Friday, December 27, 2013

Simple Steamed Chocolate Cake (A Keeper)



1. Drink plenty of water.

2. Breakfast like a king
Lunch like a prince
Dinner like a begger

3. Live with the 3 E's

4. Make time to pray.

5. Play more games.
... hik hik hik... so it is not wrong for me to play Candy Crush eh? *wink*

6. Read more books than you did in 2013.

7. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

8. Sleep for 7 hours.

9. Take a 10 to 30 minutes walk daily. And while you walk, SMILE!


When baking or even when doing anything, you have to focus and also, the confident level musn't be too high. When I prepared this cake I was slightly focus and too confident! Hence, blunders! The recipe calls for all ingredients to be measured by cups. And I confidently took a small measuring cup since my 1 CUP measuring cup is always in the flour container. Thinking that I took the 1/4 cup measuring cup (it does look like one!) and without checking, I started to measure the sugar. 4 scoops went into the bowl. Then the cocoa powder. After 2 scoops of cocoa powder went into the bowl, I decided to look at the cup and it stated there 1/3 CUP!!! Hohoho.... what do I do now?? To remove the cocoa powder and sugar, it is just not possible. So then, I decided to just keep on pretending that I am using a 1/4 CUP measuring cup! Yeay, happily I measured all the ingredients, assuming I didn't do any blunders. And I added an extra egg into the recipe, making it 4 eggs instead of 3. And the rest... I just leave everything to Allah. Tawakkal!

Alhamdulillah, the cakes turned out good. My daughter brought back a friend for sleepover and they were my food testers for that day. The way they enjoyed their piece, tells it all. I sent my cake photos to my cousin, Nora together with the recipe and she tried it straight away, using the correct measuring cup of course... and she said it was delicious!

So thank you so much to Farrah Ffa from Buku Resepi for sharing this lovely recipe with us.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Farrah Ffa

Ingredients :

1 cup sugar
1 cup cocoa powder
1 cup evaporated milk (I used Ideal)
1 cup cooking oil (I used Naturel Corn Oil)
1/2 cup condensed milk (I used SAJI brand)
3 eggs (beat till light and fluffy)
1 cup self-raising flour (use 3/4 cup flour if you want your cake to be more moist)

Method :

1. In a bowl, add in sugar, cocoa powder, evaporated milk, oil and condensed milk. Mix well and cook on slow fire using double boil method. I used a whisk to stir. Once melted, remove from heat and leave to cool.
2. Once cooled, add in the eggs. Mix well.
3. Fold in the flour.
4. Pour into the baking tin. Cover the tin with aluminium foil.
5. Steam for 45 minutes.
6. Remove from steamer and let it cool.

Topping :

1 cup cooking chocolate
2 tablespoons margarine (I used Planta)
1/2 cup condensed milk (I used SAJI)

Method :

Combine all the ingredients for topping in a pot and cook on slow fire using double boiler method. Stir till all the ingredients melted. Let the cake cool completely before pouring the topping. Decorate as you wish. I piped mine with a bit of fresh cream and sprinkle with some grated cooking chocolate.

Have a nice day!


  1. Hi my dear, yuuhuuu... how you doing? This cake sure look awesome... very irresistible. I'm steaming the cake right now... but my method salah....instead of double boil the ingredients, I cook over the stove pulak. Salah baca lah... hehehe..wander the cake will jadi or not??? Will get back to you when the cake masak.

    Have a nice week ahead, regards.

  2. tengok biji kopi rasa nak gigit2 je... choc cake...!!!!! mesti buat... tqs mama..

  3. aduhai mama....simple but look so cantik.

    blog mck dah berabuk...since mil sakit sebulan yg lalu....nak kena start semula ni....on your mark...get set.....:))

  4. OMG! This is a must try. I am drooling just by looking at the pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hi, I was introduced to your blog by Amelia of Amelia's Dessert. Wow, I like it and I am going to try this steamed chocolate cake of yours. Glad that I dropped by. Thanks for sharing and cheers :)

    1. Hello Ivy, thank you for dropping by. This recipe is very easy to prepare and delicious too or otherwise I won't mention it as a keeper ;)

  6. Hi, would like to know whether the condensed milk can be omitted? Thanks!

    1. Hi Delia...
      I am not so sure about that but worth a try though. But you have to adjust the amount of sugar. And if I were to try omitting the condensed milk, I will add a small amount of evaporated milk to the recipe :)

      I came across this in the internet...
      "To make sweetened condensed milk:
      The best make-your-own version is to mix 1 cup of evaporated milk with 1-1/4 cups of sugar in a saucepan, heat and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved, and let cool."

      So maybe you can use this formula when trying to omit the condensed milk. Good luck! ;)

  7. hihi, I tried this receipe yesterday and is sooo yummy. Great for chocolate lover! BUT...part of my steamed cake broke open when I tried to take them out from the tin. What could be the reason? too moist? Thanks in advance.

  8. Replies
    1. By all means. Please do copy and give this recipe a try. Hope it suits your tastebud. Tq


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