Thursday, March 19, 2015

Pandan Pau

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source 1 : Noreen
Source 2 : Rahel

Ingredients :

1/2 cup lukewarm water (I added more. I used slightly less than 3/4 cup water)
a few drops of apple green food coloring
1/2 teaspoon pandan essence
50g (4 tablespoons) castor sugar
3g (1 teaspoon) instant dried yeast - (I used Saf Instant)
250g flour
2g (1/2 teaspoon) baking powder
20g (1 tablespoon) vegetable shortening - (I used Planta Margarine)

Filling of your choice - I used the ready made red bean paste

Method (Bread maker) :

1. Pour water into the breadmaker pan. Add sugar, green coloring, pandan essence and sprinkle the yeast on top.
2. Add in the sifted flour and baking powder into the pan.
3. Set the bread maker to just the kneading dough setting. When the dough is just combined, add in the margarine. Leave the breadmaker to knead the dough till soft and shiny.
4. Remove the dough from the bread maker pan, onto a clean working area. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
5. Divide the dough to 10 small balls, roughly weighing 45g each. Make into round small balls.
6. Flatten the first rounded balls and place the filling in the middle. Place the filled dough on a grease proof paper or better still, on a small piece of banana leaf. Arrange it on the steamer. Repeat this process till finish.
7. Let the dough rise till double the size.
8. Prepare your steamer and make sure the water is really boiling hot. Steam for 9 to 10 minutes and remove from heat. Open the lid after about 1 or 2 minutes later. Enjoy.

Note :

I am actually confused. When reading Rahel's tips, she said to steam in a really hot steamer. When I read another website for any tips and tricks to produce smooth pau, they said NOT to steam in a hot steamer. Totally the opposite. So I just followed what was stated in the recipe that I used.
Moral of this revealation : Do not ask me how to produce a smooth looking pau okay, because I am confused myself! Hahahahaa....

Have a nice day!


  1. lame tak makan pau... nampak mcm sedap je pau tu

    Nukilan Terkini di Owh!MananQayyim : Rindu Ombak

  2. Mama, though you are confused, you still managed to produce pau that is so licin! And it's fluffy too. You are good at pau making!

    1. Phong Hong, actually I was so like tensed to open the lid once the steaming is done. Firstly it's about the water temperature. Rahel said, must make sure to steam the pau when the water is boiling hot. The other website say, mustn't steam on boiling water. Medium hot.

      Secondly, I read somewhere, that you must not open the lid soon as we remove the steamer for the boiling water. But in Rahel's blog, she had said, because she let the steamer's lid stay a bit longer, that's what makes her pau not smooth (OMG to me hers are smooth enough!!!). So I gambled! I just let the lid stay for a minute or two, then I opened the lid. Phewwww lega oo, my pau tak kedut! Though ada dimples here and there la.. Enough to make me happy! Hahaha....

  3. Hi, for this pau, what flour did you use? Looks good and very tempted to eat. Is the texture soft? Will try this recipe once I know the right flour to be used. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks-- Angie

    1. Hi Angie...

      I used the all purpose flour (tepung gandum) though you can use the pau flour if you have, for a better result. And yes, the texture is soft. Do give it a try. Happy trying and have a nice day.


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