I don't really know what's wrong with me lately. I just felt lazy and low spirited ... and I am actually tired and sick with myself for being hit with this SYNDROME. All I want to do, the whole day long...if only it's possible... is just to be infront of the laptop without having to worry about anything and everything.... and I expect the food to be on the table during the meal hours, clothes washed, hanged, folded and ironed, house in order and so on so forth......boleh eh gitu??... Snap out of it mama... do you think you're in heaven!!!!! You've got to do a lot more to book a place in there!
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, Kau ampunilah segala dosa-dosaku dan tempatkanlah aku di kalangan orang yang beriman agar aku dapat merasai nikmat syurga mu.... amin....
Actually I have stories to write but since time is not on my side and plus, I can't wait to share with all of you, my latest experiment (just this evening), I'll leave the mak nenek stories for later....maybe....
There is a story behind this experiment actually, but that will have to wait until I post the entry about that particular recipe ya. The recipe for this Sandwich Loaf came from one of my Bread Books. This time it's not Chef Alex Goh's book. Let's give Chef Alex a break... hahaha.... It's an excellent recipe. The bread tasted lovely and the texture is so soft and yummy. Thank you to Chef Khoo See Yew and sorry for modifying your recipe to give it a more colorful look. The original recipe is just for plain Sandwich Loaf but being MamaFaMi who loves colors, I just can't resist to put a pinch of colors in my bread... hahaa... funny thing is, I don't put colors on my face. Believe it or not, I don't use makeups. Not even lipstick. All that'll be on my face is just powder and I like baby talcums!
Enough said, let's move on to the recipe..... enjoy! The following recipe will be my version and this time I used my Empress bread maker to prepare the dough.
Adapted from Chef Khoo See Yew
Ingredients :
200 g cold water
300 g flour
25 g castor sugar
5 g instant yeast
5 g salt
2.5 g bread improver
10 g milk powder
20 g butter
red food coloring
yellow food coloring
green food coloring
Method :
1. Pour the cold water into your bread maker pan.
2. Gently add in the flour to cover the liquid.
3. Add the rest of the ingredients except butter.
4. Press the setting to BASIC DOUGH setting.
5. Once the dough is well incorporated, add in the butter and let the bread maker continue kneading.
6. When a smooth, soft and elastic dough is formed (I didn't wait for it to finish it's cycle), remove it from the pan. Leave to prove for about 30 minutes.
7. Divide to 3 portions and color each portion with the food coloring.
8. Place 1 colored dough back in the pan and press the QUICK DOUGH setting. The bread maker will do the color mixing for you. Once done, remove the dough from the pan and repeat the same process with the other 2 portions.
9. Rolled thin, each colored dough then stack them on top of each other.
10. Roll the dough like the swiss roll and place the rolled dough into the baking tin.
12. Leave to prove till double the size.
13. Sprinkle some water on top of the dough and bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 35 to 40 minutes.
Happy trying,

mak aih, bekaler kaler & teramatlah cantik naiknya...
ReplyDeletejgn terkejut kalu makcik try yang ni esok pagi noooo.
(he he leh caya ke? muffin pun tak jadi2 lagi..)
wowww! cantiknyerrr!
ReplyDeletenyummmm...nyummm... sedap!! thanks for sharing the recipe... will definitely make this whenever got time ^0^
ReplyDeleteSalam MamaFami, how could youu? Gosh.. dah terasa2 bila roti tu diselet dgn butter n jam. The 1st roti I baked masa I anak dara dulu was roti pintal; warna coklat, pink and yellow (steam not baked).
ReplyDeletesudah la terer buat kek, ni kek warna warni pulak... o tidaaaakkkk...! (kata² org iri hati, hehe) ;)
ReplyDeletemak aihh gebu gile roti akak!! montelnye...geram tgk..akak ni saje je wat saya terliur..huhu...
ReplyDeletemakcikkantin :
ReplyDeleteI won't be surprise! I'll be right here waiting.... wah...
hana :
Tengkiu tengkiu tengkiu....
rahma :
Most welcome dear... do give it a try, sedap and simple to prepare.
somuffins :
Waalaikumussalam dear. Alhamdulillah sihat cuma penyakit tak de semangat tu masih hinggap lagi, tak mau dia pergi jauh pulak! I made something else with the bread tau... tunggu my next entry ya... *wink*. Mama pernah cuba buat roti pintal tu, masa tu tak reti buat roti... amek ko... keras berdengkang! Hahaha...
kucingorengemok :
Hihihi...boleh bayangkan muka Lin bila bercakap ala ala orang iri hati tu... ahakss... cute!
ryani :
Tukang buatnya montel, roti pun montellah! Hahahaha....
wow, you sandwich loaf is really beautiful. Naik very tinggi lah :)
ReplyDeleteHi Mamafami, this is the 1st time I see a colored bread, ha ha.
ReplyDeleteBet it tastes fantastic too. Love the colors.
Its been years since I last hear that expression, "mak nenek stories", ha ha ha.
Hey, not bad, your bread rising up that height....
Wayyyyy to go, Mamafami!
You have a nice day and enjoy the bread. Ada lagi ke? Sure will go well with iced kopi, ha ha. Lee.
wauuuuuuuu...cun! cun! warna warni tu...kompen bebudak suke nih..
