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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Coffee Bread

Comment from Dyah in my previous entry...
hai mama...dyah nk bun...suka mkn xtau buat..
Yeah sure Dyah.... here's the buns okay...

Took the recipe from Ayin Yin's blog.Thank you Ayin for another lovely recipe which is definately a keeper. The bun is so soft even after 2 days.Allow me to share the recipe with others, ya Ayin....


Ingredients :

190 g high protein flour (I used multipurpose flour)
50 g sugar
2 g salt
6 g instant dried yeast
1/2 teaspoon bread improver
1 egg yolk
50 g fresh milk
12 g instant coffee (I mixed 2g nescafe granules with 10g hot water)
60 g water roux
1/2 teaspoon cappuchino coffee emulco (I added)
30 g butter

Method : (Breadmaker method)

1. Pour fresh milk into the breadmaker pan. Add in instant coffee, salt, sugar, egg and water roux.
2. Top it with sifted flour, dry yeast and bread improver.
3. Set the Breadmaker to Dough function.
4. Once the dough is just combined, add in butter and leave the Breadmaker to continue doing it's job. This process will take about 1 1/2 hour including prooving.
5. Remove dough from BM and punch down to release the air. Cut the dough 35g portion each. Make into round balls and leave to rest for 10 minutes.
6. Let the air out of the dough and make into round balls again. Arrange in the prepared tin.
7. Leave to proof till double the size.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 25 minutes or so.
9. Once out of the oven, brush with butter.


  1. Salam mama!!! datang lagi nak mintak bun pulak! eeeeeeeee...skrg ni kita pun asyik nak buat roti jerrrr tp syg lah pulak byk stok dah nak habis mcm bread softner ke improver ke uuuwwwaaaaaaaa...... ni yg jeles niiiii.. mmg gebu sungguh! kalau dapat makan lagilah happy :D

  2. mama bab meroti mmg terrorlah.. mngebu sekali roti tu!

  3. mama, cikliz bayangkan makan roti ni cicah nescafe panas waktu petang2.. pergh, nikmatnya!! cikliz failed wat roti la mama.. lepas 24 hours je roti tu keras.. nyampah!!!

  4. ijayuji :
    Waalaikumussalam Ika. Hehehe... ngendeng buns pulak ye. Apa kata kita tukar suka sama suka dengan onion bread Ika... hihihi... Kalau tak ada break improver ke softener tu pun, boleh aje rasanya. Mungkin kelembutan tu kurang sket je kot.... apa-apa pun, kalau dah merantau tu, buat je dengan apa yang ada...redah jeeee....

    kucingorengemok :
    Naperrr? Naperrr? Nampak apa tuu yang terkejut bagai tu? :D

    Am-flora :
    Kegebuan roti tu ikut tukang buatnya tu... hahaha...

    CikLiz :
    Alamak CikLiz....never never give up tau... CikLiz cuba lagi sampai jaya. CikLiz simpan roti dalam bekas kedap udara tak? Ala mama dulu pun, masa bebaru buat roti...keras berdengkang gak. Keluar dari oven pun dah keras, biar separuh hari, kematu terus. Balik kat dinding, dinding pun kalau boleh nak ngelak tau! Hahaha.... Mmmm cicah kopi o la lagi kaw!

  5. salam..psahabatan.& lawatan dari taiping,best nyer...macam ada kat sini.seronok nyerrr

  6. maa.... bau coffee nih sampai ke jeponggg!! huwaaaaaaa cedapnyerrr!!

  7. dia asik tayang rotiiiiiiiii jerrrrrrrrr...uwaaa...jelesssssss!!!!!!

  8. deeja :
    Waalaikumussalam Deeja... Sudi-sudikanlah lagi ke mari ye...

    hana :
    Perghhhhhh dasat tol kopi yang mama guna ni ye... bau leh sampai Jepun. Bagus gak tu... mama tak dapat sampai Jepun tu, bau kopi mama sampai sana pun jaaaadilah....

    Jasmeen :
    Hihihi... terserlah sungguh kejelesan mu itewwww. Kok ye pun, cover cover ler sket.... ahakss...

