Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Vanilla Cupcakes (Laura Vitale)


Been missing again mama? Yes, OBVIOUSLY!! Hahaha...

First of all, everytime I sit infront of the PC, trying to update my blog, I tend to go here and there in the cyberworld. By the time I am done (more or less forced to be DONE) I am tired. And to make things worst, the line is sometimes playing hide and seek with me. So yes...bye bye cyber world and hello shut down button!

Secondly, I was trying hard, very hard indeed to finish reading another book. Oh gosh... I had such a hard time! Too many conflicts which is very hazardous to me. Imagine, I have to recite " LA ILAHA ILLA ANTA SUBHANAKA INNI KUNTU MINAZ ZALIMEEN" over and over again when it comes to the mother's part. And when I came to the ex-wife's part... all that came to mind was the TANAH KUBUR series on Astro Oasis and Astro Maya HD. I hope I won't have to wait that long to start reading another book because at the moment, I am still feeling tired! I was done reading that book 2 days ago....

Thirdly... hadn't been spending much time in the kitchen... and the rest, you do understand right? Hahaha....


Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Laura Vitale (episode 61)

Ingredients :

1 cup granulated sugar
1 stick butter, softened (125g)
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 1/3 cups all purpose flour
1/3 cup fresh milk (I used Nestle)

Enough strawberries

Method :

1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Farenheit or 175 degree celcius. Line your cupcake tin with liners and set aside.
2. In a mixing bowl fitted with a paddle attachment, cream together the sugar and butter. Add the eggs and vanilla and cream together until you get a smooth mixture. Add the dry ingredients and with the speed on low mix together and slowly add the milk and just mix everything to combine. DO NOT OVERMIX! Make sure you give everything a good stir with a spatula from the bottom to incorporate any bit that wasn’t mixed.
3. Scoop the batter into your lined cupcake tin, make sure its only filled ¾ of the way up because they will rise. Bake for 20 minutes and let cool for about 45 minutes before frosting.
4. Decorate as you please. Ready to serve. Enjoy!

Have a nice day!


  1. My goodness, mamaFaMu, this is soooo good and beautiful. Sedap.... :)

    1. Bukan nak boast, tapi cupcakes tu memang sedap :D Hihihi.. As for the decoration, just close one eye to it okay. I hentam je. Itupun guna leftover buttercream aje.

  2. Mama, what book is that ah? Sampai kena mengucap while reading. Must be a very interesting book. Not only that got TANAH KUBUR comes to mind pulak hee..hee... Anyway I love your cupcakes. So pretty!

    1. Malay novel... Cinta Mekar Di Hati by Rose Harissa. I tell you... the mom can be so da** cruel!!!! The anak like half dead already, she can still torture. And the ex-wife is sooo like a wh***!!!! Masa baca tu, my jantung goes haywire! Hati sakit ooo... Cuba you baca PH... If you decided to read, let me know ya... hahaha

  3. mesti cuba ini... (",)
    tq mamaFami

  4. rajin mama membaca...
    sekali lagi.. mengoda sangat tau!

    1. Mama memang suka membaca sedari kecil lagi. Cuma kalau nak mengadap sungguh sungguh tu, tak sempatlah. Tapi ke mana saja mama pergi, buku memang ikut. Kalau suami ajak teman dia ke mana-mana, sementara menunggu dia, mama bacalah :D

  5. rajinnya mama membaca, kaknoor semenjak dua menjak mmg malas dah nak baca, cari resepi semua dlm tenet, hanya QURAN je everyday buat kita tenang dan mesti luangkan masa, tv pun kurang tak tau lah apa nak jadi, btw cupcake tu marbelessss

  6. assalam mama..perghhh..nmpak kegebusan cupcake tu yg begitu terserlah!! bak nk kenen 2 ketui..ada lg belen x??


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