Jumaa Mubarak to all of you, my treasured visitors....
Mmm what did I do yesterday that I didn't update my blog? Oh yes, I wasn't THAT busy but it's just the internet line wasn't so good. Hubby had moved the modem or whatever you called it, to another spot, which makes my internet line downstairs like the Chipsmore cookies...now you see it now you don't! That puts me off but I am not complaining. It's better to have a chipsmore line than not having at all. Alhamdulillah syukur...
I didn't cook lunch yesterday but took mak and Syahmi out for a treat at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Fatin didn't want to tag along as she wanted to enjoy the comfort of her room before she goes back to boarding. So we just bought for her to enjoy it at home. Mak and Syahmi really enjoyed their meals. I didn't eat because I just had some leftovers Roti John from the pasar malam the day before.
In the evening, I made some tart casings for Friday's order and tried this cookies recipe as well. When I read how Ayu's kids enjoyed the cookies, I just thought I had to try it out myself. Alhamdulillah, my family likes them and mak's comment was... the cookies are nice and crunchy! So thanks a bunch to Ayu for sharing this recipe with us and allow me to re-post the recipe here for my future reference and for the reading pleasure of my visitors...

Ingredients :
75g butter
50g castor sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
150g cake flour (remove 1 tablespoon)
a pinch of baking powder (I used 1/8 teaspoon)
1 tablespoon milk powder
1 egg white
Dry Demerara sugar for sprinkling (I don't have this, instead, I used colored sugar. Please check Note #4)
Method :
1. Cream butter, sugar and salt till pale and fluffy.
2. Add in egg yolk and vanilla. Beat till well incorporated.
3. Sieve in the flour, baking powder and milk powder into the creamed mixture till well combined. Mixture will be breadcrumbs like and will form dough easily. Put dough into a plastic bag and roll it into a flat sheet. Chill in the fridge till harden before cutting out the cookie.
4. Cut out the cookie with cutter.
5. Brush on some egg white and sprinkle dry demerara sugar on the surface.
6. Bake on a lined tray at 180C for 10 minutes. (I used fan oven and baked the cookies at 150 C for 20 minutes.
Ingredients :
75g butter
50g castor sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
150g cake flour (remove 1 tablespoon)
a pinch of baking powder (I used 1/8 teaspoon)
1 tablespoon milk powder
1 egg white
Dry Demerara sugar for sprinkling (I don't have this, instead, I used colored sugar. Please check Note #4)
Method :
1. Cream butter, sugar and salt till pale and fluffy.
2. Add in egg yolk and vanilla. Beat till well incorporated.
3. Sieve in the flour, baking powder and milk powder into the creamed mixture till well combined. Mixture will be breadcrumbs like and will form dough easily. Put dough into a plastic bag and roll it into a flat sheet. Chill in the fridge till harden before cutting out the cookie.
4. Cut out the cookie with cutter.
5. Brush on some egg white and sprinkle dry demerara sugar on the surface.
6. Bake on a lined tray at 180C for 10 minutes. (I used fan oven and baked the cookies at 150 C for 20 minutes.

1. The sprinkling of the dry demerara sugar is optional. If you omit this step, please increase sugar to 60g.
2. Please really only use a pinch of baking powder as you dont want the cookie to be out of shape when it is baking in the oven.
3. Chill the dough again if it is too soft to be cut out
4. For the colored sugar, I placed a spoonful of coarse sugar into a small container. Drop a tint of color onto it. Place the lid and shake.
The cutter that I had used. I bought mine when we went to South Africa long time ago.
Try visiting Gina's Online Shoppe and see what she has in her store. I thought I saw this similar cookie cutter there. If it's out of stock, perhaps you could place and order. All the best!
sblm nampak cutter tu, saya ingatkan mama potong dan tampal2 :)
ReplyDeleteAlamak...butter cookies cun la kak! mintak sikit!!! ;)
ReplyDeletesalam mami, lamanya ros tak buat cookies tau, tgk mami punye butter cookies ni, nampak cantiklah, acuan dia tupun classic je bentuknya, btw mami sihat?
ReplyDeletesalam mama, glad your family like it..urs nampak lebih glamour sebab siap bereben dan ada coloured sugar..
ReplyDeleteso you bought your cutter in South Africa..wow jauh tu ya..thank you for the trust..huhu..
salam Ma..
ReplyDeletewow... butter cookies you ngan Ayu sama 2 nampak sedap...letak dalam tin lepas tu jual pat kita..ha ha
Wafaa :
ReplyDeleteHihi... kalau nak kena potong tampal, jawabnya tak buatlah mama biskut ni! Hahaha... Lom ler serajin itu Wafaa oi...
Meh sini ambil meh... jangan lambat, sebab ada sikit je tinggal tu!
ros@JMC :
Waalaikumussalam Ros. Alhamdulillah mama sihat-sihat je.. Infact, badan pun terlalu sihat, nak kena turunkan berat gak ni! Hahaha... Tu la, masa belum ada cutter ni, bila tengok kawan kat Malawi tu guna, macam meroyan je. Bila dah ada sendiri... barulah lega rasanya! Hahaha... Haru betul!
Ayu :
Waalaikumussalam Ayu. Thanks ye sudi ke mari. Actually kat Malawi, ada jual gula yang berwarna warni tu. Inspired by that colored sugar, mama cubalah modify sendiri... Jadilah juga, walaupun sipi sipi je. Hahaha... Anyway, yes, my family likes it. Thank ye Ayu sebab sudi share resepi. Yup, I was in South Africa that time, selalu transit on the way balik Malaysia for holiday, so belilah terus di sana...
