Thursday, January 16, 2014

Crunchy Currypuffs Karipap Sabah

Actually I have doubt to post this entry...
I am not sure if there is such thing as Karipap Sabah.
I had asked a friend of mine, Vera who is from Sabah, about this particular kuih and she wasn't too sure about it. Then I did some 'research'.... research okay... tak mau kalah tu..hahaha... on the internet. Still I am unsure of the existance of Karipap Sabah.

Anyway, I will still post the recipe here......

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source 1 : Izah

Source 2 : Mlong Tipah and Noly

Ingredients :

250g flour
1/4 cup cooking oil (I used Naturel Corn Oil)
1 tablespoon margarine (I used Planta)
1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1/2 cup water

Currypuff Filling

Method :

1. Heat oil, margarine and salt.
2. Pour into the flour. Stir using a spoon. Be careful with the hot oil.
3. Add in water a little at a time and keep kneading till a soft dough is formed.
4. Divide into 10 portions and make into small balls. Rest for 10 minutes.
5. Then shape. Refer to the step by step photo.

6. Fry till golden brown.

Have a nice day!


  1. Wouw! MamaFami, I love your new way of wrapping curry puff. Very pretty :)

    1. Hi DG...
      Thanks. But I think, if I had sliced the dough slanting instead of straight , it would have turned out nicer. Hmmm why didn't I think of it before... hmmmmmm....

  2. Yuuhuuu.... my dear, pass some over leyyy.... I sudah buat kopi tengah cari nak makan apa. LOL Look good so I bet it taste extremely good too.

    Have a nice day.

    1. Yuuhuu to you too Amelia. Mau pass apa? Container kosong adalah.. hihihi... it is just like the ordinary karipap cuma shape saja lain. Tu yang I ada doubt sikit... betul ke Karipap Sabah looks like this... or... does Karipap Sabah actually existed... hehehe....

  3. Salam Mf...nice karipap hehe cute sangat

    1. Waalaikumussalam Kak Noor. Cute kan shape dia. Macam best je buat...

  4. mmg tak berapa goreng ni ma... mcm celur2 je.. hahahha..
    ok jugak tu. kalau slice memanjang gitu hasilnya kan. good job.. hehe

    1. Tak boleh 'goreng' lebih lebih Izah... nanti hangus, terus tak de orang masuk sini. Shian blog mama nanti... :D

  5. Nice, nanti boleh tiru idea ni. Tapi saya failed bab nak kelim karipap tu.

    1. Mungkin Hazila je rasa yang Hazila failed bab kelim, tapi pada pandangan mata orang lain, cantik je. Anyway, practice makes perfect kan. Tak cantik kelim pun tak apa, janji dapat ngap! Hehehe....Kalau tak mau kelim, tekan je dengan garfu

  6. Salam MF, i orang Sabah tapi tak pernah jumpa karipap yang macam ini lagi...mungkin style baru kut...anyway the ideal is really nice...tq

    1. Waalaikumussalam Nasa Mulia...

      Mama tanya orang Sabah pun, dia tak tahu ada karipap Sabah. Hehehe... Tapi mama ikutkan hajer resepi yang mama dapat tu... ahaks...


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