Tak perasan airmata ini menitis....
Dalam perjalanan balik dari mall. Aku menyelusuri lorong belakang mall. Hajatnya nak baiki kasut. Dah tercabut tapak.
Nampak seorang pakcik tua di kaki lima. Orang kurang upaya. Manusia normal seperti kita, cuma tanpa sepasang kaki. Beliau tengah mengilat kasut seorang lelaki bersut pejabat. Lelaki itu berdiri. Kakinya pada papan kasut yang disediakan. Pakcik tua tekun menjalankan kerjanya. Kami menghampiri pakcik tua tersebut. Tunggu giliran.
"Dah siap ke? Lambat betul la kiwi pun." Lelaki tu mengeluh-ngeluh.
"Dah siap, tuan." Pakcik tua memberhentikan gosokan. Lap kali terakhir kasut lelaki yang sedang berdiri tersebut.
"Tak nampak berkilat pun. Berapa?" Lelaki itu tanya harga.
"RM3.00." Pakcik itu senyum jawab.
"Gila mahal! Dahlah tak berkilat langsung!" Sambil dia mengeluarkan 3 keping note biru. Campak ke papan kasut. Baru saja pakcik mahu mengutipnya, diletakkan kembali kasut atas tangan pakcik tersebut. Pijak tangan pakcik! Pakcik mengaduh perlahan. Nampak berkerut mukanya yang berkedut seribu.
"Kalau buat kerja tak elok, ni lah makan dia!" Lelaki tu ketawa kemudian mengalihkan kasutnya. Berlalu dari situ.
Aku dan kawan panas hati melihat kejadian itu. Lantas aku berteriak, "Woi tua kutuk! Kau tak ada hati perut ke pijak tangan orang tua?"
Lelaki itu berpaling. Kemudian, ketawa. Seraya angkat jari tengahnya pada kami. "Pergi mampus kau orang semua." Dia tak layan. Terus berlalu. Aku cuba kejar. Nak terajang beliau. Tapi segera dihalang pakcik tua. "Sabar, nak. Tak mengapa. Tak mengapa." Pakcik tua senyum sambil pegang sebelah kakiku. Bagaimana pakcik boleh bersabar sedangkan kami dah hilang sabar? Kami duduk bersila di sebelah pakcik di kaki lima.
"Allah dah banyak kali sebut Allah bersama-sama orang yang sabar dalam al-Quran. Biarlah Allah yang tunjuk amarah-Nya. Amarah pakcik, amarah kamu berdua tidak sebesar amarah Allah. Murka Allah itu lebih ganas. Lebih dahsyat." Pakcik senyum lagi.
"Tapi lelaki tu dah melampau!" Aku tak puas hati. Kawanku diam gigit bibir. Tahan marah agaknya.
"Jangan marah. Ingat. Ni cuma kesakitan kecil dibandingkan dengan umat Islam di Syria, Afrika, dan lain-lain. Di Afrika, kepala orang Islam dipijak hingga lumat. Di Syria, orang Islam disembelih hidup-hidup, disiat, dirogol. Apalah sangat sakitnya tangan pakcik ni. Tak luka pun. Dah, jangan marah ya. Ni nak baiki kasut ya?"
Aku mengangguk perlahan. Sambil serahkan kasutku. Pakcik tu segera menjalankan tugasnya. Tampal dan jahit mana yang patut. Dibersihkan kasutku hingga nampak baru. "Siap. RM5.00." Kawanku keluarkan note RM50. Dihulurkan pada pakcik. "Pakcik, ambillah, tak perlu berikan baki." Pakcik tu menolak.
"Walaupun untung pakcik sehari-hari tidak banyak. Tak sampai RM50 pun sehari, tetapi pakcik bersyukur. Yakin yang sikit itulah rezeki Allah yang bersih lagi halal. Makin banyak duit di tangan pakcik, makin gelisah hati pakcik. Lagipun pakcik tak sara sesiapa melainkan diri sendiri.
Ramai orang dapat duit banyak. Dapat duit cara cepat. Dapat duit dari keuntungan modal orang bawahan, downline dan sebagainya. Tapi duit itu segera habis. Duit itu tidak berjaya menenangkan hati. Tidak berjaya melapangkan dada."
Nak tak nak, pakcik tu nak RM5 juga. Taknak RM50. Kami akur.
"Doakan pakcik. Anak-anak ni soleh. Doa orang soleh dimakbul Allah. Doakan pakcik bahagia di alam kubur. Doakan pakcik dikurnia Syurga. Pakcik bimbang, kerana pakcik tidak berdaya segera ke masjid tiap kali masuk waktu solat, selalu terlewat sebab pakcik berjalan dengan tangan. Bimbang Allah marah. Bimbang Allah hukum pakcik sebab lambat ke masjid. Tolong ya."
Pakcik senyum. Namun di matanya berkaca-kaca. Kawanku peluk pakcik tu erat-erat. "Insya-Allah pakcik. Amin, amin, amin."
Kami bersalam kemudian mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada pakcik tua.
