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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Yogurt Garlic Buns


Be organised! That was one thing that I didn't have with me last week and what a havoc time I had especially last Saturday! But alhamdulillah I managed to get everything settled with no harm done. Guess it's true, I worked best under pressure! But if given a choice, I wouldn't want that to happen again! It's so exhausting! Just to rewind the 'incident' makes me tired already!

It all started when Fatin decided to come home last minute, last Friday. And she said that she's only going back to the Uni on Sunday. But then had to go back that very Friday night as she had been called to a meeting that night. Then the same night, cousin's nephew and niece decided to sleep over at our place. Last minute too... Luckily the room just needs a little tidying. And since Fatin was around that evening, I didn't get to bake the brownies for orders in the evening. Alhamdulillah I followed my instinct to bake it the same night!

The next morning, when I was preparing breakfast, our friends from Teluk Intan texted me, saying they are coming over to our place at noon. At 11am, when I was busy cooking, my instinct again, told me to check the wedding invitation card. All these while I thought it's going to be at night and that was exactly what I told hubby. So hubby went golfing. When I opened the card, OH MY GOD... the reception is from 12.30 noon till 4pm. Oh me oh my, the way I panicked!!! I am VERY GOOD at that, if you must know! Hahaha... I had phoned my sister in law if she could take mom to the wedding reception (my cousin's son's). Unfortunately she was not feeling well and my brother was away in Bandung for a conference. I called my another 'talian hayat' (my cousin) and she said she's going and willing to take my mom along. The moment she said she will take my mom with her, I felt like a huge boulder was lifted up off my head! Thank you sis Karimah.. you're my life saver!

Towards the end of the day, all went well and I slept in peace.... alhamdulillah....


I found this recipe from Reese Kitchen. Just couldn't wait to give it a try after reading her review about the buns. And true as she had written, the bun is soft and lovely, especially when it was taken out of the oven! Thank you Reese for sharing the recipe with us.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Reese Kitchen

Ingredients (A) for Sponge Dough :

120g bread flour
40g plain yogurt
50ml fresh milk
2g instant yeast

Ingredients (B) :

250g bread flour
25g sugar
4g instant yeast
80g plain yogurt
100ml fresh milk
3 garlic cloves - minced
salt to taste
50g butter

Topping :

1 egg (beaten for egg wash)
Some grated cheddar cheese (for topping)

Method :

1. Mix all ingredients (A) for sponge dough in a mixer until forms a dough. Leave to ferment for 2 hours.
2. Place sponge dough and all the ingredients (B) except butter in a mixer and beat until dough forms and add in butter. Beat until an elastic dough forms.
3. Divide dough into 70g each or any sizes you desire into oval shape.
4. Leave them into warm place to proof for further 1 hour or until double in sizes.
5. Egg wash each buns and sprinkle with some cheddar cheese on top.
6. Use a sharp knife and cut off a trace on the surface.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 190'C for 12-15 minutes.
8. Once out of the oven, brush with some butter and ready to serve.

Have a nice day!


  1. Tetiba teringin lak nak buat roti...:D

  2. wahhh!!!...mabelesss!!!doa kn saya smg berjaya wt roti nehh...hi3!!!

  3. Maaaaaaaa...ciann mak budak sorang ni mai dri jauhhh..reti plak ye nk ngadap laptot bila duk bahrainn..hahaaa...ok la Ma kan..leh kacau Maa...muahhh..kita kat sni bru pkul 11 pgi...tpi dah 2 jnis msk hri ni...huhuuu...mau blik nti kna tawaf pdang dpn umah tuuu...

  4. Nice one!! Glad you like it and I'm very happy to share with you...:)

  5. Tengok bun ni gebu dan lembut..mcm gatal pulak tangan nak menguli tepung..

  6. Roti lebut dan gebu, yum yum.
    Have a nice day.

  7. mama.. nampak sungguh gebu bun ni.. menarik

  8. ...hmmmm my homemade bun alwaz failed :-( tried 3 times and i called it off ( for a while ) but after seeing mama's buns - gatey tangan pulak nak cuba balik .... :-)

  9. Assalaamualaikum mama fami...nice to read your celoteh again....wonder if you still remeber me... Tina (once upon a time in Japan)


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