Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Bok Choy Stir Fry with Oyster Sauce and Garlic Oil

Yesterday, I was fasting. Alhamdulillah it went well and I don’t feel hungry actually, neither thirsty.

At 5pm, I started to think, what shall I cook for Iftaar. Mr Hubby told me that he’s not going to have dinner. So now, the choice of dinner’s menu is totally up to me.

In one of my whatsapp group, Ummi had mentioned about Che Mat Gebu’s Ayam Pongteh. She was fasting too yesterday. I quickly visited Mat’s entry on that particular recipe. Wow, looks delicious (as always!!!) and best of all, quite easy to prepare. Okay, I might cook Ayam Pongteh.

At 6pm… erkkk I think I have to change the menu. Not enough time to defrost the chicken. I don’t have a microwave okay (good excuse! Hahahaha). I think I’m gonna cook Seafood Aglio Olio. Easy and fast to cook and yummy to eat…

…..I mingle here and there, swept the house, fold the clothes, bla…bla…bla…. Oops it’s 6.30pm! I can still cook Aglio Olio if I want to but then, I saw my mom’s empty room. Mom is with my brother in Bangi at the moment. Ahahhhhhh…. since mom is not around, this is the best time to cook SARDINE! Hahaha… so yes, sardine it was and ready in no time. And guess what!!! Mr Hubby even joined me for dinner! Yippeeeeee!!!!

To go with the sardine, I made omelette and this Bok Choy Stir Fry with Oyster Sauce and Garlic Oil. The Bok Choy served in this photo are the Bok Choy that we've planted ourselves using the Hydroponic System. So rest assure, my Bok Choy doesn't have dirt or whatsoever. *wink*

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Anita

Ingredients :

300 gram baby bok choy (or any greens)

Oyster Sauce :

½ teaspoon oil
2 tablespoon oyster sauce
2 tablespoon water
1 teaspoon sugar
3 dash ground white pepper

Garlic Oil :

2 tablespoon oil
4 cloves garlic, minced

Method :

1. Wash and drain the bok choy to remove grit and dirt. Drain and set aside.
2. Bring a pot of water to a rolling boil. Salt generously, and add the bok choy. Once the water boils again and the bok choy turns a brighter shade of green. Start testing to see if it is crispy and tender to your liking. Once you like the texture (please, please don't let them boil for more than 3 minutes or you will end up with wimpy limpy bok choy), drain and place on a serving plate. Set aside. (Or you can shock in ice water first, then drain again and place on a serving plate).

Oyster Sauce :

Heat oil in a frying pan. Add oyster sauce, water, sugar, and ground white pepper. Stir until the sauce bubbles. Turn off heat and pour the sauce on the bok choy.

Garlic Oil :

Give the frying pan a quick clean. Heat the oil and stir fry the garlic until fragrant and garlic turns golden brown. Turn off heat and pour the garlic oil onto the bok choy. Serve immediately.

Have a nice day!


  1. Bok choy looking pretty there...yummy
    Mak teh wat nasi mendhi,gmbr dah ambik,cuma x boh kat mna2pun,nak email kat sis,i dont know why x bole,byk kalidah cuba

  2. Whaoh, Mama! You own homegrown bok choy. Very impressed lah. And it looks really good with the generous garlic and oyster sauce. Is that all the sayur, nampak macam tak cukup hee..hee...

  3. Aslmkm Mama. Rumah Along tiap hari mesti nak sayur.... kalau masak camni mesti sampai jilat2....hehehe

  4. Hi MamaFaMi, love this simple stir fry bok choy. I can sapu satu pinggan licin licin..... slurrppppp.... burppp... Cheers and regards :)

  5. terasa-rasa nak buat...dah lama tak makan

  6. nn pon ada lauk ni juga smlm ..

    eindu mamafami

  7. kelihatannya ini sangat enak sekali,,,apabila anda tau saya mau tanya apakah benar Khasiat Jelly Gamat ampuh untuk Obat Rematik??


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