Yat Maria :
Waalaikumussalam Yat. Belum sempat boh dalam tin, biskut dah habis, cemana tuh!
Those butter cookies looks great. Adding colored sugar made them really cute!
ReplyDeletemama.., baru nak tanya tang acuan tu, africa mali..??? adoi..jauhnya! patut ler x prnah nmpk cam tu kat sini..! pe pun nicelah.., nmpk empuk & rapuhnya butter cookies mama tu..!tahan tekak jap..! nak buat entah ler...!
ReplyDeletesalam mamafami,br hr ni dpt tgk cookies yg cun melecun ni!nk yg ada ribbon tu :)
ReplyDeleteslm,mama ley bg versi malay x?heee.. bhs susah la..t'utama step3,x reti!!
I love the cookie cutter. The shape reminds of those Denmark cookies we ate dulu dulu :)
ReplyDeleteMama cayang...sweety...cookies ada lg x, nak tumpang kudap2 kat sini sambil dengar instrumental...aiiikk, dah x dengar apa2 pun dah Ma, ke telinga Ummi ni something wrong..ooo dah jual radio antik eeii..apek mana la yg suka simpan antik2 ni..Ma, cookie cutter antik xnak jual kaaa?? Hehe...Ma alaaaa..pasang la lagu Ma tu...kita gurau2 jek, jgn rajuk yea..muaaahhhh!
ReplyDeletesalam ma... aritu duk jelin2 acu pretzel nih kat supa! awat la tgn nih tk dgerakkan utk amik! klu tk leh wat kukis cam mama nih! nnti nak rembat lah! tak kiraa! hahahahaaa
ReplyDelete♥peachkins♥ :
ReplyDeleteThe taste is yummy as well. That colored sugar is not what I really wanted actually. If only I could find lumps of sugar which are slightly bigger, than it'll be really nice. But yeah, better that than nothing huh...
Am (Flora Heights) :
Ha ah Am, acuan, loyang dan segala mak nenek benda baking ma ni, merata marinya. Kalau tak beli sendiri pun, kawan-kawan tolong belikan. Tapi cuba browse website Kitchen Capers ni. Kalau cookie cutter tu out of stock, mungkin Am boleh order dengan Gina ye...
Delilah's Deli :
Waalaikumussalam Delilah. Oh kenapa, sebelum ni tak dapat tengok ke? Mmm server kot...
Waalaikumussalam. Untuk versi Malay, harap dapat ke entry Butter Cookies Ayu ye sebab Ayu ada explain in detail siap dengan gambar sekali.
ICook4Fun :
Of course! When I first saw what my friend had, back then in Malawi, I wasn't at ease till I got mine! Haha... just like a little child nagging for a toy! Hahahaha...
Ummi :
Cookie ada tapi tak mo bagi sebab yang ada pun ciput! Tak cukup untuk kami nak makan! Biar tamak, asal bahagia...Hahaha...
Ha ah, dah jual dah radio tu... takut nanti, semua yang datang sini, pakai baju hitam, berkabung! :P:P:P
hana :
Waalaikumussalam Hana.... tu arr... nyesal kemudian, meroyanlah dulu yek... ahakss.. Sib baik tak ada, kot ada, sah sah, esok lusa keluar je entry cookie shape pretzel kat blog Hana... hihihi.. ada tak bunyi dengki tu? Muahahhaa....
salam mamafami..aduhai meleleh air liur akak tau..cunlah acuan tu..klu tak ada payahlah ek..
ReplyDeletei surely adore all your posting style, very remarkable,
ReplyDeletedon't give up and also keep creating in all honesty , because it simply just good worth to follow it.
excited to browse through additional of your own web content, have a great day ;)
letak tangan tu masa baca lafaz taklik..akak pun first time tenguk..
ReplyDeletesalam ma,
ReplyDeleteapa khabar? saya dok jadi silent reader jer selama ni.. malas nak update fp sendiri.. btw, i've tried this recipe, ya allah! Can't get enough of it, takleh berenti.. bebudak pun suka gak.. but, i didn't put the sugars on top, just plain.. thanx for sharing!
ehem, now can comment alright. TQ
ReplyDeleteMamaFaMi>> thanks to you too, back to your previous post, i haven't registered since i can't find any of my ex-classmates around but i keep updating on their facebook...regards to your hubby
ReplyDeletesalam... memang unik laa siap bereben lagi tu
ReplyDeletema..wahhaahaaaaa....ade cookies, kalah la org denmark kalu camni..selamat ariraya, hehee
ReplyDeletenmpk sedap la cookies mama nie..nmpk crunchy aje..ermmm xguna acuan nie pon boley kan he3 sb xda...rajin sungguh mama tukar langsir yeaa..kOi malas la nk tukar2 nie...
ReplyDeleteSalam mama! ooowwwhhhh gitu rupa acu sekut tu ya? kalerpull sekut mama! n mekaseh ya bgtau kita resepi asal cendawan goreng tu :-)
ReplyDeleteJust by looking at these pictures really made me crave for some cookies. Thank you very much for sharing this as I would surely love to try baking this up. This would really go well with a hot cup of coffee, beans ground from my new zassenhaus coffee grinder Thanks a lot!