Monday, April 28, 2014

Khao Niaw Ma Muang


HELLO!! I am back! No excuses to give… Just that I am glad to be back… ngeee….

During my absence…

Happy belated birthday to
1. My dear daughter
2. Sis Jamilah Din
4. Senorita of Forum Cari
6. Pak Chu, my brother in law
7. Zai
8. Norhazlinda Haji Jabil
9. Ahmad Firdaus, my nephew
11. Ahmad Fauzi, my brother...
and last but not least... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Muna and her dearest Mr Hazzim

That is to show how long I have not been online! Hahaha... actually the list does not stop there but if I continue writting, then you will think that I am exaggerating! Hahaha..

And today, 28th April, 2014... A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST SIS LYNNE! Many happy returns of the day!

Enough of birthdays and anniversary's wishes. Let's move on to the recipe for today. And oh, before I forget, thank you to Miss/Mdm Yuhalini from The Star Online for featuring my recipe in their Kuali dot com. I am honoured. Thank you.


Thank you Kak Wan for this lovely and easy recipe. Love it!

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Citarasawan

Ingredients :

2 ripe mangos - peel and cut to your liking
250g glutinous rice - wash and soak overnight or at least 4 hour
100ml coconut milk + 1/4 teaspoon salt
2 pieces pandanus leaves

Sauce :

150ml coconut milk (I used M&S coconut milk)
150ml water
4 tablespoons brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 pieces pandanus leaves
4 teaspoons cornflour mixed with a bit of water (thickening agent)

Method :

1. Pour the glutinous rice into a sieve to drain the water. Place in a tray and steam for 15 minutes.
2. Pour in the 100 ml coconut milk and mix well. Place the tray back into the steamer with the pandanus leaves. Steam for another 20 minutes or till done.
3. To prepare the sauce : Mix all the ingredients for sauce except cornflour mixture. Cook on slow fire till sugar dissolved. Then add in the cornflour till the sauce thickens. Remove from heat.
4. Serve the glutinous rice with mango and the sauce. Enjoy!

Have a nice day!


  1. Assalam Mamafami,
    glad you are back..lama menyepi..
    kita ambil pulut mangga ni semangkuk ya..:)

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ayu... Hihi... tu la kan, lama betul mama tak muncul. Semalam masa cuba nak update, bukan main banyak lagi halangannya. Bila dah lama tak update, mulalah terkial-kial. Tapi ku gagahi jua...

      Sedap pulut ni kat tekak mama tau... Dah lama teringin, baru kini terlaksana....

  2. Wow, this is nice MamaFaMi! Siap dengan bunga ros mangga sekali :)

    1. Thanks Phong Hong. Bunga ros from mangga from someone with a keras tangan! Hahahaha...

  3. Rindu nyeeeeeee.terubat sudah rindu.harum manis kaw kaw

    1. Dik terusik dengan komen Mak Teh hari tu, terus kita menggagah perkasakan semangat untuk update gak blog ni. Thank you Mak Teh for your support. Sorry if I always let you down sis... huhuhu...

  4. Replies
    1. Tekak mama yang menelan ni pun kata sedap Iera... hehehe

  5. aiyakkks...cheq baru terbaca senarai nama-nama itu...
    kalau kat sekolah dulu, class monitor selalu buat list nama pupils yang bising dalam kelas (nama cheq takdak la... ehem)
    thank you so much sampai tak terkata, even Hazzim pun terharu (sebab wife dia sendiri boleh lupa!)
    Next year Ma kasi cheq warning awai sikit, okay :D
    love you, dear <3

    1. Muna, nama hang masuk dalam list best student kot na, masa sekolah dulu... hihihi... nama cheq pun takdak dalam list buat bising okay.. ngeh ngeh ngeh... bajet baik la ni....

      Hmmm, next year nak kena bagi notice kat hang, berapa awai? Kot awai sangat, sat gi hang lupa gak. Hahaha... sekali baik punya janji la ni, next year, cheq sendiri yang lupa! Hahaha....


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