Dalam perjalanan pulang, aku terasa sungguh ke dalam hati. Kami dikatakan soleh. Hanya kerana kami pakai kopiah.
Pakcik takut dihukum Allah kerana lambat ke masjid. Aku langsung tidak ke masjid kecuali solat Jumaat sahaja.
Pakcik sabar. Aku sebaliknya.
Akulah bahan api neraka yang sebenarnya. Aku.
Tak semena-mena air mata turun sendiri. Tak mampu ditahan lagi bertakung di empangan. Kolam air mata ini.
Last Ramadhan, I came across this Golden Republic Malaysia Sdn Bhd facebook via one of Saiful Nang's posting in his facebook. I was interested to get their product and since Mr Hubby had been super nice that weekend, he took me to this outlet and I bought 1 big plastic bag of their product. A packet each, to try. It was only yesterday that I managed to give this sweet bun premix a try.
Whenever I bake or cook, I can some how or rather predict the end product. If the mixture or the dough that I'm handling at that moment doesn't feel good, or if I have a mix feeling about it, then the end product will be disappointing. But yesterday, I had such a lovely time. Thanks to the premix dough. The dough rose nicely. Easy to handle and the taste is yummilicious.
*batting eyes* "Hubby darling... can we go again to Golden Republic again to get more"
I used the premix sweet bun flour for the dough. As for the filling and the topping, I used the one that I've baked before.
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Yeah yeah yeah.... nice plate nice mug.... huwaaaaa |
Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Lily
Ingredients (Dough) :
500g ConviBake Sweet a Bun
11g instant dried yeast (I used Saf Instant)
210g chilled water (plus minus)
Method :
1. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, mix the flour and yeast.
2. Turn the mixer on, low speed. Pour in the water a little at the time till the mixture is incorporated.
3. Turn the speed up to medium and keep kneading till a soft and shiny dough is formed. Roughly about 10 minutes or so.
4. Remove the dough from the bowl and onto your working sheet. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
5. Divide the dough to about 50g to 52g each. Should get about 13 to 14 buns.
6. Make the dough into round balls and let it rest for another 40 minutes or so.
7. Flatten the dough and add filling in the middle. Cover the filling with dough.
8. Arrange the dough on your baking tray.
9. Cover with a clean kitchen towel. Let them rise.
10. Make a swirl on top of the rised buns with the topping.
11. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 C for 12 to 15 minutes or till done.
Ingredients (Filling) :
100g salted butter ~ softened
1/4 teaspoon vanilla essence
35 g brown sugar
Method :
1. Beat butter with an electric mixer on medium speed using the paddle attachment for three minutes. (I beat by the hand)
2. Add in vanilla essence and brown sugar. Beat till creamy.
3. Refrigerate the mixture until firm.
4. Divide mixture into 20g portion ball. Keep refrigerated until ready to use. (I just divide the mixture according to how many doughs I managed to get)
Ingredients (Topping) :
65 g butter ~ softened
55 g icing sugar ~ sifted
1 Grade A egg ~ lightly beaten
1/3 teaspoon coffee flavouring (available from bakery supplies shop) **or you can use 1 1/2 teaspoons instant coffee dissolved in 3/4 teaspoon water
A pinch of ground cinnamon can be added to the coffee flavouring for extra flavour
65 g low protein (high ratio) flour ~ sifted
Method :
1. Beat butter and icing sugar using an electric mixer with the paddle attachment on medium speed for 5 minutes until mixture is light and fluffy. (I beat by the hand).
2. Gradually beat in egg.
3. Add in coffee flavouring.
4. Sift flour into mixture and mix on low speed until combined.
5. Refrigerate until ready to use.
Have a nice day!
erm wangi....makan tika suam2 sedap.
ReplyDeleteHa ah, harum bau dapur masa roti ni sedang dibakar... Ya ampun wahai jiran-jiranku!
Deletesedih baca kisah pakcik tu...try hulur piring nak ambik bun tu sebiji dua
ReplyDeleteayseh tak lepas la pulak :)
Tu la kan, mama baca citer tu, rasa nak sekeh je lelaki kurang asam tu.
DeleteHihihi... agaknya mama tak hulur piring tu, tu sebab Mrs Smile tak dapat ambil. Sayanglah piring tu... ahahahaha
Subhanallah.... semoga Allah lindungi pakcik tua yg berhati mulia...
Deletemamafami, where can i get the convibake sweet a bun tu?
ReplyDeleteYou can go straight to Golden Republic M Sdn Bhd at Bukit Jelutong or you can get the products from any of their agents. Please check >> https://www.facebook.com/notes/golden-republic-malaysia-sdn-bhd/senarai-agen-berdaftar-gr/888927364464624
DeleteThey sell not only buns premix, but also doughnuts premix, cream puffs premix and many more. Do visit their facebook for more information. You can also click at the name Golden Republic Malaysia Sdn Bhd above highlighted in orange color and that will take you to their website.
