Yesterday evening, while chatting online with Mat Gebu, I had told him how lazy I was feeling that time. And yet, the tummy is feeling hungry but was just too lazy to go downstairs to eat! That was almost 3. And guess what, I wasn't alone. He too felt the same. At the same time, we chatted about food. What if we cook this, bake that, so on so forth!
Finally at 3.30 pm, I made my way to the kitchen. Struck by I don't know what, suddenly I transformed into someone totally opposite from the person I was an hour ago! muahahaha...dah macam citer Transformers la pulak bunyinya... I started doing one thing after another. And one of the product, produced after the transformation is this Blackpepper chicken Puff.
I've posted this recipe before but since Sae had asked for it, after tasting the few pieces that I had sent her, so I'll just re-post the recipe again today. It's more like to show off the special gadget rather than the recipe! Hahaha... Don't ask me where did I buy the gadget from because it was gift from my dearest friend, Mat Gebu when I went to his place during Eid. Thank you so much Mat for the gift. I trully loved it...

Source : Sis Norzalinda Mohamed
Ingredients :
1 Holland onion ~ diced
3 medium potato ~ cleaned and diced
Minced chicken
White pepper
Black pepper
Salt to taste
Spring onions ~ chopped
Oil for cooking
Method :
1. Boil the diced potato with a bit of salt till slightly soft. Set aside.
2. Heat a bit of oil in a wok and add in onion. Fry till soft.
3. Add in the minced chicken and mix well. Let the minced chicken slightly cooked then add in the potato.
4. Add in white pepper, black pepper and salt. Stir to mix.
5. Once meat is cooked, just before removing from heat, sprinkle some spring onions.
Note :
1. For the pastry, I had used the readymade puff pastry, Kawan Brand.
2. To produce the 'net' pattern, I had used this gadget.

Bahan-bahannya :
1 biji bawang Holland ~ didadu kecil
3 biji kentang sederhana ~ dikupas dan didadu
Isi ayam cincang
Lada putih
Lada hitam
Garam secukup rasa
Daun bawang ~ dihiris
Minyak untuk menumis
Kaedah penyediaan :
1. Rebus kentang yang didadu hingga hampir lembut. Ketepikan.
2. Panaskan minyak di dalam kuali dan masukkan bawang.
3. Bila bawang telah layu, masukkan ayam cincang dan kacau rata. Biarkan ayam hingga hampir masak, baru dimasukkan kentang yang telah direbus tadi, bersama dengan air rebusan..
4. Masukkan lada putih, lada hitam dan garam secukupnya. Kacau rata.
5. Sebelum memadamkan api, masukkan daun bawang.
Nota :
1. Untuk pastrinya, mama gunakan puff pastry jenama Kawan (di dalam plastik putih)
Have a nice and safe weekend everbody!
ReplyDeletealkisahhhhhh ada dia punyer roller! kita pun pelik jugak mcm manalah leh jd bentuk mcm silang2 giteewww hihihi.... takpelah sini tak de puuf pastry lg sok sok dah jumpa baru rembat satu roller tu :D
ReplyDeletewahh mama..cantikk la...skrng ni musim puff, merata2 ada...he..he..
ReplyDeletewahh cantik 'jentolak' mama guna :)
ReplyDeleteberapa ribu itu jentolak? he he
p.s: lama tak komen2 kt blog ma ni. asyik singgah kejap2 je. he he :)
maa harus ku carik itu gadget..mokwo pun suka kumpul gadget2 sprt nih...tengah nak ingat2 lupo kat mne ternampak gadget r u ma?? sihat dak tuhhh? masak lauk ape ekk ari nih?? happy baking n cooking!!
ReplyDeletewah mama, ada 'buldozer' baru pulak. sebenarnya makcik pun dah buat pepper pastry tu, cuma tak sempat nak entry lagi.
ReplyDeleteboleh tanya che mat kat sini kot.."kat mana beli tu che mat?"
slm kenal ma..selalu jd SR aje ..arini nak bertanya..mana dapat bulldozer cute tu..?heheheh
ReplyDeletesalam perkenalan ya nama ku melor dan selamat hari raya. sedap nampak puff tu
ReplyDeleteWOW, what a lovely puff over there! Here I've come to grab some! :D
ReplyDeleteSalam mama nak Tanya kulit pestry tu boleh dapat kat mana ye mama sy dah puas Cari jenama yg mama guna tu
ReplyDeleteAda cadagan kat ner ye mama
Sedapnye mama...
ReplyDeletemama sihat..lama kmal tak datang singgah sini