen :
Kek ni mama buat guna loyang 9in x 12in. Loyang mama ni payah sket nak cerita sebab loyang homemade. Jadinya, potensi untuk size yang pelbagai tu memang wujudlah... hehehe.. Meen buat je guna loyang bulat 8 in atau 9 inci.
Bibu :
InsyaAllah sedap... combination coklat dengan cheese... yum!
maklang azie :
Tu la tu, mahal ooo.... zebra Africa, jangan main main! Hahahaha
kucai :
Tu la Kucai, asyik main tenet je kat opes tu, kan dah kena block! Hehehe... tak pe, tengok resepi, pas tu balik rumah baru tengok gambar!
princessharyati :
Worth trying! Percayalah... wah... dah nyanyi lagu CT ler plak haa....
Datin El :
Waalaiumussalam Datin. Terima kasih for the award. InsyaAllah mama collect nanti ye...
Salt N Turmeric :
I will be right here waiting........
blogresipi :
InsyaAllah sedap, especially bahagian kek tu....
farisshahomemade :
Waalaikumussalam. Alhamdulillah jadi pulak belang mama tu. Masa buat tu, suspen juga sebab mixture cheese tu agak berat. Mama takut semuanya terlepuk satu tempat je... alhamdulillah menjadi...
Jun :
Chikit aje tau.... ahaks...
Kmal :
Waalaikumussalam Kmal. Berapa panjang dah list Kmal tu? Mama punya, dah panjang berjela sampai meleret-leret 10 batu! Hahahaha....
shamin :
I tak rela menggoda you... hehehe... gurau je Kak Pah...
merpati66 :
Waalaikumussalam geng... memang sedap tapi awak tu busy 36 jam, mana ada masa nak buat!
secangkir madu merah :
Memang sedap, i tell you!!!!
I ve tried a couple of recipes from your blog. During this holiday my 12 yr old daughter tried the custard and cheese buns. Even without the bread improver..the bun turn out well..gebu gitu. Yesterday she baked the marble cheese cake..voila..turn out nice. Mmg sedap sampai..cake tu abis ...licin.
thanks mama for sharing the recipes.
Anonymous :
ReplyDeleteWaalaikumussalam. Thanks for dropping by. Wow, your 12 year old daughter managed to bake breads! Very impressive. You must be proud of her. I can see that she is into baking huh... how lucky of you to have a chef-in-the-making in your family! And thanks for trying out the recipes that I've posted in my blog. Happy cooking and baking to both mother and daughter!
I don't remember I have ever seen a marbled cheesecake better and more appetizing than this one!!
ReplyDeletetested! turned out ok. two thumbs up! tq kak 4 the recipe.
ReplyDeletesalam.. boleh saya tumpang tanya mana hendak mencari cream chees?
ReplyDeleteAngie's Recipe :
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your kind words dear.
Sue :
Thank you Sue for trying out the recipe. Gembiranya hati mama sebab Sue sukakan rasanya.
aDeQtRaLaLa&mAnToYoL :
Waalaikumussalam. Kalau di Malaysia, mama perolehi Cream Cheese dari pasar-pasar raya atau pun dari kedai yang menjual bahan-bahan membuat kek.
terima kasih mama.. tpi apkah brand cream chess mama gunakan?
ReplyDeleteaDeQtRaLaLa&mAnToYoL :
ReplyDeleteMama gunakan Philadelphia Cream Cheese
mama , ni bukan resepi kak roylazim ke? Nampak macam serupa, kecuali cream cheese tu ditambah fresh milk..btw, do you have facebook?
ReplyDeletei tried it today.. cos it looks so tempting here! it turn out: wait till tomorrow, cos it needs to leave it overnight right?
taDAaaa! it turn out good! i mean the taste of it laa.. not so much on the look, cos tak reti sgt buat marble tu. i used 8in round cake pan. the size is just nice. thanks mamafami.
ReplyDeletemama,saya dah cuba buat.tapi adunan y coklat mcm tak smooth.kalo kek kadang2 dia ada flow but this one bila letak dlm loyang,gedepek jadinya.how come jadi mcm ni ya?
ReplyDeletesalam mama,
ReplyDeletenak tanya i bake d marble cheese cake..sedap ..very happy...tapi kenapa lorekan tak macam marble..cheese cuma kat atas selepas dibakar.apa silap..
salam akak,
ReplyDeletesaya nak tanye kalo kek nie xbakar tapi kukus leh x???