Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Mi Hailam

Pstttt.... kuah dia surut la pulak! Hik hik hik....
Posted by MamaFaMi
Adapted : Kak Liza

Ingredients :

3 tablespoons cooking oil
4 garlics - coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon chillie paste
100g chicken fillet - sliced into thin pieces
100g fresh prawns - shelled
1 piece fish cake - sliced
1 cup water
3 tablespoons thick soya sauce
3 tablespoons tomato sauce
1/2 small carrot - peeled and sliced
250g chinese cabbage - cut
salt - if necessary
600g yellow noodles

Garnish :

fresh red chillie - sliced

Method :

1.Heat oil in a wok and add in chopped garlic and chillie paste. Stir till fragrant.
2. Add chicken and water. Let the chicken cooked then only add in prawns, fish cakes and carrots. Stir.
3. Add soya sauce, tomato sauce, salt (if necessary) and yellow noodle. Give it a good stir to mix.
4. Add in the chinese cabbage and stir.
5. Remove from heat.
6. Garnish with scallions and cilantro.

Have a nice day!


  1. Mama, that looks very delicious! I prefer dry style noodles, Takder kuah pun takper :)

    1. Pssttt Phong Hong... sebenarnya gambar that plate tu, the kuah is a bit surut! Muahaha... was hoping tak ada orang tegur! Kih kih kih....

  2. Salam mama,

    saya singgah ni nak rasa mi hailam mama....hahaha.. boleh ka??

    1. Waalaikumussalam Kak Nita....

      Mata je la leh rasa ye, tekak tak leh sebab dah berzaman mi ni habis Mama masak last week rasanya untuk mak berbuka puasa :)

  3. Alamak sayang, belated birthday wishes to you. I was going to wish you on Saturday, then had a guest, then lupah! Hope you had a wonderful day! xx

    1. Thank you my darling kakak. Had a good outing that day with my sister and her other 2 friends. They treat me at Chillis. First time set foot in Chillis!


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