Friday, January 16, 2015

Pasta Aglio Olio with Pepperoni

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Me, Myself and I

Ingredients :

1/2 packet Angel Hair
15 pieces pepperoni
4 cloves garlic - chopped
1 teaspoon chillie flakes (add more if you want it hot)
1 tablespoon Waitrose Green Basil Pesto
1 teaspoon capers
black olives
salt - if necessary
a bit of water
olive oil

Method :

1. Boil angel hair pasta till al dente. Drained and keep aside.
2. In a skillet, add 1/2 teaspoon olive oil and add in the pepperoni. Stir fry for a few minutes. Keep aside.
2. Add enough olive oil in the same skillet. Add in the chopped garlic and fry till fragrant. Add in chillie flakes.
3. Add in the basil paste. *Be careful as oil will splutter!!*
4. Add in olives and caper. Stir for a while before the boiled pasta and a bit of water. Season with salt. Stir to mix.
5. Toss the pepperoni into the pan and mix well. Ready to serve.

Have a nice day!


  1. assalam mama, gerenti sedap ni takdpt di sangkal coz ada pepperoni tu i like...

    1. Waalaikumussalam Kak Noor. Haaa.. ini yang dinamakan cepat dimasak sedap dimakan. Memang tidak dapat dinafikan lagi. Psst, kalau nak tahu... lunch hari ni pun kita makan benda ni lagi... hehehe

  2. Adoi! Adoi! Adoi! Sedap nyeerr..... Mama you ni spoil betul menggoda I petang-petang gini LOL! I have been eating carbs too freely and now suffering from expanded waistline. Very semput lah while I am sitting down because my pants dah ketat. This pasta aglio olio have to be KIV for the future before I meletop. Ni pun Chinese New Year belum sampai, I dah kembang-kembang :(

    1. Phong Hong... think positive. If you cari bantal, surely you will cari yang fluffy supaya best dipeluk right. So, the same applies to us. Hahahaha..... Eh btw, pasta fattening ke? Haiya... then what to eat?

  3. Replies
    1. Hihihi... mengancam anak tekak tak bahaya, jangan mengancam negara dahlah. Nanti kena tangkap! Hahaha

  4. mengancam naluri perutku...krok krek berirama romanpicisan...eeeh tetiba hehehe

  5. Lama tak jengah blog mama.. jemput singgah blog sy juga :)

  6. sedap dan mudah dibuat.... terimakasih saya tunggu resep barunya pasti lebih ajip,,,,,Obat Asam Urat


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