For today's recipe to share, I'll post a Donut recipe that was given to me a long time ago. Infact, I've tried it before but since I didn't snap any photos of it, I have to postponed posting the recipe in my blog. Only recently I tried again this lovely recipe and were really enjoyed by those who had the chance to taste them. Thanks Erna a.k.a Mommy Brownies and her mother-in-law for sharing this recipe with us. You may want to halve of quarter the recipe when trying.
To Erna,
....our duaas, speedy recovery to daddy and Danish...
Source : Erna's Mother-In-Law
Ingredients :
550g water
* 300g bread flour
* 700g multipurpose flour
10g baking powder
20g milk powder
5g bread improver
20g instant yeast
10g dough softener
80g sugar
1 egg
10g salt
100g margarine
Note (*) : I used multipurpose flour (tepung gandum) for both.
1. Pour the water into the bread maker pan.
2. Add in the flour followed by all the other ingredients except for margarine.
3. Set to the BASIC DOUGH programme and let the BM does it's job.
4. After about 5 minutes or until the dough is well incorporated, add in the margarine and let the BM continue kneading until a soft and smooth dough is formed. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
5. Punch the dough to let the air out. Roll to the thickness of 1 cm and cut using the donut cutter,
6. Place a piece of plastic on a tray and arrange the cut donuts on it.
7. Leave the dough to prove.
8. Fry until golden brown. Coat with castor sugar or with chocolate, anyway your heart desire! Enjoy!
With some of the dough, I made into these....

Yesterday evening, around 5.10 pm, I received a pleasant surprise at my doorstep. The sweet Suzinor came to deliver me a lovely maroon box filled with yummy chocolates with a little card on top. And who sent me this lovely surprise? Let's have a look.....
Thank you dearest MamaZieza for the lovely surprise and most importantly the thoughts! Big hugs to you! And thank you to Suzinor for preparing and delivering the chocolates which were enjoyed not only by my family, but also, hubby's cousin's family who came by yesterday night.... thank you thank you thank you....
I received another suprise birthday gift from my sifoo Hanieliza . Thank you so much Kak Liza for everything... not only the gifts you've given my but also the knowledge, the guidance and your friendship. It means a lot to me. Thank you so much.....

teringin pulak nak donut big apple... la la la
ReplyDeletesalam mamfam
ReplyDeletecomel and cute je donut tu nanti bolehlah try resepi ni...thanks for sharing the recipe
bestnya dpt besday gift :)
uikshh donut...donutt!!!
ReplyDeletebestnya donut mama siap makeup cun2 lg tuh! heeee
gebus n elok jek bentuk donut mama.... awat kalau i wat donut mesti menyok2 erk bentuk dia?? even guna acuan pun mesti donut tu bentuk cam huru hara gitew?? huhuuu
Delicious donuts! Love your idea of using them as burger buns.
ReplyDeletesalam mama..
ReplyDeletebestnyer dapat birthday present!! eiyda nak jemput mama ambik award kt umah eiyda..datang ambik yer..thank you!!
kucingorengemok :
ReplyDeleteKenala pergi Big Apple beli sendiri ye...
FiDa@aMiDa :
Waalaikumussalam Fida. Cubalah bila ada masa ye. Senang dan sedap. Psst... dapat apa-apa gift pun memang best! ;)
shima :
Donut yang dah diterap, masa nak aturkan dalam dulang, Shima alaskan plastik. Bila nak angkat donut untuk digoreng, just lift up the plastik, supaya donut tu tak herot berot. Pas tu, angkat tu, ayu ayu ler, janganlah brutal mak Yong oi...
Gita :
Thanks Gita...
eiyda :
Waalaikumussalam. Terima kasih Eiyda sebab ingatkan mama nak bagi award. Terharu gitu... muahsss...
oooo mcm tu ker?? patut arr donut ku mcm tayar pancit! ahaks....okies kiranya psni kine gemalai laa masa nk goreng donut..macih ma! muahss
ReplyDeletemampir makcik ... saye tunggu makcik main2 di blog saye