Thursday, January 15, 2015

Vanilla Butter Cake


Posted by MamaFaMi

Ingredients :

250g butter, soften
230g castor sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
450g self raising flour
250ml fresh milk (I used Dutch Lady Full Cream Milk)
Chocolate chips

Method :

1. Preheat oven at 180 C. Bursh a deep 20cm round cake tin with melted butter or oil, line base and side with paper, grease paper. (I used foil, so no greasing is necessary)
2. Using electric beaters, beat butter and sugar in a mixing bowl until light and creamy.
3. Add eggs gradually, beating mixture thoroughly after each addition. Add essence and beat until combined.
4. Using a metal spoon, fold in sifted flours* alternately with milk. Stir until ingredients are just combined and the mixture is almost smooth.
5. Pour mixture into the prepared tin, smooth surface. Sprinkle with chocolate chips.
6. Bake for 45 minutes or until skewer comes out clean when inserted in center of cake.
7. Leave in tin for 10 minutes before turning onto wire rack to cool.

Note : If you wish to make a marble top cake, just reserve 4 tablespoons of the batter and a add a tablespoon of cocoa powder. Mix well. Spoon a few dollops of cocoa batter onto the vanilla batter and 'scribble' using a skewer.

Have a nice day!


  1. Assalam sis, lama sungguh x mai sini..rindu nye...sehat ye?
    Mak teh suka ni..suka sgt2...

    1. Waalaikumussalam sis. Hihi.. mentang mentang kita dah lama tak update, sis pun laluuuu je tak singgah ye. Ahaks. Alhamdulillah I am just fine. Harap Mak Teh sekeluarga sihat-sihat juga ye...

  2. waduhhhhhh sedapnya tngk kek mamaFami yg gebu ni...nmpk moist sngt..

    1. Yatie, kek ni masa baru keluar dari oven, macam slightly dry. Tapi bila keesokkan harinya baru moist. :)

  3. As Salam mama,
    teringinnya...bak se"slice" ..hihi

  4. assalamualaikum mama, semalam dtg tengok je tk dpt komen tenet tenat, pagi ni alhamdulillah tenat sihat dah nak rasa kek sepotong kerna perut kosong!!! hehee

  5. Godaan.....Mama, just looking at your marvellous cake I can feel my waist expanding hik..hik...hik...


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