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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Red Bean Pau


Madu dan Kayu Manis - siapa pernah terfikir?

RADANG SENDI (ARTHRITIS) : pesakit arthritis boleh mengambil secara harian (pagi dan malam) satu cawan air suam bersama 2 sudu teh madu dan satu sudu serbuk kayu manis. Apabila ini diambil secara tetap , pesakit kronik arthritis juga boleh sembuh. Di dalam kajian terbaru yang diketuai oleh Universiti Copenhagen , mereka mendapati bawa doktor-doktor yang merawat psakit mereka dengan campuran 1 sudu madu dan 1/2 sudu serbuk kayu manis sebelum sarapan pagi, mereka mendapati bahawa di dalam satu minggu (dari 200 orang pesakit yang dirawat) - 73 pesakit hilang kesakitannya di dalam seminggu dan di dalam sebulan , hampir kesemua pesakit yang tidak boleh berjalan atau bergerak disebabkan radang (arthritis) sudah boleh berjalan tanpa sebarang kesakitan.

JANGKITAN PUNDI KENCING : ambil dua sudu serbuk kayu manis dan satu sudu madu di dalam air suam dan minum. Ianya akan membunuh kuman di dalam pundi.

KOLESTEROL : Dua sudu besar madu dan tiga sudu teh serbuk kayu manis dicampurkan dengan 16 auns air teh diberikan pada pesakit kolesterol , didapati bahawa kandungan kolesterol di dalam badan pesakit turun sebanyak 10% hanya selepas 2 jam. Apabila ini diambil sebanyak 3 kali sehari , sebarang penyakit kolesterol tahap kronik akan sembuh. Melalui maklumat yang diterima dari Journal , madu asli yang diambil secara harian bersama makanan mengurangkan komplen(keluhan) terhadap kolesterol.


Rujukan : Dr Zulkifli Sharif

Allah sebaik-baik penyembuh , Dia menurunkan penyakit dan Dari Dia disembuhkan segala Penyakit. Assyafi , Arrahman ArRahim. Kepada Allah kita mohon pertolongan...wa iza marid tu fahuyashfin!!


Posted by MamaFaMi
Adapted from : Kak Fida of MyResipi dot com
Yields 10 pieces

Ingredients :

250g flour
25g castor sugar
185 ml water
1 teaspoon instant dried yeast
1 teaspoon double action baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
20g vegetable shortening
Enough red bean paste

Method :

1. Place all ingredients except vegetable shortening and red bean paste into the mixer bowl.
2. With the dough hook attached to the mixer, set it to medium speed. When the dough starts to combine, add in the vegetable shortening.
3. Increase the speed of the mixer and let it knead the dough till soft. Roughly about 8 to 10 minutes.
4. Remove the dough from the bowl and onto your worksheet. Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes.
5. Divide the dough to 10 equal portions. Mine was like 43g to 45g each. Prepare 10 balls of redbean paste.
6. Roll the side of each dough, leaving the middle slightly thick. Place a ball of redbean paste in the middle and cover the paste with the dough.
7. Place the pau on a piece of white paper or better still, on a small piece of banana leaf. Repeat the same process till all 10 doughs are done.
8. Arrange the pau in a steamer and let them rise till double the size.
9. Prepare the steamer and steam the pau on high heat for 10 minutes.
10. Turn off the fire but do not open the lid. You may do so after 5 minutes or so.
11. Ready to serve. Enjoy!

Have a nice day!


  1. Hi Mamafami,

    Your homemade red bean pau are fantastic!!! Seeing yours, I'm inspired to steam my own too.

    Greeting from Australia!!! I'm a Singaporean living in Melbourne and love to cook and bake at home. Love everything that you cook and baked. I'm your latest follower and hope that you can follow my blog too :D


    1. Hello Zoe...

      Greetings from Malaysia *wink*. I'd love to visit Australia one day if God permits. Been to Sydney for a short holiday long time ago. Love it there. Who knows, I might be able to visit Melbourne next :) (We don't have to pay to dream right... haha)

      Do try out this pau recipe. Use your mixer to ease the process. For me, it's because I am just too lazy to knead manually. :D:D:D

  2. sedapnya mama fav kueh yg ada kacang2 ni paste pun ok janji kacang sedapppp

    1. Hihi... Kak Noor peminat redbean paste eh? Serupalah kita :D

  3. sedap red bean pau ni...beberapa hari yang lalu kita buat pau juga...letak penut n red bean paste...

    1. Ha ah, mama ada tengok kuih pau yang Rahel buat. Nampak lembut gebu gitu. KIV dulu... :D

  4. Hi Sweetie, pau ada lagi? You pau look nice and fluffy.

    Have a nice day, regards.


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