Thursday, February 13, 2014

Marbled Oil Cake


My sister said, I am emotionally disturbed at the moment. And I think I can't deny that. Thanks to these few Malay novels that I have just finished reading. They really drained out my energy. Not the author to be blamed, neither my sister who passed me the books to read, but all blames should go to me, myself and I. Why can't I be like my sister. She read loads, and not just lots, of books but she always remained calm. Unfortunately I am unable to do the same. I think I am so full of emotions! Hahahaha....

The ratings that I gave to each book is based on how I like the story. And not to judge the writer's writing. I appreciate all authors. Because they have the talent to write and to produce books where else I don't. So yes, if I enjoyed reading the story, the book will surely get good ratings from me.

My sister told me to take a break from reading but I can't afford to do that. I challenged myself to read 27 books this year and to date, I've just finished 6. Still a loooong way to go... will I manage? I will... I can... I have to!!!! Chaiyok mama!!!!!


Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Kemma81 of MyResepi

Ingredients :

5 eggs
3/4 cup castor sugar
1 tablespoon ovallate
1 cup condensed milk
1/2 teaspoon rose essence
1 cup cooking oil
2 cups flour *
1 teaspoon baking powder * (sift together)

red food coloring

Method :

1. Beat eggs with castor sugar and ovallete on high speed till light and fluffy.
2. Add in condensed milk and rose essence. Continue beating.
3. Pour in cooking oil and beat on lower speed.
4. Fold in flour. Divide the mixture into two bowls and add red food coloring to one bowl and leave the other as it is.
5. Spoon two tablespoons of plain mixture onto the middle of the prepared tin. Top it with two tablespoons of red colored mixture. Repeat the process till all the mixture is finished.
6. Bake in a preheated oven for 45 minutes or till done.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Kemma81 My Resepi

5 biji telur
3/4 cawan gula halus
2 cawan tepung gandum diayak bersama 1 camca teh serbuk penaik / baking powder
1 cawan susu pekat
1 sudu besar ovallate
1 cawan minyak masak
perasa nenas / pisang / ape2 ikut suka
1 sudu teh esen vanila

Bahan-bahan : ( 8 x 8 x 2 inci )

1. Pukul telur bersama gula dan ovallate hingga kembang.
2. Masukkan susu pekat dan esen vanila. Pukul lagi sekejap.
3. Masukkan minyak masak dan perasa sambil dipukul lagi tapi hanya sekadar untuk adunan bergaul rata.
4. Akhir sekali masukkan gandum. Gaul rata. Selepas itu, bahagikan adunan kepada 3 warna.
5. Lenser tin kek berukuran ( 8 x 8 x x2 ) inci dgn mentega, taburkan dengan gandum dan ratakan. Jangan terlalu tebal.Tuang setiap adunan secara berselang-seli dalam bentuk lingkaran hingga habis.
6. Bakar pada suhu 170 darjah selama 40-45 minit. Utk menguji kek dah masak ke belum, cucuk tgh2 kek dgn sebatang lidi. Jika masih melekat tapi permukaan dah kekuningan, tutup permukaan kek dgn tudung periuk. Ini bertujuan supaya permukaan kek tidak hangus.
7. Setelah masak, sejukkan dulu, baru potong.

Have a nice day!


  1. Assalamualaikum Maaaaaaaa....jauh dtg ni...npak kek belang2 tuu...Ma apa kbar...mak ada kat rumah ke....

    1. Waalaikumussalam Maz. Wah, datang naik apa tu? Jet ye? Patut tak yah transit bagai. Hahaha. Alhamdulillah mama sihat-sihat je. Ha ah la, dok terperap kat rumahku syurgaku... ;)

  2. woww....ternoda ai...sebab tergoda...mama, kek ni manis tak?..sebab guna gula dan susu pekat manis kan?..

  3. Love the marbling Mama! I have not read a complete book for years! Baca separuh jalan, tinggal. Then I terlupa and move to next book and same thing happen. Must make an effort to read at least one this year hah...hah,,,


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