Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Soft Plain Buns

Good day everyone! Yes, I slept late again. This time, I was aware of the time but I was so into 'digging' that I just let time pass by. I managed to retrieve another page of the the COOKIES THREAD. Alhamdulillah...

Well, to continue with yesterday's story, these are the other two things that I had made for my sister and her hubby. I used the recipe from the Roti Paun Lembut but added more sugar to it.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Adapted from : HERE

Ingredients :

500g high protein flour
50g milk powder
250ml chilled water
11g instant dried yeast (I used Mauripan)
140g castor sugar
a few drops of yellow food coloring
100g margarine (I used Planta margarine)

Method :

1. Gease all the baking tins thoroughly. I used vegetable shortening. Keep aside.
2. Place all ingredients except margarine in a mixing bowl.
3. Fasten the dough hook onto the mixer and start kneading.
4. Once the ingrediets have just combined, add in the margarine. Knead till a soft, elastic and shiny dough is formed.
5. Remove from the bowl and rest the dough for about 10 minutes.
6. Divide the dough into a 27g balls. Shape it nicely and arrange in the prepared tins.
7. Cover the tins and leave the dough to rise till almost double the size.
8. Mix a bit of milk powder with a bit of water and brush lightly on top of the dough.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 C for 15 to 20 minutes. Oven temperature and baking time may vary, depending on your oven.
10. Once baked, remove from the oven and onto a wire rack to cool.

Made these too for Mak Chu and Pak Chu. For the pastry, I bought the readymade Kawan Puff Pastry and used the fan setting in the oven when baking.

Have a nice day!


  1. Cantik kejadian roti mama. Cicah kopi sedap tu

    1. Mama up sket Lydia... mama makan cicah sambal ikan bilis dan minum kopi. Perghhhh!

  2. Replies
    1. Waalaikumussalam Kjee dear....

      Thanks so much for your kind comment. Hope you are keeping well... :)

  3. Paung ni sama tak rasanya ngan paung yg kat teganu?kalu sama, nak wat lah..fav semua dlm umah...boh inti marjerin best gak

    1. Frankly speaking sis, I have never tasted Paung yang kat Ganu tu even though my cousin always brag about it. Lom ada rezeki nak rasa. So I don't really know what to say. Inti majerin? Majerin + gula ke?

  4. cantikkkkknya roti tu mama..

  5. Alahaiii mama , geramnya tengok roti tu...kita ni tak pandai sangat meroti...nnt kita nak try jugak lah .
    Thanks for the recipe ya...

    1. Most welcome Kak Nita. Mama menguli roti pun guna either mixer atau bread maker. Tak kuasa nak uli manual. Buat roti ni taklah susah mana pun. Just follow the method, in sha Allah jadi je... :)

  6. Assalamualaikum Mama Fami,
    cantik betul kejadian soft plain buns tu... nampak mulus & gebus! Pinjam tangan ajaib Mama Fami boleh ye... he heheh

    1. Waalaikumussalam Amie...

      Hihi.. pinjam tangan mama pun tak ada makna sebab mama bukan larat pun nak menguli. Mixer yang menguli. Hik hik hik....

  7. Gebu sungguh roti tu mama...
    Nora bagi 5 bintang!

    1. Ha ah Nora. Sedap lembut! Wah... ada banyak bintang... nak petik bintanglah... hahaha

  8. Hi MamaFaMi, my goodness!!! Your roti paun lembut is so so cantik and slurrppp... Oh, sorry ya... air liur meleleh, tak boleh control!!! hahhahaa.... Your beef and potato puffs juga hebat! Thumbs up to you, MamaFaMi. I would love to try your roti paun one day. Thanks for sharing and regards :)

    1. Adoi Ivy... next time when you come here, I must make sure I siapkan baby's bib la, Senang you wipe your drool. Hahaha... very funny! The roti paun is a must try la Ivy. I love the recipe very much. Not onlythe ingredients are just basic ones, it is easy to do and sedap! Nanti try ok... :)

  9. Salam mama..camner nak place order kat mama ni? Teringin nak makan cari link utk place order mama dah xambil orders dah? Hihi..thanks..

    1. Waalaikumussalam Nita. Brownies ye? Hmmm... Nita email kat mama je la ye.

  10. Mama, saya cuba resipi ni semalam.. pukul 12 malam roti keluar dari oven.. sungguh gebu dan halus teksturnya.. terbaik! Sedap makan panas-panas.. saya pun bagi 5 bintang! Terima kasih share resipi ni..

    1. Alhamdulillah Lynn dah berjaya buat roti ni dan alhamdulillah puas hati dengan hasilnya. Ce ambil gambar dan rasmikan blog Lynn yang Lynn peram lama tu... hehehe....

  11. Mama.. Some resepi i jumpe ade letak telur.. Ape beza nya ye?
    Boleh tak kalau gune shortening?

    1. Mama pun tak sure apa beza antara letak telur dan tidak. Tapi I am happy enough with this recipe. Stays soft walaupun dah beberapa hari. Rasanya boleh kot guna shortening. Cuma nanti rasanya taklah selemak masin macam guna majerin. :D


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