Thursday, March 13, 2014

Potato Donuts


Last weekend we went to see our son at his college. Oh how I miss that boy so much and still do. :(( I was excited when hubby told me the plan to visit our son that weekend. I whatsapp-ed him and asked what he would like me to bring. His usual request would be PUFFS. I asked him, anything else? And he said he wanted DONUTS with chocolate coating. "I miss your donuts ma", he said. Huhuhu.... and I miss you boy...


Thank you Puan Ash Fiza of Buku Resepi for sharing this recipe with us.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Puan Ash Fiza @ Buku Resepi

Ingredients :

3 medium sized potatoes
3 cups flour
1 tablespoon margarine (I used Planta)
2 tablespoons condensed milk
6g dried instant yeast (I used Mauripan)
water if necessary

Note to myself : Next time round, I think I will add 1 1/2 tablespoons of castor sugar to the recipe.

Method :

1. Peel the potatoes skin. Cut into big cubes and wash. Place in a bowl with enough water and boil till soft. Remove from heat and mash the potatoes. Keep aside.
2. In a mixing bowl, add flour, condensed milk, yeast and the mashed potato.
3. Turn on the mixer and knead till a soft and shiny dough is formed. Add water if needed.
4. Make into a big ball. Cover the bowl with cling film and let dough rise till double the size.
5. Roll the dough to 1/2 inch thick. Cut using a donut cutter and arrange on a tray lined with a plastic sheet. Rest for about 10 to 15 minutes.
6. Heat oil in a wok. Fry the donuts till golden brown. Remove the donuts onto a bowl lined with paper towel.
7. Coat the donuts with castor sugar or melted cooking chocolate.
8. Ready to serve and enjoy!

Have a nice day!


  1. yummy donut.orang besar pun berebut nak makan ni..ehhehe

    1. Hihi... jangan rebut rebut... banyak tu. Ce beratur cer... :D

  2. Replies
    1. Sebenarnya mama dah buat donut ni dua kali. Kali pertama buat di rumah jiran masa kami 'main masak-masak'. Masa tu mama uli manual je, tak pakai mixer pun. Jiran kata lembut... Mama tak rasa sebab lepas siap uli, mama dah balik rumah :D

  3. Aduhhhh Mamaaaa terlioqqqq ni tengok yg belum bersalutttt tu gebus gebassss

    1. Montok montok kelihatannya kan Kak Noor... hehehe

  4. Hi my dear, donut.... donut.. I want!!! Ada lagi tak? Look so gebus and sedaplicious. Best to go with kopi. :))

    Best regards.

    1. Sudah habislah my dear. I bawak pergi ke tempat my son... :D

  5. Assalam mamafami,
    your donut looks so gebu..pasti kalau makan hidung pun tenggelam ikut itu donut..hehe..
    dah lama tak mendonut..the last donut i did was using the kentang inside the ingredients..
    memang gebusss..this one pun ada kentang memang confirm chop double confirm lembutssss...

  6. Very gebus la mama...guna potato as in ubi kentang or ubi keledek?
    Teringin nk cuba tapi tak dak sapa nak makan

  7. MamaFaMi, I love donuts! I can ngap 5 or 6 sekali gus :D

  8. Wow cantik dan sedapnya donut!!! thanks for sharing and regards :)

  9. salam mamafami
    wah sedap dan gebusnya


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