Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Apam Kacang Merah

Thank you to Puan Yatie for sharing the recipe with us.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Puan Yatie 

Ingredients :

1 cup red bean - boiled till soft and remove the water (I used the readymade ones)
200ml water
2 cups rice flour (I used Teratai brand)
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon instant dried yeast (I used Mauripan)
200ml coconut milk
Red food coloring

freshly grated coconut + salt to taste

Method :

1. Blend the red beans with water.
2. Sift rice flour, flour and baking powder into a bowl.Add sugar and yeast.Stir using a whisk.
3. Pour in coconut milk, red bean mixture and food coloring. Stir using a whisk till well mixed. Cover and leave to ferment for 1 to 2 hours.
4. Grease the mould with a bit of oil. Spoon the mixture into the prepared mould and leave to rest for 5 minutes.
5. Steam on moderate heat for 15 to 20 minutes.
6. Remove from mould and serve with freshly grated coconut.

Bahasa Malaysia Version
Sumber : Puan Yatie


1 cawan kacang merah-sudah direbus dan toskan
1 cawan gula pasir
2 cawan tepung beras
1 cawan tepung gandum
200ml air
200ml santan kotak kara
1 sudu teh baking powder
1 sudu teh yis- bancuh dngn sedikit air suam dulu pun boleh
sedikit pewarna merah

Cara-Caranya :

- Kisar kacang merah yg telah direbus bersama air.
- Sementara itu satukan kesemua bahan lain dan gaul hingga sebati.
- Masukkan sekali kcng merah kisar dan gaul sebati. Perap adunan selama 1-2 jam.
- Sapukan acuan dengan sedikit minyak.
- Tuangkan adunan kedlm acuan dan biarkan 5 minit barulah di kukus.
- Kukus selama 15-20 minit menggunakan api sederhana kuat.
- Angkat dan bolehlah dihidangkan bersama kelapa parut putih. Makan gitew je pun sedap.

Readymade beans... untuk orang yang kurang rajin macam mama! Yang rajin, jangan ikut. Haha...

Have a nice day!


  1. nak 3 ketul mama utk minum petang ni........ terliur dah ni....

    1. Tok sah kata 3 ketul... suku ketul pun sudah tarak! Hehehehe

  2. tolong hantar ke kuching 5 bijik..heheee.

    1. Kalau Sue Bee bagi mama tiket kapalterbang pergi Kuching, I will personally deliver them to you... hihihi... oh, btw, kalau nak hantar ticket, hantar 2 ye... my hubby kena teman sekali... hihihi....

  3. nak seketoi.... !!! sedap nyaa

  4. Ohhh... belum masak dah rasa cukup manis dan soft.. best!


    1. Indeed these kuih apam are soft and nice... :D

  5. cantiknya apam kcng merah MamaFami...comel2 je....berangan nak mintak dah abes rupanya...kenalah wat sendiri nampaknya....mekasih sudi mencuba..


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