Friday, November 14, 2014

Soft buns...again!!!

Yes... again and again and again will I keep using this particular recipe. Not only the taste is lovely, but easy to prepare and not to mention, using just the basic ingredients. Nothing fancy. And when something is simple, Mamafami will love it!

Baked these buns to bring along with us on our trip. Where to? Well, lets just wait and see... Hahaha...

And again, I tried my best to capture a presentable looking photo. Like if I keep practising, the photos will turn into something awesome! Hahaha... In my dreams perhaps! Anyway, proudly presenting my latest 'assignment'. Guess what... when I showed off these photos to a few friends, their response to it was.... NICE PLATE! Huwaaaaaaaaaa.... 

Posted by MamaFaMi
Adapted from : HERE

Ingredients :

500g high protein flour
50g milk powder
250ml chilled water
11g instant dried yeast (I used Saf Instant)
150g castor sugar
a few drops of yellow food coloring
100g margarine (I used Planta margarine)

Method :

1. Gease all the baking tins thoroughly. I used vegetable shortening. Keep aside.
2. Place all ingredients except margarine in a mixing bowl.
3. Fasten the dough hook onto the mixer and start kneading.
4. Once the ingrediets have just combined, add in the margarine. Knead till a soft, elastic and shiny dough is formed.
5. Remove from the bowl and rest the dough for about 10 minutes.
6. Divide the dough into a 30g balls. Shape it nicely and arrange in the prepared tins.
7. Cover the tins and leave the dough to rise till almost double the size.
8. Mix a bit of milk powder with a bit of water and brush lightly on top of the dough.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 C for 15 to 20 minutes. Oven temperature and baking time may vary, depending on your oven.
10. Once baked, remove from the oven and onto a wire rack to cool.


  1. moning mama..ya allah comelnya bun..mcam nak amik sebiji..

    1. Morning Zila. Ce terai capai sebiji. Kalau dapat, bagitahu eh, mama nak gi menuntut dengan Zila. Hihihi...

  2. Nice plate! hahahahaha...... And nice buns too lah! This plate looks familiar. I think I have two of those, one green and one yellow. So, Mama on vacation and bawak bekal roti. Have a nice getaway!

    1. Alaaaaa Phong Hong... you pun janganlah sama macam diorang, puji only my plate. Cuba you cakap, wah cantik gambar! Sejuklah hati i. Hahaha... boleh pulak macam tu, siap nak negotiate lagi. Hahaha... Bought that plate kat kedai RM2 la. Hahaha... I have 2 actually. Blue and Yellow. Nanti i snap gambar guna yellow one pulak. Sure dapat pujian...NICE PLATE lagi... huwaaaa...

      Ha ah, bawak roti and 'something else'. Jeng jeng jeng.... Just going for a short break. Mr Hubby needs a break from office! Huhuhu....

      Nice weekend to you too dearie....

    2. Alahai! I was distracted by the plate and the buns :) Your photo is cantik, Betul, I cakap ikhlas nih. Simple and yet outstanding due to the white background and no clutter. I suka!

    3. Hihihihi..... *blushed* Thank you Phong Hong. Hati dah sejuk dah. Now can go holiday dengan hati yang riang ria! Wah!

  3. yes, plate tu memang cantik dan comey la mama
    sedap cicah buns ni dengan air teh o

    1. Huwaaaaa Mrs Smile..... plate je ke? Ish.... ada yang ku simpan plate ni dalam stor. Asyik dia je yang orang nampak. Gambar keseluruhannya orang tak nampak! Hahaha.. teruk bebeno dah mama ni... hahahaha.... gurau je! Eh cicah teh o kurang umph... cicah kopi o barulah terangkat!

  4. wah mamaaaaa ini mesti kes jeles ni kan kaknoor buat roti hari tu hahaha, tapi mama punya roti lagi gebusss tu nampak nya dan pinggan yg sedondon dgn cawan jeles kaknoor tau..

    1. Hihihi... sebenarnya dah lama nak meroti, tapi tak sempat sempat. Lepas tu ada pulak yang tayang roti dia, laaagilah membuak buak hasrat di qolbu. Tu yang terjadinya kejadian ini. Ahaks... Hihihi.. Kak Noor jeles eh dengan piring kita tu... piring dua hengget je pun Kak Noor. :D Tapi mug tu... yg tu istimewa sikit... sentimental value dari Malawi :D

  5. Replies
    1. Akakkkkkkkkk!!! *Big Hug* Pekabor kak? Harap sihat walafiat. Hihihi.. akak mana ada masa nak buat roti bagai kan nowadays.. shiaaaan akak... hehehe

  6. samalah kita mama... memang tak kreatif bab2 nak susun prop bagai... lagipun kat rumah tu mmg takde sgt prop yg sesuai nak susun2.. bukan jenis suka beli2 barang pun.. yg ada kat rumah hanya yg basic2 je.. bab2 perhiasan mmg miskin.. uwaaa.... hehehe...

    mama... sy ada komen entry kat bwh tu pasal fotopages.. mmg sedihla mama...

    1. Mama pun sama Ratna. Makin letak prop, makin semak samun rasanya. Orang lain letak prop nampak cantik. Hahaha... tu la, orang lain kreatif, mama ni kurang. Tak pe, mama redha je. Mama pun tak berapa suka beli barang. Infact, barang yang dalam rumah ni pun, kalau boleh, nak dikurangkan. :D

  7. Fuiyoo..gebuss gebass roti mu itew mama..nk kenen 2 ketui wat mamam ngan eskrem..mesti sodap kan!! hehe..

    1. Gebus gebas memang Doc. Nak hulur pun tak leh, abes dah. Bawak bekal :D

  8. Sedapnya roti tu.... tak kesampaian nak buat roti sendiri lagi

    1. Tak apa, nanti satu hari nan indah... sampailah tu hasrat di qolbu nak meroti sendiri :)

  9. sedapnya bun tu sis..menjamu mata je mampu ni..rasa nak cubit2 je roti gebu tu

    1. Apalah dosa roti tu ye? Sampai nak kena cubit! Ahaks.....

  10. Hi Sweetie, knock...knock.... bun ada lagi? I bawa kopi-o. LOL
    Wah, it cawan sama piring very beautiful dan comel. Kalau tak nak... let me know. hahaha....

    Have a nice day, regards.

    1. Hi Amelia...

      Bun finish la. I bawak bekal pergi holiday! Boleh makan masa duduk lepak dalam bilik. Hihihi... Piring I beli dekat kedai 2 ringgit la. Mug cannot give. Ada sentimental value. Came all the way from Malawi... huhuhu...

  11. HI MamaFaMi, wow, cantiknya, gambar foto, cawan, piring, roti bun dan jugak jurugambarnya. Eh... betul, I serious ni, tak tarik kaki Mama. I am going to try your roti bun, sebab nampak sedap, and paling penting, mesti senang dan cepat. I pun tak suka resipi yang leceh2x. Pening kepala kalau resipi tak jadi, betul tak? Ok, I minta curi your resipi, ok? Enjoy your week and warmest regards :)

  12. Salam kenal Mamafami.. Sy br try resepi ni arini.. Alhamdulillah menjadi n gebu n sedap.. Akan buat lagi..trime kasih Mamafami <3


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