Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Wet Chocolate Cake (siaran ulangan)

Yesterday, I ACCIDENTLY slept late. The word accidently means not deliberately. Hahaha... I got carried away 'digging' the photos in my folders. And yesterday night till early morning, I was trying to recover the photos in the COOKIES THREAD. Alhamdulillah so far, all my effort didn't go to waste. Pray that I will manage to retrieve more photos ya....

By the time I put my head on the pillow, it was almost 2 am. I am sort of worried if I will fall asleep again after Fajr prayers but alhamdulillah I didn't. I had a few things to do and that will have to start early as the process takes quite sometime. I have to get all things done by 12 noon. Alhamdulillah I managed....just on time before Mak Chu and Pak Chu dropped by....

I made 3 things for them. One of them is this Wet Chocolate Cake, loved by my family. I made the whole recipe and managed to get a big cake. I gave some to Mak Chu and packed some for ANZ staffs since Mak Chu said they are dropping by that side too. And they really made my day. I felt so happy. Thank you ANZ for your kind words.

For those who wishes to try out the recipe, please click HERE. Sorry to say that the photos in the link is still missing. I am working on it ya. Please bear with me.

Puan Noriza was surprised when I told her that I didn't use butter but PLANTA Margarine when baking the cake. She asked me, how come the cake tasted so good. And I told her, it is because it is made with lots of love! Hahahahaha.... skema betul kan ayat kita tu Kak Lang. Hik hik hik...

I was taught to use PLANTA in our baking ever since I was young. Mom will get a big tin of Planta everytime the month of Syawal approaches. But as for me, I must have a big tin of Planta in my pantry throughout the year! I use Planta in most of my bakings and I am happy with it.

Okay, enough said... I might continue 'digging' for photos, or I might start reading a new book tonight. We'll see what I will do... or... don't be surprised if I just doze off to Dreamland! Hahaha... Good nite!


  1. favourite mrs nie...good nite mama

    1. Hihihi.. sket baik 'cikgu disiplin' tak bawak rotan suruh tido! Hahahaha

  2. blh jadi duta Planta mama. Heheeeeeee

    1. Hik hik hik... tak maulah jadi duta duta ni.... i malu you! Tapi memang mama gunakan Planta dalam apa juga baking especially biskut. Kalau kek pulak, jarang mama gunakan butter. Ntah... agaknya memang dah di-train dari dulu guna Planta :)

  3. Planta fav Don...on toast,nasi panas onto allmost semuanya
    Dah lma Don x skodeng yr blog nih...hes forever busy busy..ngeee
    X tau pasai apa susah sungguh x bukak comment ni..lma bru bole....

    1. Yesza... Planta dengan nasi putih panas pun on je kan sis... Ke manakah perginya Don cayang ni? Tak visit mama ni? Hahaha... Awat lak susah nak buka comment. I didn't do anything to the setting i guess... hmmmm...

  4. Jap lg kena salin resepi ni mama. Terliur tgk

    1. Dah salin, jangan tak try lak ye... buat separuh adunan dah cukup. Besar kek ni....


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