Thursday, October 8, 2015

EnaZamri's Sweet Buns (a keeper)

Source : EnaZamri FB

Ingredients :

400g high protein flour
100g flour
30g milk powder (not baby formula please)
75g caster sugar
1 packet instant dried yeast (11g)
80g whip cream (liquid)
2 egg yolks
8g salt
220g iced water
60g butter

Method :

1. In the bowl of a standing mixer fitted with a dough hook, add in the high protein flour, flour, milk powder, caster sugar, yeast, whip cream, egg yolks and salt.
2. Turn the mixer on, low speed. Pour in the iced water a little at the time till the mixture is incorporated. Add in butter.
3. Turn the speed up to medium high and keep kneading till a soft and shiny dough is formed. Roughly about 10 minutes or so.
4. Remove the dough from the bowl and onto your working sheet. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
5. Divide the dough to about 38g each. Should get 27 pieces.
6. Make the dough into round balls and arranged them in the well greased 6 inch round tins. Let it rest, covered for an hour or till doubled the size.
7. Milk wash to top of the buns.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C for 30 minutes.
9. Once baked, removed from oven and brush with a bit of margarine on top. Remove the buns from the tins and onto a wire rack to cool. Keep in an airtight container.

Have a nice day!


  1. Hi Mamafami,
    Your buns are so smooth and so lovely, as usual ! I know I can trust your recipes, I've tried them successfully many times...

    1. Hi there. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and also for taking time to drop such kind words. Appreciate it very much. I hope you liked what you've tried so far. Have a nice day dear.


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