ReplyDeleteaiyoyoooooooo o____(O)
ReplyDeleteMama... amboiiii bukan main tinggi membukit roti tu... meriah dgn kaler2 lg... dh mcm aiskrim neopolitan lak.. ekekeke
ReplyDeleteAaaa cantiknyerrr... wajib cube (konon! Hehee...)
ReplyDeletewa mama meriahnya..kita jeles la..buat roti tak pernah nak menjadi..bila buat selalu keras kematu kalo baling ke dinding boleh pecah dinding..huhu
ReplyDeletesalam mamafami,
ReplyDeletebace ringkasan blog2 kat gugel reader tuh mmg xleh tahan,nmpk pic roti beso ni nk tau gak ape ceritenyer...
mama ni mmg minat btol la main2 kat dapo yer..wish to be like u...ade2 je resepinya...nmpk cntik dan sdap roti itew!
Ma..cantiknya..lepas tu tunjuk kat anak-anak..dia orang kata mummy kena buat roti mcm tu juga,,,cantikkkk!!! Rasanya kita ni ada impian yg samalah Ma.....
ReplyDeleteICook4Fun :
ReplyDeleteActually kan Gert, that roti dah terlebih naiklah because I dah terlebih chatting, sampai dah terlupa ada roti yang sedang diperam! Hahaha....
Uncle Lee :
Hi Uncle, thanks for dropping by! If you want to see anything with colors, then you must come here more often! Hahaha...I love colors! Yup, you're definately right, it tasted yummy! Wah Uncle, you surely knows how to enjoy your bread huh... with iced kopi! You're making me wish now!
Aishah@Ariffin@Aqil :
Salah satu cara nak attract budak-budak, sediakan mereka makanan yang berwarna warni. Rasanya bukan budak-budak je teringin, mak pak budak pun terbuka selera! Hehehe...
|| syazwaniadnan || :
Kenapa? Kenapa? Kenapa???? Hihihi...
@zura :
Tu la pasal, roti tu dah TERnaik tak hengat donia sebab tukang buat tu dah berborak tak hengat donia sampai terlupakan roti tengah dalam proses naik... hehehe...
deeb :
Akan ku nantikan roti mu itewwww....
Sally :
Dulu mama buat roti pun kalau baling kat dinding, kalau dinding boleh mengelak, SAH dia mengelak sebab takut benjol! Hehehe... Ala Sally dapatkan perkhidmatan Bread Maker je, insyaAllah roti Sally akan lembut cam pipi bayi.... ahaks..
Ummi Hanie :
Waalaikumussalam Ummi Hanie... Mama ni memang suka ngetest resepi. Tapi itupun, bila ada kerajinan dan ada mood. Kalau kedua-duanya tak ada, satu benda pun mama tak kuasa buat!
mysarahakim :
Hah tu...tuan puan besar dah order tu...kenalah mummy buat pulak ye. No regrets la to give this recipe a try...insyaAllah sedap!
Mama, kenapa resepi kat Msia kalau buat roti mesti ada bread improver? Iv never seen or hear such thing here. Terliur tengok roti yg colourful tu tapi tak sure camne nak buat. :((
ReplyDeleteBut I dah buat dah marble cheesecake tu semlm. Memang sedap. Michael pun kata sedap so thank you very much!
ambooiii bulatnya ma! mcm muka kita nih haa LOL
ReplyDeletemula buka blog mama ni kan, rasa nak bawa tdor je laptop, nie nampak je roti berkaler2 , aku berdoa moga jari jemari ku yang keras akan jadi lembut mcm jemari mama...hehe..
ReplyDeleteSalt N Turmeric :
ReplyDeleteWallahualam. Dah resepinya kata guna bread improver, mama pun ikut je la. Kebetulan ada. Kalau tak ada, mama omit je la... Okay aje kalau without the bread improver pun sebab the amount used is just a bit. So don't fret ya... relax! Hehehe... Wah dah buat ye marble cheesecake tu. Sedap kan? Glad to hear that both of you liked it.... Thanks for trying...
kucai :
Hihihi... tak leh help myself from smiling from ear to ear bila baca komen Kucai yang ini... hahaha...
melanojawa :
Oooo ala, baik-baik wei bawak tidur laptop tu, kot nanti masuk air liur basi, terus jam keyboard tu nanti. Hehehe... gurau je... Moga doamu itu dimakbulkan Allah...
Hey Mama!
ReplyDeleteJust found your blog! Love it! Though my BM is not too good, I can STILL remember some!!! ;P
Your bread looks rainbowie delicious! I am sure my 4 yr would love it!
Can't wait to try it! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
I've never ever seen anything like this! Kids must love this :)
ReplyDeleteand somehow your blog turned my mouse pointer to straberries.
you punya colorful roti nampak canggih and lembut...I punya nak buat colorful roti ni..thanks for the idea!!
ReplyDeleteMama, caanntiiiiiknyaaaaa....huh, memang berselera tengok...xda nampak jual di kedai or bakery lg nih! Nanti kena try nmpaknya..!
ReplyDeletekan dah kata, mamafami kalo wat roti memang power betui...gebu je...bila nak ajor kita wat roti lak ma....asik terliur aje tgk ma punya roti..
ReplyDeletewaw, i don't think i can even pull this off...i have difficulties baking a normal bread T_T