Thursday, May 21, 2015

Layered Sago

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Che Mat Gebu

Ingredients :

85g plain sago - soak for 1 hour
85g red sago - soak for 1 hour
85g green sago - soak for 1 hour
150g caster sugar
210g freshly grated coconut
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 pieces screwpine leaves - knotted
1/4 teaspoon rose essence
1/4 teaspoon pandan essence

Method :

1. Prepare the steamer. Wrap the steamer cover with clean cloth.
2. Mix 70g grated coconut, 50g caster sugar, plain sago and a bit of salt. Press into the mould. Place a small piece of screwpine leaf on top. I used silicone moulds, so no greasing needed. If you are using an 8 x 8 x 3 inch tin, grease the tin with a bit of oil and layer with aluminium foil. Grease the foil with a bit of oil. Steam the plain layer for 6 minutes. Remove the pandan leaves.
3. Meanwhile mix 70g grated coconut, 50g caster sugar, red sagoo, rose essence and a bit of salt. Press the mixture on top of the steamed plain sago. Place a piece of pandan leaf on top. Steam for another 6 minutes. Remove the pandan leaves.
4. Mix 70g grated coconut, 50g caster sugar, green sagoo, pandan essence and a bit of salt. Press the mixture on top of the steamed red sago. Steam for another 10 minutes. Remove the pandan leaves.
5. When the sago cake is cooled completely, remove from the mould and ready to serve. *I am so thankful I had used the silicone moulds to do this kuih. Makes the job much easier!

Have a nice day!


  1. Mama, these layered sago are very attractive! Sure sedap ni.

  2. sedap nie..mrs suka agak suka makanan yang berasaskan sagu :)


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