Friday, January 9, 2015

Samprit Susu

Posted by MamaFaMi
Adapted from : Mas Duniaku

Ingredients :

125g butter
125g condensed milk (I used SAJI brand)
230g cornflour
1/4 teaspoon rose essence (I added)
a few drops of yellow food coloring (I added)
sugar sprinkles

Method :

1. Mix butter and condensed milk using a wooden spoon.
2. Add rose essence and yellow food coloring.
3. Add cornflour to form a soft dough.
4. Take a bit of dough and put through the samprit cookie press.
5. Press onto the tray and sprinkle with sugar sprinkles.
6. Bake in a preheated oven for 12 to 15 minutes.
7. Remove from oven and let it cool before storing in an airtight container.

I used this cookie press

....instead of this...

Have a nice day!


  1. Eh, eh...
    Mcm nk raya la plk npk bskt samprit ni mama...

  2. Hi Sweetie, CNY coming. :)) That's my favorite cookies, very addictive. Your cookies look beautiful. Well done.

    Have a wonderful week ahead,regards.

  3. Assalam mama!!

    Lamanyaa tak nampak mama, sihat ke ??
    Ni nak raya CNY ni bole la buat, nak buatkan utk pak cik mak cik tersayang... :)

  4. My all time favourite ni Mama...!!!! Memang sedaaapp kan.. Tapi cookies tak ada kesabaran nak buat.. Cakes boleh la dibuat berunding jugak.. Hehe..

    I miss Ocean Basket :(

  5. Mama, this should be a good one to bake for Chinese New Year! Love the sprinkles :)


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