Thursday, November 21, 2013

Serimuka Hanieliza


Quote : "awesome...maybe a book is coming out" - Mak Teh

Hish...don't let people make any speculations about the above statement, Mak Teh. I am not a writer... or otherwise I would have produced better 'stories' in this humble column of mine. ;) Hahahaha

But Mak Teh's statement is not totally untrue. Yes, a book is coming out, but it's not the book that I wrote, but the books that I've read. I have yet to upload those books in my other blog if time and my mood permits. *wink*


Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Kak Liza

Ingredients :

Bottom layer
2 cups glutinous rice - washed and soak for 3 hours
2 1/4 cup thin coconut milk
salt to taste

Method :
Mix together the above ingredients and pour into a baking tin, layered with cling film. Steam for 20 minutes or till cooked. Cover the steamer's lid with towel to avoid water dripping into the tin.

Top layer

2 cups thick coconut milk
1/2 cup pandan juice + green food coloring
1/2 cup sugar
3 tablespoons custard powder
3 tablespoons flour
1 large egg
salt to taste

Method :

1. Mix all the ingredients together except sugar. Stir to mix and put through a sieve. Add sugar and continue stirring.
2. Gently pour the mixture onto the bottom layer and steam for another 30 minutes.
3. Remove from steamer and leave to cool.
4. Cut using a plastic knife and ready to serve.

Have a nice day!


  1. i love serimuka. especially yg bakar, dah susah nak cari

    1. Oh, ada serimuka yang bakar ke? This is something new to me.... Thanks Mala for the info... :)

    2. not sure secara traditionalnya mcmana di buat tapi kalau tak silap mala lepas di kukus di bakar pulak sampai permukaan atas sedikit keras.

    3. Tak pe tak pe, nanti google resepi. Lepas tu, tunggu 'seru' datang, leh try... hihihi... terima kasih highlight kewujudan serimuka bakar ye Mala...

  2. Assalamualaikum...nampak sedap..klu resepi dri k.liza mmg mantop kan mamafami...

    1. Waalaikumussalam Umie Jazz..

      Memang sungguh bagai dikata. Resepi Kak Liza memang senang dan sedap, sangat menepati tagline buku-buku keluaran beliau... :)

  3. Mafami..bagi tip bagaimana cara untuk mendspatkan permukaan atas sri muka kelihatan cantik tidsk mengerutu.?

    1. Huhuhu... sebenarnya mama pun tak tahu cemana. Masa buat, mama tuang je atas pulut, then kukus dengan tutup kukus dibalut dengan kain untuk mengelakkan air dari jatuh atas kastad tu...


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