Assalamualaikum and a good day to everyone. I'm taking this opportunity to thank all of you, my kind sweet friends for the birthday wishes and duaas. Amin amin ya rabbal alamin. Yes, I turned a year older and hopefully wiser! Not sillier! Would love to write more but time does not permit me to do so as of now. Got loads of house chores to be done. Wish me luck!
I will post another bread recipe that I've tried last week.It's from the same book and the taste is yummy. Not that difficult to prepare, but the method is surely something new to me. If you care to give it a try, here's the recipe.....
Source : Chef Khoo See Yew (Home Bread)
Ingredients :
*230g high protein flour
5g instant yeast
170g water
1/8 teaspoon bread improver
20g egg
60g castor sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
25g cold water
2.5g instant yeast
30g butter
*100g high protein flour
FILLING - to be mixed evenly
*300g Tuna (drained)
100g onions (chopped)
30g cheddar cheese
*100g mayonnaise
a bit of white pepper
a bit of salt
a bit of sugar
Note (*) :
1. I used all purpose flour (tepung gandum).
2. I used Tuna with mayonnaise in the can.
Method :
1. Mix A till even and rest for 1 1/2 hour.
2. Place A into the bread maker and add in B. Press the BASIC DOUGH setting.
3. When the dough is well incorporated, add in C and let the bread maker continue kneading till a soft, smooth and elastic dough is formed.
4. Divide in 40g each, knead into long strip. Shape into number '8'.
5. Place onto baking tray and let it prove till double in size.
6. Put filling on top.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 C for 20 minutes.
8. Once out of the oven, brush with a bit of butter to give it a shiny look.

assalamualaikum mama.. nama lembut tuna twist tu.. Happy Belated Birthday juga ya.. semoga mama sentiasa dirahmati dan dilindungi Allah hendaknya.
ReplyDelete** nanti tlg sms no fon mama ya..aritu hp ej ilang.. tapi no.hp ej tetap sama cam dulu.. 019-5936789. tq.
bab roti² ni eden tgk gambar je lah, hehe... happy belated bday!
ReplyDeleteSalam..nak tanya mama bako dlm oven beso mana? jenama apa..oven saya kecik jer..kalau saya buat roti boleh naik mcm yg mama buat ker?..satu lagi everytime mama deco kek..kena potong permukaan kek bagi jadi sama rata ker?..kek kan naik permukaannya kembung skit kat tgh2..
ReplyDeleteHello,mama fami. I think this would be nice for breakfast...
ReplyDeleteSalam ziarah mama fami..terjumpa blog akak ni..cantik dan menarik2 semua resepi kt sini..eiyda minta izin nak linkkan k..thank you!!
ReplyDeleteSalam Mama....
ReplyDeleteLembutnya roti mama tu...gebus sekali...kalaulah saya dpt buat roti jadi cam mamafami punya alangkah happynya....
re; swiss roll saya buat asalnya resepi swiss roll coklat dr Fp mamafami; tq sudi kongsi resepi..
EJay @ Rafiqin Cakes & Photography :
ReplyDeleteWaalaikumussalam EJ. Thanks for the wish dan amin atas segala doa... Nanti mama sms EJ ye....
kucingorengemok :
Thanks Lin. Alamak, nampak nama kucingorengemok ni, mulalah teringat 'hutang' yang belum langsai ni... aiyooo....
Anonymous :
Waalaikumussalam. Mama bakar dalam oven besar yang biasa. Oven mama jenama FAGOR yang built in punya. InsyaAllah kalau betul caranya dan elok yisnya, naiklah roti tu. Kek yang mama deko tu, mama tak potong apa-apa pun sebab kek mama tu rata je.
♥peachkins♥ :
Hi there. Would be nice anytime your tummy is grumbling! Hahaha...
eiyda :
Salam Eiyda ma sambut mesra. Mama berbesar hati sebab Eiyda sudi nak link mama. Terima kasih banyak-banyak.
Mamasya :
Waalaikumussalam Mamasya. Ala bukan susah sangat buat roti ni. Masukkan ajelah dalam bread maker... kawan tu yang godak! Kita tinggal shapekan aje! Ini yang dinamakan... lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama! Bread maker penat menguli, MamaFaMi yang dikatakan terror buat roti... hihihi.....
>> ini baru betul betul lets do the twist...:D
ReplyDeleteHii Ma,
ReplyDeleteRinn dah 2 minggu cuti FP..keh keh keh... Ini baru betoi sakit malas etc etc etc. Tak mau bagi excuse lain. Yg best nyer..tgk nasik pun dah malas nak makan. DItambah pulak dengan laptop ni problem lagi..haaahhh...cukup syarat !!!!
psttt...Ma pun ada buku Home Bread ekkk... heh heh heh.. (** Lamanya aku tak meroti..Hantu roti dah cabut lari balik kat mama..**wink**)
Happy belated birthday, Ma! Semoga panjang umur dan dimurahkan rezeki..
ReplyDeletep/s: dah lama oven ku tak berasap..hehehe
salam mama..hehe..kita ni ketinggaln ketapi nmpaknye! hepi belated besday yg ke 43 ye! moga dipjgkan umur & murah rezeki selalu hendaknye..amin!
ReplyDeletennti nk try resipi tuna twist nih.. nmpak sodaap!!
ReplyDeleteI am returning the visit :)
I hope its not too late for me to wish u happy birthday.
You u be blessed with all the happiness, gud health, love etc.
jeff :
ReplyDeleteTwist okay lagi, jangan suruh rock n roll, mau terkehel pinggang!
rinnchan :
Ntah ke mana ajelah Rinn pergi cuti this time ye. Jeles aa. Mama ni asyik terperap je kat rumah. Nak wat cam no.. zaman gemilang pergi makan angin dah berlalu..huhuhu.... Wah bestnya Rinn, malas makan nasi! Kalaulah mama capable to do so, alangkah syoknya!
Mula-mula tak perasan gak tau yang Rinn guna that Home Bread book. Sekali tu bila mama taip, baru terperasan macam the same chef as the one you posted.. hehe.. best kan resepi dalam tu... tak rugi beli!
harnisafarina :
Thank you my dear. Amin to the doa. Mengapakah oven mu tidak berasap? Asapkan... baca jampi sekali... hahahaha....
inahar ali :
Waalaikumussalam. Thanks for the wish ya. Amin atas segala doa.
edelweiss :
Waalaikumussalam. Thank you for visiting my blog. And thanks for the wishes and doa. Amin.
ReplyDeleteMama dah jangkit penyakit Rinn and MatGebu!!
Mama.. tak jemu-jemu jenguk blog mama ni, terutama bab buat roti ni.. An dah praktis sikit2 buat roti..alhamdulillah banyak yang dah jadi w/pun uli tangan je.. minta izin link blog ye..