Thursday, June 5, 2014

Red Velvet Cookies - Planta Seceria Air Tangan Ibu


Yesterday, 4th June, 2014 Planta launced their Ramadhan Campaign, SECERIA AIR TANGAN IBU. The ceremony took place at The Saddle Coffee House, Bukit Kiara Equestrian and Country Resort, Jalan Bukit Kiara Kuala Lumpur. To read more about this campaign, kindly visit Puan Azlita's Blog at Masam Manis.

I received an email from Ms Fatin inviting me to take part in this campaign but I had to decline. In her email, she had included two recipes and I just can't help myself from trying the recipe straight away. I whatsapp-ed to her the photos and she had asked me to hold back the recipe until they've launched the campaign.

Since I've received a green light from Ms Fatin just now, here's sharing with you the lovely recipe of Red Velvet Cookies from Planta. Thank you to Planta and Ms Fatin for sharing the recipe with us.


Posted by MamaFaMi

Ingredients :

120g Planta margarine
10g Windmill Gheeblend
100g castor sugar
120g flour - sifted
50g rice flour (I used Teratai Brand)
50g almond nibs
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon cocoa powder
1/2 tablespoon vanilla essence
1/2 tablespoon red food coloring
30g chocolate chips
30g white chocolate chips (I used butterscotch chocolate chips)

Method :

1. Beat Planta margarine, windmill gheeblend and castor sugar till light. Add egg and mix well.
2. Add in vanilla essence and red food coloring. Beat to mix.
3. Add in flour, rice flour, almond nibs and chocolate chips. Mix till a soft dough is formed.
4. I kept the dough for about 15 minutes in the fridge. The recipe didn't require the dough to be kept in the fridge though.
5. Roll the dough to 1/2 cm thick. Cut using a cutter of your choice.
6. Arrange on a baking tray and top it with a few chocolate chips as decoration.
7. Bake in a preheated oven at 150 c for 20 to 25 minutes.
8. Once baked, remove the cookies onto a wire rack to cool before keeping them in an airtight container.

Have a nice day!


  1. Resepi utk biskut raya thn ni.

  2. Aslmkm Mama. Long time no visit here.... thanks for the recipe.

  3. sedapnya mama macam kaknoor nak try lah cantik lah merah2 gitu

  4. tq mama...kena masuk list kuih raya tahun ni nih...

  5. Nampak sedap. Resepi ni akan masuk list biskut raya yg akan dibuat utk tahun ni. Tq kak :)

  6. Nampak ceria untuk Raya

  7. jelita sungguh biskut tu...mesti ceria terhidang atas meja time raya nanti

  8. saya peminat setia red velvet cake.mesti biskut ni sesedap tu jugak.nak try lah!;)

  9. does this recipe use cocoa powder or not?

  10. Salam.Tq for sharing rcp.Kalau saya substitute or omit minyak sapi,will it effect d texture?


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