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Monday, January 25, 2010


Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to all of you out there... Hope all of you are fully awake,full of energy and highly spirited to embrace a new week ahead.

Anyway, for this entry I will just post the orders that I've managed to do last week. Will try to update a new recipe soon. Let me just finish the house chores first ya....

Thanks to the cute Min for ordering these chocolate cuppies for her darling daughter, Ain. Hope you like them ya... mama jual..

And these tart casings are for Eena. Thanks Eena for ordering and finally got to meet you in person... akak jual ye...


  1. say ank beli tart casing mama niee. tp dalam dia x reti buat la..eheheh

  2. salam mama
    saya ni baru nak berjinak2 dgn cupcake sebb anak suka makan. Plan nak buat sendiri utk birthday dia nanti. Tapi saya still tak faham2 pasal edible image. yang pic upin ipin tu ke edible image? kalau nak makan nnt kena remove la ye benda tu dr kek?

  3. Salam mama!!! misss u ma!!!! kalau lah leh order sume2 tu kita order jerrr ehehe.. mama sihat ke? lama tak dtg sini rindu banget niiii... nmpk cc ma terus ilang windu :-)

  4. cantik arr cc ma...kemas jerk..jeles wa..

  5. Salam mama,
    Comel2 nye cupcakes tue...
    p.s nice new header :)

  6. Chomei mcm upin & ipin...dan apin kucing belaan upin & ipin...he he he...

  7. mama.. yg upin ipin tu boleh makan ke?

  8. Salam Mama..

    1st at all thanks untuk kata² semangat tu...ha ha ha akan ku menabung sampai ke hujung nyawa..Berkojolah kito sekueknyoooo....keh keh keh....Tapikan betullah..sekali kita berhabis biar puas hati..pasal ikut pegangan tulah selalu jeee lambat dapat sesuatu...

    wah cantik cc tu...N skrg dah mcm tren ya buat cc tuk birth gantikan kek..

  9. Salam MamaFami...
    Kalau nak order cemana ye? Puas dah membelek blog Mama ni tapi mungkin terlepas pandang...

  10. mama..cantik sgt lah yg 44th bday deco tu..mama stay kat area mana?

  11. sorry..salah tgk..deco yang 4th birthday tu..

    mama accept orders tak utk chinese new year? subang kat mana?

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  13. terigt cupcake ini...sangat sedap...hehehe....


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