Monday, May 19, 2014

Teratak Riverview, Tanjung Malim, Perak

Mr Hubby and me were away last weekend. We went to TERATAK RIVERVIEW for team building. Hahaha.. just joking. It is more to self-esteem building for myself. Will tell you in a bit.

Actually Mr Hubby joined the reunion of his University. And he brought me along. After 30 years plus leaving the Uni, and this is the chance for  them to meet up. For this time, it is just meant for the guys only. It was such a pleasant scene to see how they hugged each other, joked around, laughed out loud and chatted. Once we reached the place, mrs wifeys will have to survive on their own. Make their own way around and befriends with the other wifeys, if they wish. Alhamdulillah I made new friends and had fun too.... 

Hi Kak Ana1, Kak Ana2,  Aida, Ros, Nazrin, Zainab, Kak Rohani, Dr Kamariah, Mazlina ... nice knowing all of you...panjang umur, insyaAllah jumpa lagi....

Had our meals here...
Actually this place is very good for team building programmes. These were among the many that had been here....

Okay now let me tell you why I said it is more to my SELF-ESTEEM BUILDING trip. I challenged myself to do this....

This was not me okay. This was one of hubby's friend taking his turn.

AND YES, I DID IT!!!! I DID THE FLYING FOX, 170M LENGTH. Good enough for a beginner like me. Hahaha...

Before doing the Flying Fox activity, we were given some briefings on safety equipment, how to wear them, and what we should and should not do. I was so anxious to know, what is the maximum weight that cable could hold. Hahahaha... When the instructor said that it can hold up to 2 tons.... well... I think I am a lot  lighter than 2 tons, at the moment! So yes, I am so happy and excited to do it. 

When we were geared up with the safety equipments, we have to cross the hanging bridge (in yellow) to get to the starting point which is way uphill. By the time we get to the top, we were quite out of breath. Rested a few minutes and I went first. Frankly speaking, when the instructor asked me to sit down for him to secure the lock, my heart started to pound. Then when he asked me to stand up and face the front, I was like...GULPPPP... AM I ACTUALLY GOING TO DO THIS??? But it was too late to turn back. I am all geared up, locked and just a push away. But I think, I managed to hide my fears brilliantly as the instructor asked me, you don't look scared at all! OMG, only Allah knows what is going on in this heart and mind of mine at that moment! Hahaha.... Then, when he asked me to be in the sitting position, legs off the platform, that's it! I AM ACTUALLY DOING THIS. With a light push, weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I go! I CAN FLY! I CAN FLY! I CAN FLY!!!!!!! It was so much fun and thrilling at the same time. But it only last for less than 10 seconds. But the memories of that 10 seconds is so precious! 

Thank you to our host and the committe for this lovely reunion. Hope the next reunion will be this fun and thrilling!

For more informations and booking, please contact these numbers...

76 Taman Wangsa Jaya
Taman Wangsa Jaya
35500 Tanjung Malim
Perak Darul Ridzuan

HAKIM : 013-5335033
HANAH : 019-5115033/017-3532022
HAZIQ : 017-3431346

OFFICE : 05-4566117/118
FAX NO: 05-4581037

Website :

Have a nice day!


  1. Assalam mamafami dear,
    wow that was a good reunion indeed..
    i think not many reunion gatherings are done like this..
    mostly are just jumpa & makan2 at hotel ke restaurants ke kan..but this one is unique!

    As for the wifey part to mingle around with the other wifeys..
    to me that is tough..hehe..maklum ler..
    kita ni kat dalam blog aje peramah
    tapi kat luar macam pemalu dan berat mulut sikit..wakakaka..caya ke tu..haha..
    Tapi apa2pun you managed to find and make friends around you..and the best part you
    managed to go for the obstacle segment!!.you go mama!!

    1. Waalaikumussalam Ayu...

      Yup, i had a good time there. And I think we are in the same boat... sangat peramah di dunia cyber, tapi kalau jumpa berdepan, tend to berat mulut UNTIL dah start 'dapat mulut'. Hahaha.. Masa kat reunion tu, mula mula rasa macam rendah diri juga sebab maklumlah, I am just a housewife. Yang lain tu, ada yang berkerjaya, ada yang bisness.. terfikir sendiri, mahu ke diorang berkawan dengan mama ni kan. Alhamdulillah most of them are friendly and I don't feel alone at all. Maybe mama cepat 'dapat mulut' kot... hahahaha....


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