Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sweet and Sour Beef


A friend sent this and I thought it's very motivating. Be encouraged :

Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Just pray to Allah for a better umbrella. - That is attitude!

Life is not about finding the right person, but creating the right relationship, it's not how we care in the beginning, but how much we care till the very end.

Some people alwas throw stones in your path. It depends on what you make with them. A Wall or a Bridge? - Remember you are the architect of your life.

Search for a good heart, but don't search for a beautiful face. Coz beautiful things are not always good, but good things are always beautiful.

It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life. But it’s important how well you play with the cards you hold.

Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end, Remember Allah and pray, it’s just a bend, not the end.' - Have faith and have a successful life.

One of the basic differences between Allah and humans is, Allah gives, gives and forgives. But the human gets, gets, gets and forgets. Be thankful in life...


Posted by MamaFaMi

Ingredients A :

500g topside beef - sliced
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
salt to taste
2 tablsepoons cooking oil
5 tablespoons tomato sauce
5 tablespoons chillie sauce
Fresh tomatoes - cut to wedges
zeal (optional)
spring onions

Ingredients B (to be sliced) :

1 Holland onion
3 cloves garlic
1 1/2 inch fresh ginger
2 fresh red chillies
some green bird eye chillies

Method :

1. Marinate the sliced beef with salt and turmeric. Meanwhile prepare the other ingredients.
2. Heat the wok and add cooking oil. When oil is ready, add in the marinated beef. Cook till meat is tender.
3. Pour in the tomato sauce and the chillie sauce. Add water if the gravy is a bit too thick.
4. Add in the sliced ingredients. Stir. Add salt and zeal to taste.
5. Put in the tomato and give it a quick stir for a minute or two. Remove from heat.
6. Garnish with some spring onion and serve with plain white rice. Enjoy!

Thank you to Chef Hanieliza for the simple yet lovely recipe. By the way, Chef Hanieliza will be at Book Expo Putrajaya this Saturday 1st November, 2014. All the best Kak Liza dearie....

Have a nice day!


  1. wah sedap tu mama, akak pun ada buku chef tu tapi masa mula beli je tengok hahaha lepas tu dok mereka menu sendiri, esuk nak selak2 balik lah resepi dari chef ni mmg terbaik

    1. Kak Noor,
      Kita 'terjerumus' ke alam baking dan masak ni pun, banyak dipengaruhi oleh Kak Liza ni la. Memang sangat terhutang budi dengan dia. Kita harap dia halalkanlah segala ilmu yang dia dah curahkan kat kita. Dan wujudnya MAMAFAMI ni kat dunia cyber pun, kerana dialah juga.....

      Resepi dalam buku Kak Liza ni, bukan hanya sedap tapi juga ringkas dan senang disediakan. Bahan-bahan pun senang cari. Sangat sesuai dengan kita yang tak berapa nak rajin ni. Hehehe....

  2. Hi MamaFaMi, yes, I do agree with you that 1 Hari 1 Resipi is indeed a very good cook book. I have it too. Bought it during the recent Book Fest. There are quite a number of good recipes I have bookmarked and tried. Wow, must try this sweet and sour beef too. Nampak sedap dan air liur pun dah meleleh ni, hahaha... Thanks for sharing and take care.

    1. Hi Ivy...

      I had been following Kak Liza for a long time now. I trust in all her recipes. Easy to prepare, basic ingredients and yet, yummy for the tummy. And her books are worth buying :) If you happened to be around Putrajaya this Saturday, why not visit her at the Book Expo. I won't be able to be there as I will be somewhere... hahahaha... But I met her when she was in Kuantan recently. Visited her cooking demo, two days in a row! Fanatic fan eh?

  3. Ohh...I love this dish Mama! Anything with beef I suka. Lagi-lagi sweet and sour. I saw Kak Liza's book a few times. Very tempted to buy but I pull handbrake because I have a mountain of cookbooks in the house (scattered here there and everywhere sebab no space to put) but I think I have only cooked 10% of the recipes LOL!

    1. Pssttt... you are not alone there. Buku recipes I kan, boleh buat tilam dan bantal tau. Flip here flip there... dah satisfied jamu mata, stack kat dalam almari, atas rak, where ever yang I sempat letaklah, then forgotten! Cuba recipe pun like you said la, 10% entah sampai entah tidak. Still go browsing the net for recipes! Tapi to me, Kak Liza's book is exceptional. A must have. Sebab the recipes are so simple!

      (Pssttt... kak Liza...dapat upah tak ni tolong promote baekkkk punya!)


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