Thursday, April 16, 2015

Kuih Lompang

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Sue's Mom-In-Law

Ingredients :

1/2 cup soft brown sugar (gula merah)
1/2 cup granulated sugar (gula pasir)
2 cups water
3 pieces screwpine leaves
1 1/2 cups rice flour
1 tablespoon tapioca flour
1 teaspoon limewater (air kapur)

Topping :

Freshly grated coconut (just the white part)
a pinch of salt
1 piece screwpine leaf

Mix all the ingredients together and steam for 5 minutes. Remove the screwpine leaf and ready to use.

Method :

1. In a pot, add soft brown sugar, granulated sugar, screwpine leaves and 1 cup of water. Bring to boil until sugar has dissolved complete. Put through a strainer and leave to cool.
2. Into a bowl, sift together rice flour and tapioca flour. Add limewater and 1 cup of water into the dry ingredients. Stir.
3. Pour in the cooled syrup and stir to mix well.
4. Prepare the steamer. Arrange the small cups in the steamer and steam for about 5 minutes.
5. Fill the cups with the prepared batter. Place them back on the steamer and steam for 10 minutes.
6. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
7. Remove the kuih using a spoon and top it with the grated coconut. Enjoy!

Have a nice day!


  1. saya ni kak kalau wat kuih lompang kkdang kluar lesung pipit ..kkdang x..ada angin jgk lompng sy neh kih kihh

    1. Biasalah tu Zila, akak pun sama. Kenadang punyalah lawa kejadiannya. Ada kala pulak, hazab rupanya! Hahaha... Yang penting, kita tak putus asa kan... :D

  2. kaknoor tak pernah buat lompang, tpi kali ni akak nak lompang sekali dgn pinggan mama tu bolehhhh tak?? nak pinjam sat nak photo2 hahaa

    1. Lompang ni senang sungguh nak buat Kak Noor. Hihihi... piring tu dah berkurun kita beli. Yang murah je tu...tapi bukanlah 2 ringgit. Ahaks...

  3. saya tak pernah buat lagi kuih lompang, nak try jugak la suatu hari nanti..insyaallah..

    sis, lawa pinggan tu..hehe

    1. Nanti cuba ye Hamelia. Berkenan juga kat pinggan tu ye. Ma rasa ma beli kat Nilai kot... long long looooooong time ago.


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