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Friday, February 29, 2008

Adapted from : Sis Hanieliza's Fotopage

Ingredients :

750ml fresh milk
3 eggs
4 tablespoons castor sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
6 pieces white bread (shredded)

1/2 cup sugar - made into caramel

Topping/decoration :

Peaches in syrup - sliced
Red cherries
Green cherries

Method :

1. Whisk eggs slightly.
2. Add in sugar, milk, vanilla essence and shredded bread. Mix well.
3. Prepare the caramel and pour into the tin.
4. Pour the milk mixture onto the caramel.
5. Steam for 30 minutes on medium heat.
6. Remove and let it cool before turning the tin upside down into the serving dish preferably a pie dish.
7. Arrange the sliced peaches on top.


  1. assalammualaikum.. mama, lina ni ur fp's silent reader. lina nak beli cadar, (kod SPFL dlm link fp mama cadar 3)yg gambar teletubbies tu.. kalau dah habis yg gambar mickey pun ok. mama contact lina utk bg particular acc ye.. esok lina bank-in cash & after that lina inform mama. thanks mama.. (lina x leh comment kat fp mama, x tau kenapa.. seb baik tau blog mama..) tq mama..

  2. wahhh mama..sedapnyer makan tu yg terasa nk wat plak...jap fikir, sape nk ku bg mkn..hahaha

  3. salam mamafami, waaa syantik ko dandan caramel itu. Makin geram nak potong hikhikhikhik

  4. note to own-self, NEVER bukak blog ke fp mama semasa lapar. hehehe

  5. wah, mama ...ini pun feveret saya bila mai bulan posa...mama saya mesti buat ni.pi la blog saya.salam hari isnin.hari ini saya test.susah.

  6. Hello MamaF, Discovered your Blog lately, and its wonderful.Tks for sharing your recipes. I was so attracted to your Caramel Pudding, that I made it the same night! Had to go and buy peaches next day, my Hubby liked it so much that he had two helpings; he liked it because its not too sweet.
    Tks once again, and have a good day, Mrs Singh from Ipoh

  7. This one very the nice laa.. Bilalah aku nak adakan masa buat sumer ni eh...

    - BR

  8. linahilmin :
    Waalaikumussalam Lina. Mama dah email Lina tapi no response. Did you get my email?

    Jun :) :
    Ha ah you...manis lawan masam...esh...sodap!

    Nina Suria :
    Waalaikumussalam Kak Mon. Syantik eh dandanan kita? Bolehlah kita jadi mak andam eh? Ahakss...

    Sya Annur :
    Hihihi...very the clever girl!

    Kalau Don score dalam peksa, leh request mama Don buatkan pudding ni lagi untuk Don!

    Mrs Singh :
    Most welcome Mrs Singh. Thanks for dropping by. I'm really glad your hubby liked the pudding. Then it's worth all the effort right? Have a nice day too....

    BR :
    Ala bro, kalau takat caramel pudding ni, bro tutup sebelah mata pun boleh buat la....No sweat punya!


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