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OK Mama, I was here this morning tapi tak sempat nak bagi komen. I wanted to tell you that before I tershashul, I am not going to say "nice plate" hah..hah... tapi I nampak Mama dah siap letak komentari kat bawah gambar. Anyway, your coffee buns reminded me of the Roti Boy craze years ago. But honestly, when I did try Roti Boy I was not that impressed. I love coffee as a drink tapi in buns take berapa pulak. Tak taulah, maybe kalau I dah pekena Mama punya premix bun, I might change my mind hee..hee... So convenient yah to have premix. Since Mr Hubby in good mood boleh lah beli lagi. By the way, I was very touched by the story of the old man. And I was also geram with that cocky guy. Kalau boleh nak bedebap dia sampai mampoi! Ish..I am becoming violent lak...
ReplyDeleteHi hi hi Phong Hong. This time I am ready already. Before orang cakap nice plate, I cakap siap siap! Hahaha... Samalah Roti Boy and Mexican Bun. I love them both the same. First time buat if I am not mistaken, about 7 years back. Masa tu, bila baca kat internet, people say, nak beli roti boy beratur bukan main panjang. So I pun curious. Itu yang buat sendiri tu. And I fell in love with my mexican bun :D
DeleteNormally I don't use premix that much. I like to bancuh sendiri. Eksyen kan? Hahaha... but the premix from Golden Republic ni, is so nicelah. I told Mr Hubby already, kalau rajin, nanti kita pergi boleh? He said OK. Best kan, my hubby so sporting!
About the old man story, I pun rasa macam nak suruh dia duduk kat tempat pakcik tu, and ask the pakcik to step on his hands, kasi rasa sikit macam mana rasanya. Apa, he thinks he wear suit he has so much money ka? Tiga ringgit also kedekut! Well, if he is rich in terms of money, then poor guy... he is poor in terms of attitude! Hemphhhhhhhh...
insaf baca pasal pakcik ni mama... kita selalu leka sangat dunia sehingga dunia mengejar kita... lalai dan lagha menjadi asam garam hidup...
ReplyDeleteBetul tu, pakcik tu tinggi tahap kesabarannya. Kalau semua orang dalam dunia ni macam pakcik tu, aman dunia!
ReplyDeleteni ala2 roti boy tu eik....
anak saya suka sangat niii...
Ha ah Nana... Adik beradik roti boy, nama je lain. Hehehe...
Deletetgok pun dh tau sedap bun tu..tggu rajin sikit ..nnt nk buat ..:)
ReplyDeleteKu tunggu rajinmu.... ahakss... ;)
Deletesedapnya roti ..next time boleh kirim tepungnya???
ReplyDeletePuan Ros,
DeleteNanti cuti sekolah, Puan Ros boleh je melawat kedainya kat Bukit Jelutong tu. Bangunan yang ada Jaya Grocer tu. Or otherwise, boleh je order dari agen dia. Ada yang kat Subang Jaya dan Puchong.
Senarai agen >>https://www.facebook.com/notes/golden-republic-malaysia-sdn-bhd/senarai-agen-berdaftar-gr/888927364464624
I drooled looking at your Mexican buns. Ops!
ReplyDeleteThey are so perfectly baked.
Btw, I have a giveaway for 4 lucky winners at http://www.bakeforhappykids.com/2014/11/bobby-flays-french-crepes-served-with.html Please join in and I hope that you can be one of the winners :D
Lets drool together okay, over different menu. You drool over my mexican bun photo and I drooled when looking at your crepes. And to make it even worse, yours are of the healthy version! Huwaaaa.....
DeleteThanks for the invite Zoe. I've joined and hope to win! Who knows right, I might be the lucky one! *Wink*
Assalam mama.. How is everything?? Kekadang kita lupa utk muhasabah diri kita kn..terasa serba x cukup tapi nikmat Allah dah cukup byk..
ReplyDeleteRoti tu nampak cukup nikmat (drooling da ni) ��
Waalaikumussalam Kak Nik. Alhamdulillah everything and everybody's great over here. Hope the same goes to you and your family. Betul tu, kadang-kadang kita teralpa. Asyik nak komplen je walaupun benda kecil. Allah hu Akbar.
DeleteSabarnya pakcik.. Lambt pg solat sebab menggunakan tangan ke masjid. Kita ni yang mudah ke solat melambat2kan solat pula..huhu.. Very inspiring story.. anda very delicious bun
ReplyDeletehi mf
ReplyDeleteterkejut bukak..byknya posting belum baca...nak baca2 dan belik2 dulu k. Cupcake LV ..mmmm...nak cuba nanti. Tq mf. Have a nice evening.
Salam..kak blh xnk thu cmne nk beli tepung dr golden republic sdn tu secara online cmne?
DeleteAdik boleh visit facebook Golden Republic untuk mendapat maklumat lanjut ye.https://www.facebook.com/GoldenRepublicMalaysia
Pejabat utama Golden Republic terletak di :
Block C 37-G, Plaza Jelutong,
No 5C, Persiaran Gerbang Utama, Bukit Jelutong,
40150 Shah Alam, Malaysia
Tel : 03-78311448
Email :enquiry@goldenrepublic.com.my
All the best dik...
dah lama nak cuba buat mexican bun ni, tapi malasnya la nak menguli..