Thursday, March 20, 2014

Potato Salad

Everytime someone showed me the photo of food that they ate, either they bought it from the cafe or cooked themselves, I felt like cooking it too. But I always feel that way WHEN I LOOKED at the photos. After 10 minutes, I forgot about it totally. Hahaha... But there is one thing that I can't get it out of my system... Potato Salad that Puan Hazlinda showed me once. Yes I know, it is very simple to prepare, yet it took me quite a while.. and I repeat... QUITE A WHILE for me to prepare it myself. But finally I did it...better late than never! So here is my so called potato salad... simple to make yet yummy for my tummy... and ohh... this was how I prepared it okay. So try if you dare at your own risk!

Posted by MamaFaMi

Ingredients :

3 medium potatoes
2 hard boiled eggs
chinese celery (daun saderi) - chopped finely
a dash of olive oil

Method :

1. Clean the potatoes, cut into big cubes. Place in a pot of water and add salt to taste. Boil till soft and remove from heat. Leave to cool.
2. Cut the hard boiled eggs into big chuncks.
3. Into the potatoes, add enough mayonaise. Stir to mix.
4. Add in the eggs and stir gently to mix.
5. Add in a dash of olive oil, chopped chinese celery and a few dashes of blackpepper. Stir gently.
6. Ready to serve.

And I had this with the potato salad... But please don't ask me the recipe. I fried the ready made chicken chop, Ayamadu brand and for the blackpepper sauce, I just mix the blackpepper sauce powder with water and add some sliced mushrooms to it. Wallahhhh......


  1. Thumbs up, MamFaMi! I love potato salad and I also like to put hardboiled eggs in it. Ratah macam tu pun best!

    1. I totally agreed with you.. 110 percent! I finish up the whole bowl alllll by myself! Hahahaha

  2. Assalam...yang pastinya sedap.....

    1. Waalaikumussalam Adda. Ha ah, sedaplah kat tekak mama ni... :)

  3. memang betul menggoda la potato salad ni maaa.... sure sedap!

    1. Hihihi... yang penting... ianya senang nak buat. Kalau yang susah susah tu... tak kuaserrrr achik!

  4. wahhh tirgoda ngan ciken cop tu ma..

    1. Ala Izah... itu frozen punya la. Beli kat pasaraya, balik goreng je... thaaa dhaaaa...siap sudahhhh....

  5. laaa senang je ke buat potato salad ni mama... thaaaaanxx for d recipe..!!!

    1. Sebab dia senanglah maka wujudnya resepi tu kat sini. Kalau susah nak buat, hengat mama kuaserrr ke nak buat... hehehehe...

  6. Miss u mamafami...
    sekian lama mencari kemana mama bertape ni....
    alhamdulillah dapat ku bertemu mama disini...
    moga sehat ceria selalu

    1. Hai Dilla cayang...
      Long time no see. Selamat datang ke 'rumah' mama ni. Jalan leklok ye, takut tersadung sarang labah-labah je... Mama sihat-sihat je kat sini. Harap Dilla sihat dan ceria juga...

  7. Hi kak!!! How have you been???? Sorry been a looooong looooong time since I came in here. Hope all is well with you there. Potato Salad looks too good, seriously tempting!

    Take care kak..
    Sri @ Love2cook Malaysia

    1. Hello dear Love,

      I am doing fine over here but time is not on my side. Been wanting to update the blog but couldn't find the time or the mood to do so. Hahaha.. are those excuses good enough to buy you guys? Hahaha... Thanks for dropping by ya Love... appreciate it very much...take care!

  8. Great article, it is nice to read your article..

  9. Awesome post, thanks for sharing this post..

  10. Where are you sis...dah lupa kat kami ka..
    Sehat ka....

    1. Salaam Mak Teh cayang....

      Kita ada ni. Tapi kita can't just find the time and the kerajinan to update. I have things to update tapi tak terupdate... huwaaa... life's been pretty hectic for me these couple of months.... please bear with me and thank you for not giving up on me... appreciate it very much from the bottom of my heart.....

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