I am now in the 'house-spring-clean' mode. So I will spend less time infront of the laptop and more time sweating! Though it's a tiring job, but the end result is satisfying, to me, at least! Hahaha....
Straight to the point now as I need to stretch my back, or rather my eyelids.... I'd love to share with all of you, this pudding recipe that I got from Madamme Jun's Blog . Made this on the 21st May, 2009, a day after Jun posted the recipe in her entry. And yes, only now I am posting it in my blog. Why? Hmmm... dunno! Anyway, according to Jun, she got the recipe from hana@ina of MyR. So thank you to both of you lovely ladies for sharing this easy to prepare recipe.
Source : hana@ina of MyR
Ingredients :
4 pieces of white bread
2 eggs
1/2 cup condensed milk
170 ml evaporated milk
8 g agar-agar powder
1/2 cup sugar
2 tablespoons butter/margarine ~ melted
3 1/2 cups water
2 tablespoons cocoa powder (you can also use chocolate emulco)
Method :
1. Bring to boil, 3 cups water, agar-agar powder and sugar.
2. In the food processor or a blender, blend together bread, eggs, evaporated milk and 1/2 cup of water.
3. Pour the blended ingredients into the agar-agar mixture.
4. Add in the melted butter/margarine and stir well. Remove from heat.
5. Divide the mixture into 2. Add cocoa powder/chocolate emulco into one bowl and leave the other as it is.
6. Spoon a ladleful of plain mixture into the mould/tin. Then a ladleful of the chocolate mixture. Repeat the procedure until all the mixture are used up. You have to work fast!
7. Let it set in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

Hi Mama,
ReplyDeleteThis recipe looks very interesting. Can you please advise what is the texture? Is it more like agar-agar or ... bread/cake like??
>> wow...
ReplyDelete>> kalau mama buat mesti sedap punyalah...
mmg sesuai sgtla pekena puding ni, lepas penat2 mengemas dpt pekena ni sepotong gerenti xcukup ni..
ReplyDeleteHello MamaFami, that's a beautiful marble pudding.
ReplyDeleteI could get the lovely scent from here, ha ha.
Wow, this marble cake and a glass of your local ice kopi will make the moon rise earlier, ha ha.
There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful wife and mother in the act of cooking or baking for the people she loves.
You have a pleasant weekend and keep a song in your heart, Lee.
mama...sedapnya nak sepotong..
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a great snack!!
ReplyDeleteTak ku ingat bilakah kali terakhir ku buat agar-agar.. Alkisahnya, agar2 sebenarnya tidak mendapat tempat di hati ku dan ahli keluargaku... melainkan agar2 sirap yg kaler merah tu jer ha ha ha....
ReplyDeleteTak mo ler kata Rinn nak try ni... takut nnt sampai tahun depan pun Rinn tak buat keh keh... Apa pun nampak agak menyejukkan tekak di situuu..
p/s : Semalam pun Rinn tak makan nasi sehari...SEHARI jer ma, bukan SEBULAN muahahaaaaa..
Pasal tailor tuu... tak moh fikirkan pun sebab dalam diary Rinn n hubby mmg tak de word tailor. Rinn prefer beli siap drpd membeli kain ela then go to tailor. Dah tahu kerenah tailor niii pelik2. Cuma ada satu tailor aje yg Rinn suka dan percaya... Rinn cuma hantar kain yg org bagi hadiah kat Rinn. Suka beli baju kurung/kebaya siap sebab kita dah boleh tengok cantiknya corak kain tu bila dah jadik baju. Dan boleh try terus. Try banyak2 pun tak pe tapi beli satu pasang jer kot kah kah kah. Kalau beli kain, tak tentu lagi elok kalau dah jadik baju...Isshhhhhh, panjang pulak celoteh Rinn. Sori I've taken up lots of ur space here !!!
wa sukanya dapat resepi ni thanks to u i nak buat esok insya'allah tetiba lapar
ReplyDeletebapak saya suka puding roti ni, malang nasib dia dpt anak "rajin" cam saya, hihi.
