I received this award from these two lovely ladies, HANA from Japan and HANI from Singapore. Perghhh international lagi gituuuu.... Thank you so much dearies for your thoughts and kindness.... May ALLAH bless you and your family always...
"The rules are the followings:
1. accept this reward, make a suspension in your blog, with the name of individual that you rewarded, and link in blog
2. Grant this reward in other 15 lovable blogs. Remember to communicate with bloggers and to inform that you selected them for this reward."
Since there are just too many blogs and fotopages that I love browsing out there, I therefore reward this to all of you my lovely visitors. Thank you so much for your supports all these while....

Hubby and me went to visit D.A.A.L.I.A who just had an operation on her right hand due to the 'Trigger Thumb Tightened A1 Pulley'... mak ai panjangnya nama sakit awak ni... kelakar pun ye.. kita dok imagine ada Tigger, kawan cik Pooh... pas tu ada la pulak Thumbelina, ada rolly polly.... hihihi... jangan marah ye wak... kita gurau je!.. She's looking well and SHOULD BE resting, but what was she doing? Only me and those who were there knew... ahakss.....
Anyway Lea, speedy recovery to you and take it easy on that hand ya... Kesian dia, dah mogok pun, awak still nak kerjakan dia lagi! Hehehe...

I tried another bread recipe today, and again from Chef Khoo See Yew's book. I think Rinn must have passed to me the 'bread baton'! Now who must I pass this baton next? Please put up your hands!!! Hahaha... Anyway, here's the recipe if anyone cares to try.... and oh... thanks Chef and thanks dear hubby for buying me that book! Love it very much! Many many more recipes to try, makes MamaFaMi a happy lady!
Source and adapted from : Chef Khoo See Yew
Ingredients :
60g condensed milk
15g egg (about 1/2 an egg)
170g cold water (from the refrigerator)
2.5g salt
2.5g bread improver
5g instant yeast
300g high protein flour (I used multi purpose flour)
20g butter
5g milk powder
Method : (I used my breadmaker to do this job! Cheating, but it works! Hahaha)
1. Pour the cold water into the bread maker pan.
2. Add in the flour followed by all the other ingredients except for butter.
3. Set to the BASIC DOUGH programme and let the BM does it's job.
4. After about 5 minutes or until the dough is well incorporated, add in the butter and let the BM continue kneading until a soft and smooth dough is formed. Let it rest for 30 minutes.
5. Divide the dough into 50g each. Make into small balls and let it rest for another 10 minutes.
6. Shape into long strip and arrange on the baking tray.
7. Prove till double in size.
8. Pipe the custard topping.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 25 to 30 minutes.
CUSTARD TOPPING (my version)
15g custard powder
15g sugar
250ml fresh milk
Method :
Thoroughly mix custard powder, sugar and 25ml milk, while 225ml milk is being brought to boil. Add boiling milk to mixture, stirring well. Return to low heat, stirring continuously until it thickens. Set aside.
Butter Cream Filling (I didn't do this)
*125g butter
*75g margarine
*50g shortening
125g icing sugar - sifted twice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
Method :
Beat ingredients marked * till smooth. Add in sifted icing sugar and vanilla. Whisk till light and fluffy.

This just sounds so delish. I love anything with custard in it!
ReplyDeleteRolls Look very pretty.Congrats on the award:)
ReplyDeletemama.. itew nama sudah terbalik! hihihi hana from japan, hani from singapore. hehehe ppon thnx kak yer sudi terima... :)
ReplyDeletegebu cantik roti mama....nak trylah. anak2 suka roti...:)
ReplyDeleteNampak lembut n canteknye custard roll Mama nie...
ReplyDeleteThe rolls look super delicious...congrats on your award :)
ReplyDeleteyou always make the prettiest bread!
ReplyDeletekita menci ma tau...saje je bagi kita meroyan ngan roti ni...tunggu le ma, kita nak mendekopaj dulu nih..hehehehe....
ReplyDeletepstt...ma, ada org tanya kelas roti kat kita...wa nak gelak besor..sendiri pun beli roti, nak wat maleh abih camno..heheh
salam mamafami...aduss gebuss dan nampak sedap roti tu..tapi penyakit M bebanyak sangat.
ReplyDeletewah mama gebunyer roti tue..nampak class gitew..eiyda kalo buat roti selalu fail..huhu..
ReplyDeleteroti oh roti..bila la nak cuba wat ni?
ReplyDeleteI love this bread!! it's look so soft and bready!! I have all the ingredients plus BM!!lol! I'm going to bake this bread now! Thanks for sharing!!
ReplyDelete>> makin lapar pula bila satu satu fp masuk ada gambar makanan...
ReplyDelete>> tak boleh jadi ni...
>> kena upload gambar makanan yg bagi org lain tension pula...:D
Hi Mamafami, congratulations and I sure love that custard roll. Ada lagi? Would go well with ice coffee too, ha ha.
ReplyDeleteYou have fun and keep well, Lee.
Nazarina A :
ReplyDeleteYummy especially over a cup of coffee.... mmmmm.....
Yasmeen :
Thanks dearie...
hana :
Hihihi... tu la tu. Thanks for pointing it out. Mama dah terus betulkan. Tapi mana tahu kan, kot mulut ma ni masin, lepas ni Hana ke Singapore pulak dan Hani berpeluang ke Japan. Amin...
Suzi :
Try jangan tak try...
blogresipi :
Terima kasih..
Gita :
It is yummilicious..tq
♥peachkins♥ :
Thank you dear for your kind words. I am still learning though....
maklang azie :
Alaaa jangan la menci menci.... tapi rasanya Mak Lang ni menci tapi windu kat mama... ahakss....
Hah ada orang tanya bila nak wat kelas roti tu, buat je la Mak Lang.....reddahhhhh jerrrrr.....
kak ina kl :
Waalaikumussalam Kak Ina. Akak makanlah ubat anti-M... tapi jangan telan bebanyak sekali... ikut prescription ok... takut overdose plak! Hahaha....
eiyda :
Jangan berputus asa Eiyda. Terus dan terus mencuba, pasti jaya! Perghhh ngalah penceramah motivasi ni! Hahaha...
Wahaiiiii semangat roti... terbanglah dikau ke rumah Mak Teh... hinggaplah dikau pada Mak Teh dan bukan pada Don! Hehehehe...
Beachlover :
I am sure your bread will be lovelier than mine... enjoy!
jeff :
Dahnya, ramai yang berblog ni di kalangan orang perempuan. Apa lagi nak tayang kalau bukan makanan. Hehehe...
Uncle Lee :
Hi Uncle Lee. That custard roll dah lama gonelah Uncle. I made just a small portion je. Just to try out the recipe. If you're around here, I'll never forget to send you a plate. We do Barter Trade okay. You'll have to give me ice blended coffee. Agree? *wink*. You too, keep well!
Ma, buku chef tu lah yang Rinn beli sebab merajuk buku roti Alex dah out of stock. Padahal kita yg nyanyuk... rupanya Rinn dah belidan perap buku tuu kah kah kah... Neways, Buku chef Khoo tu pun not bad gak kan. Nanti pass balik baton ekkk...... (mcm lah nak buat dan dan...)