Thursday, July 24, 2014

Viewers discretion is not adviced!


Has been a year,
It comes again;
Selamat Hari Raya,
Maaf Zahir Batin.

Mountain Daik's branches got three,
Pandan Island is far far in the middle;
With friends, relatives and family,
Hari raya is time to mingle.

If your garden got hot spring,
May I take a dip in it please?;
Balik kampung time better no speeding,
Unless you wanna give bonus to the police.

Push wood pull wood,
Keranji fruit inside a boat;
Hari raya got lots of food,
But don't eat too much like a goat.

Two three cats run run,
Where got the same as the striped one;
That's all for me I gotta run,
Duit raya? Where got one?
Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin

Finally I hung my 'SHOP CLOSE' notice last Monday. Done with baking cookies and on with the final cleaning of the house (though the house is not sparkling clean but it's cleaner than before. Hahahaha....). And yesterday when I wanted to change the curtain in the kitchen, I can't find the curtain to replace the one hanging at the moment. To make things worst, I've even forgotten how my other curtain looks like! Hahahaha.... While 'digging' for the curtain, I found some cotton material I bought way back in Malawi. And guess what, I sew the new kitchen curtain yesterday! Don't even dare to take a peek at the workmanship, or you will end up with sore eyes! But nevertheless.... my kitchen finally had it's 'baju raya'. That's what count the least to me... hehehe...

Enough ramblings here as I've got to rush today. Going to fetch my darling son. Huhuhu.. can't wait to see him. Miss him loads!!!!

And oh, here are the cookies that I've managed to bake for this year.... thaaa dhaaaa..... (there is no need for viewers dicretion ya... peace!)

Pineapple Tart (Kak Anim)

Red Velvet Cookies

Mak Cah's Pineapple Tarts

Crunchy Chocolate Chips Cookies

Biskut Tapak Kuda

Biskut Dahlia

Pandan Sugee

Chocolate Nestum Cookies

Fancy Icecream Cookies

Have a nice day everyone. Take care!


  1. Selamat Hari Raya Mamafami..mohon ampun dan maaf andai ada salah dan silap
    wow sangat meriah kukis mama...colourfull!! i likeee

  2. sedapnya mama....rasa semua nak dimakannnnn

  3. Wow, MamaFaMai, banyaknya kuih raya... semuanya enak2 dan comel2 ...
    Di sini, saya ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri dan mohon maaf lahir dan batin ya

  4. Hi MamaFaMi! I am feasting with my eyes while having my lousy lunch hah..hah...Dah tutup kedai? Untung banyak lah tu pasal.....Anyway here's wishing you and your family Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri! Have a good one and while you are celebrating, I will be doing my spring cleaning. Preparing for Chinese New Year 2015 wahahahaha....hopefully langsir I tak lesap :D

  5. Selamat Hari Raya Cik Mamafami...Do you still remember me...I am your very ardent fan...Ooooops selalu curi resepi Cik Mamafami....all you resipe are super super tasty and I have tried many many of them....Thank you from my bottom of my heart and I wish Selamat Hari Raya to you and to all in the family...If you balik safely and please take care....

  6. Hi MamaFahmi, I am a fan of sujee cookies, I would like to ask for your assistance to share the sujee cookies recipe in this blog.

  7. sedapnye biskut2 ni, pertama kali dengar biskut tapak kaki kuda :)

  8. Tu diaa aihhh...terliur tengok kuih raya nie...nasib tgk lepas buka..eheh

  9. salam mama ...
    banyak nya kuih-muih...kita buat sikit2 ja...penyakit m mai tahun ni...hahaha...
    Dikesempat ni nita nak ucapkan Selamat hari Raya , Maaf Zahir dan Batin utk mama sekeluarga....

  10. Selamat hari raya my dear you much

  11. Salam Aidil Fitri maaf zahir batin mama...
    You sure know how to bake beautiful & tasty cookies!

  12. Hi Sweetie, Selamat Hari Raya to you and family. Wow... semua cookies so sedaplicious. Very well baked!! Mau sikit.... LOL

    Have a wonderful week ahead,regards.

  13. Assalam....apa habaq my dear?merajuk panjang ni...mari la ku pujuk...
    Sihat hendaknya ya...
    Say something......please please

  14. bestnye kalau beraya rumah mamafami dihidangkan kuih raya yg meletops...:-)


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