Thursday, November 13, 2014

Having Fun...

Yeah right, I was having fun, like I've got nothing much to do.. Where else, there are tons of work to be done! Hahaha... Well, I am not a machine. I do need a break once in a while. Even machines need to be turned off once in a while so that it can sustain a longer life span! 

Had been trying to snap photos which will look lovely like most of the blogs but yeah, I just have to accept that my creativity is very limited. But hey, I am grateful though. At least my photos nowadays looks better than 10 years back! Hahaha... 

Speaking of 10 years back, that would be my Fotopages era. Unfortunately I can't seem to access my Fotopages anymore. Anyone out there knows what happened? I really need my Fotopages because all my memories of Africa were in there.... What must I do to get back my Fotopages? HELPPPP!!!!  

Kuetiau Kung Fu  and Kedondong Asam Boi at Kassa Corner

Pasta-tak-jadi. Menyakitkan hati!!!!! Sket baik gambar jadi.. ahahaha
Keropok Belinjau dan Thai Sweet Chillie. Had this for my dinner :) Diet? Oh tidak... reason being... malas masak!!!


  1. cantik what your photos! I like them all!
    yup, you're right... after reading your post, I checked my good old fotopages... sudah tara link... sangat sedih... my old photos pun tak habis alih masuk to my blog :(

    1. Oh thank you Muna darling. Coming from you...oh i sungguh happy!
      At least you sempat nak alih the photos to your blog. I tak sempat apa pun. Dah terfikir nak alih to a new blog. Dah buat pun, tapi tu la, baru transfer like just a few. Lepas tu dok tangguh tangguh... hah now... see what happened. And to make things worst... gambar-gambar lama masa abroad dulu, dok dalam laptop yang dah rosak. Finito! Huwaaaaaaaa.......

    2. sangat sedey... cheq try google - images and allsorts - dah no longer exist.... lesson learned! xoxo

    3. I am still not giving up hope just yet. Still hoping and praying that we can get back our fotopages, even if we have to pay for it. The memories in there is more valuable then money! Huwaaaaa...... lesson learnt too... huhuhu... are we in the same class? :P

  2. kaknoor tak reti jugak mama semua hal fotopages, kena tanya yg arif lah, saje dtg tengok makanan kat sini enak sekali semua nya dong...

    1. Tu la tu Kak Noor. Fotopages kita tu, walaupun gambar dia blur dan tak cantik, tapi kenangan yang datang bersama fotopages tu sungguh tiada galang ganti nilainya.... sedih gilos ni...

  3. Good morning,
    your photos are great unlike mine always turned up blur!

    1. Good morning Elaine. Great? Well others are greater and greatest.... but still I am grateful. Hahaha... You will be one in time okay. My photos using a proper pocket camera were blur too last time. But as time goes by, it gets clearer.. hahaha.. and now, I am just using my phone camera.... So, all the best to us!

  4. Saya suka keropok belinjau. Saya pun termasuk dalam golongan yang kurang daya kreativiti. Hantam saja.....

    1. ADUHAI!!! Kalau Hazila kata Hazila masuk dalam golongan kurang daya kreativiti... jawabnya... mama habislah. Macam tu punya cantik gambar dalam blog Hazila pun Hazila cakap macam tu... huhuhuhu... jauh lagilah nampaknya perjalananku... huwaaaaaa

  5. tak dapat nak membantu sebab tak tahu...
    apa rasa kopok belinjau tu?

    1. Keropok belinjau tu rasa pahit pahit sikit. Tapi sedap kat tekak mama :D

  6. hahahaha....Pasta tak jadi LOL! Mama yang tu can qualify as my Mad Cooking episod ketiga :D Anyway the above photos are cantik! Pass! Pass! Sorry I tak tau anything about Fotopages.

    1. I sakit hati with the pasta sebenarnya. LANGSUNG tak rupa what it is suppose to look like! Macam langit dengan bumi tau tak. Nasib baik bukan macam langit dan bawah tanah! Hahahaha.... What's more, terlebih salt. Huhuhu... tautong kepala I the next day!

      Tapi nasib baiklah the photo that I shot bolehlah diterima. Otherwise, lagi lah makan hati!!!! Hahaha...

  7. sllu tgok fotopge tp x brp reri kak..pic mmg awsome ..suka

    1. Tu la tu Zila. Akak ingatkan nak cuba tulis kat pihak Fotopages, tapi macam dah tak exist pulak. Huwaa... sedih gilos ni!

  8. Mamafahmi kat putra heights juga ke?? Kak ros kat sec 2 dan ada tafika disection 8..

  9. salam, pertama kali ke sini. nampak menggiurkan kuetiaw tu. dah tak wujud ke fotopages tu?

    1. Waalaikumussalam Suriya. Terima kasih sudi ke sini ye. Fotopages tu, tak tahulah nak cakap. Macam dah tak ada... huwaaaaa

  10. Assalam mama.... ratna pun sedih.. seminggu dua ni memang tak boleh buka fotopages la mama. Bulan lepas pun kena gak mcm tu.. tp kemudian boleh buka... tp skrg ni dah tak boleh buka semula. hopefully hanya ada masalah teknikal sedikit atau mereka update sesuatu. sya pun sedih kalau fotopages terkubur mcm tu... byk sgt kenagnan dlm tu... until now saya masih update fotopages tu mama.. tp hanya update aktiviti keluarga je.... kalau berterusan gini nampak gayanya.. saya kena create blog la pulak utk update aktiviti family... huhuhu... sedihhh..

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ratna. Sebenarnya dah agak lama gak fotopages macam dah tak ada. Mama lagilah sedih sebab semua gambar masa kat Malawi ada kat dalam tu. Mama fikir, dah selamatlah. Tapi nampaknya macam tak. Dulu ada gak nak alihkan dalam private blog, tapi baru buat sempat buat sikit je. Kalau Ratna ada apa-apa berita pasal fotopages, atau sekurang kurangnya dapat contact pihak fotopages, beritahu mama ye. Mama nak tulis kat diorang pun, tak ada alamatnya. Sedih sedih sedih ni!

  11. Salam Mamafami :D

    Huwaaa! Baru tau yang fotopages dah taleh bukak lagik! Banyak kenangan zaman fotopages ngan kwn2 FP :(


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