Friday, September 26, 2014

DO NOT READ THIS POST IF......... are a professional baker or if you're excellent in cake decorating!! This entry is for people like me, who is not good yet and perhaps will never be in cake decorating but have the heart and courage to share how she iced a cake. 

But if you've accidently dropped in here, just close an eye. DO NOT STARE at my messy work. Your co-operation is much appreciated. Thank you. Hahahaha...

p/s : Made this cake yesterday. And yesterday was Acha's birthday. 

Note :

1. I've used a pyrex bowl to bake the chocolate cake, using THIS recipe.
2. I used a round pan to bake the other cake. 
3. Reason why I baked 2 cakes is because the chocolate cake is a bit to shallow and I don't want Barbie to look like a dwarf! Hahahaha....

Have a nice day!


  1. Good morning,
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful creation... its the sharing from the heart that counts! Besides I will be very happy to receive this cake too.hahaha.. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Good morning Elaine..

      Thank you for your kind words. I do have a big heart eh? Sharing something which is not what I am master at! So courageous of me! Hahahaha....

      You too dear, have a wonderful weekend while trying to clear up your stock. Same here! Yesss... we can do it!!!!

  2. Hi Sweetie, I masuk balik lagi, dah ternampak so have to read lah..... wow, that's a very nice barbie cake. Ok mah, your piping skill is very neat and tidy, the rosette look so cute. So much better than mine lah.... my piping skill macam come back from battle field punya. LOL

    Best regards, enjoy your lovely day.

    1. Hi Dearie....

      Hihihi... it's the title of the posting that drew you back in here eh? Hahaha.. berjaya I punya gimmick eh? But actually, I meant it. :D:D:D It's been a while since I last played with icing and the piping bags as well as Miss Barbie are just bored in the cupboard. So when a friend of mine requested a Barbie cake, without much thoughts, I said yes. And surprisingly, yesterday I had fun instead of tense, doing this cake for her. *wink*

      Nice weekend dearie and take care!

  3. Its beautiful Mama.... 10 thumbs up!!!

    1. Thank you dear. But you know what, looks can be deceiving ok! *wink*

  4. From far, nampak ke'perfect'annya. Kalau dekat, nampaklah ke'defect'annya! Hahahaha....

  5. this entry a MUST READ for me...hehehe

  6. Beautiful ombre barbie cake dress. I love it :)

    1. Oh thank you DG dear. Hope the little Acha who received this cake, likes it too!

  7. Assalamualaikum MamaFami,

    Hehe... Kelakar. Kedaboom tuh!


  8. My goodness, MamaFaMi! This is sooooo sooooooo beautiful lah. You terlalu merendahkan diri lah.... Cantik dan mempesonakan.... Thumbs up to you and Clap Clap Clap..... Regards :)

  9. Salam Mama ...
    cantik..thanks for sharing ya...
    nnt boleh la try ..


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