ReplyDeletewow mama sedap dan menarik puding roti ni..bak sket
ReplyDeletemengancamnyer puding roti marble ni!! eiyda nak try buat jugak la..;)
Puding mama tu pun mengancam tekak jugak...belum pernah cuba lagi ni.
ReplyDeletemama....sori x sempat nak reply masa kat pigbox tu tgh wat kek 4 father's day...apa2 pun thanks n salam perkenalan...apam tu mmg best..kawan2 puji...n nnt nak try wat puding ni pulak la...nanti bila saya dh buat sy inform kat mama k....
ReplyDeletewith the current 'dry' season emang setap nih ma..nyum..nyuum..
ReplyDeletesalam mam fami....puding roti marble...waaaa...ni kena cuba ni...makan sesejuk...mesti cedap gabannn kan...
ReplyDelete>> keep up the good work...
ReplyDelete>> bila rajin mencuba sesuatu yang baru pasti akan mendapat keputusan yang baik...:D
This bread pudding is a show-stopper.
ReplyDeletewahhh nampak bestlaa puding mama ni...
ReplyDeletesib baik smlm ada beli susu pekat n evaporated...camni leh try nak2 lg skrg dah panas lit2...mmg sodap tui mkn benda2 sejukk camni...ermm tp mama camana kalau xde agar2 serbuk? i ada agar2 tali tu jek...agak2 bape erkk sukatan agar2 tali erk kalau nak gantikan 8gms agar2 powder?
Tricia :
ReplyDeleteIt's like agar-agar but a bit harder.
jeff :
Hik hik... mana tahu? *Wink*
ZaiY :
Alamak, sekeping aje, apa baranggg.... celah gigi je... hehehe....
Uncle Lee :
Hi Uncle Lee. Hope you're keeping well. Wah, what bionic nose you have! Aiyoo why do you have to mention ice kopi? Makes me crave for one now! Huhuhu... your words really touch my heart... you're so good with words la Uncle Lee. Thank you so much... I'm flattered.
Datin El :
Sepotong aje? Cukup ke? *wink*
♥peachkins♥ :
It's cooling and refreshing!
rinnchan :
Mama lak suka makan agar-agar dan puding tapi buat je malas walhal buat puding ni punyalah senang kan Rinn.
Hihihi... sehari je tak makan nasi pun leh excited cam tu eh Rinn... agak-agak kalau seminggu, mesti lagi happy tu. Kalau sebulan, sah buat banner kat fp kot eh... hahaha... just joking.
Mama pun prefer to beli siap je. So far alhamdulillah, size untuk mama masih ada lagi. Tu sebab kena turunkan kebesaran badan ni, agar lebih senang cari baju! Dan juga untuk menjauhkan diri dari segala penyakit yang tak diundang!
haslina razali :
Most welcome. Dah buat ke?
kucingorengemok :
Tak apalah pak, kalau nak makan, carilah di pasar malam. Sebab nak tunggu anak pak tu buatkan, takut kempunan lak... hehehe...
FiDa@aMiDa :
Sejuk menyegarkan. Cemanalah nak bagi kat Fida yang nunnnnn jauh di sana!
eiyda :
Buat Eiyda jangan tak buat. Senang je...
Kmal :
Cubalah Kmal, mudah je nak menyediakannya.
fa'e :
Tak apa Fa'e. Saja je mama menyapa.
kucai :
Very true
ayi :
Waalaikumussalam Ayi. Makan puding di hari panas memang enak.
jeff :
Thanks bro
Cynthia :
Thanks for dropping by
shima :
Mama ni kalau buat agar-agar pun kenkadang kantoi gak. Tapi kawan ma pernah ajar, dia kata, potong agar-agar tu, pas tu masukkan air sekadar menutupi agar-agar tu je. Wallahualam. Tak berani cakap sebab tak confident. Sorry Shima.