  9. assalamuaalaikum, mama.

    lama takjenguk sini, dah berubah wajah rupanya..menarik!

    mesti semerbak bau kopi waktu mama bake roti nih!

  10. arr selalu tayang loti sana loti sini....kasik wa geramm dan jelzzz ja..bled maker wa susah lama sejukkk...maciam tuan dia gak hikhikhik..

  11. salam mama fami darling!!!..ahaks, ambik koo mampus skandal, water roux tu menatang apa kejadahnyaa!!...tunjuk sikit rupa paras dia macam mana.....

  12. Frida[norm] :
    Waalaikumussalam Frida... Terima kasihlah kerana masih sudi singgah ke mari. Thanks for your kind words ya...

    ana :
    Haiyaaa lu arr... sikit sikit mau jeles sikit sikit mau jeles... itu lu punya BM angkat klua la... kasi lia bikin loti maa....

    Mat Gebu :
    Waalaikumussalam warrahmatullahi wabarokaatuh Mat. Long time no see menjelma kat sini. Sesekali dia masuk 'dewan', dia bagi mukaddimah gempaq punya! Hahaha... Aduhai Mat, bukan ke mama dah linkkan water roux tu ke resepinya. Naper ko tak click kat perkataan Water Roux tu! WR ni tepung campur air panas, masak atas api kecik sampai likat. Tu je.... Rupa paras jelita ke taknya WR ni, mama dah tepek dah kat link tu. Penat kawan tu posing untuk ko Mat oi....

  13. kee.maklumlah, kita baca jee, tgn tak pulak nak meraba2!!!...minta ampon dan maaf yea ma....hehehe

  14. ma klau si alex goh, dia selau buat roti guna bread flour + air panas, then simpan semalaman dlm fridge..same ke kaedah nye dgn water roux..tak pernah cube lak resepi alex goh..beli buku simpan je, buat koleksi

  15. roti?mak teh surrender ....waa..

  16. Hello,hello JAIS, mai sini..ada skandal kat sini...wakakaaa..ada anak teruna sama mak dara duk meraban nih...hehehehe...(*ampun Mat, ampun Ma..) Hadoiii ko Mat, sesekali masuk mmg mcam nak kena je dgn cik abang Mama tu..ko jaga2..hiiiksss! Ma, esoklah ummi tanya pasai WR tu..dari segi kesedapannya ke, keganjilannhya ke..kepelikannya ke bila diletak dlm adunan roti...esok eh..hehee..muaaahhh!

  17. salam mama..bila tgk roti mama teringat BM kt umah ni dh berabuk lama x dikerjakan!!hehe..tunggu gian mari..baru leh operasi! huhu..

  18. aduss!roti itu sungguh gebus dan montel...kena try jugak nih ;)

  19. salam mama...cedap nie wat sarapan! bila gamaknye sy nak serajin mama nie...geram + jeles ar tgk mama masak sedap2...

  20. salam mamafami,
    jeles tul saya tengok roti mamafami. hihi .gebush...

  21. Tak jeles mcm diorang dah maaa.... sebab dah reti buat sendiri keh keh keh cuma malas jer...berlagak sungguh budak ni ye !! Nanti koo....

    Ma, ada satulagi buku roti Alex Goh, ma dah beli ke?? Taklah baru sangat. Rinn baru dok usha-usha. Tunggu sat dulu baru nak beli... Yg ada tu pon belum khatam kah kah kah

  22. mmg gebussss!! sedappnyaaa mkn panas2

  23. Hello MamaFami, I look at the beautiful buns I think of spreading margarine and three fruit marmalade on them, say 4 pieces....and big glass of ice coffee.
    They look and I bet real great to eat....

    bila you nak buka kedai, "MamaFami Bunnies"?
    You make real good buns.
    Have fun, MamaFami....when you buat buns with raisins, send me telegram, Lee.

  24. dah la kat luar tu tengah hujan.. nampak lak bun mama tu... hmmm.. alangkah sedapnyer kalau dpt seketul dua.. cincah ngan milo suam.. yum yumm..

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