Monday, January 13, 2014

Cheezy Cheese Balls

T.H.E  R.A.M.B.L.I.N.G.S

Who is the greediest lady on earth?
Me! Me!.. tergedik gedik ngaku tuh! Hehehehe....

Spent the whole morning, re-arranging all my recipe printouts. If I really file them up nicely, I am very sure I have at least 5 fat files! But how many of those recipes printed that I've tried out? I am very sure, the answer will be... not even one thin file! Hahahaha....

Well, there's a saying in Bahasa Malaysia... sediakan payung sebelum hujan (get an umbrella ready before it rains). So in my case, get those recipes ready before your mood vanishes! Haha.. you will never know when you will be in mood to do stuffs in the kitchen!

T.H.E  R.E.C.I.P.E

Thank you Mak Lang Azie and Kak Chak for sharing this easy yet lovely recipe with us.

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Mak Lang Azie

Ingredients :

3 medium sized potatoes
enough flour
salt to taste
cheddar cheese (I used sliced cheese)

Egg white

Method :

1. Clean potatoes, diced and boil with a bit of salt till soft.
2. Pour the potatoes into a colander and place the potatoes in a bowl. Mashed those potatoes with pepper and salt if necessary.
3. Add in flour, a little at a time till a soft dough is form and till it is easy to handle.
4. Take a bit of the dough (the size of a pingpong ball) and flatten it on your hand, place a small piece of cheese in the middle. Cover with dough and make into a ball. Repeat till all the dough is done.
5.Dip the potato balls into the egg white. Then coat it with breadcrumbs.
6.Heat the wok with enough oil to fry. Fry till golden brown. Place the cheese balls onto a kitchen towel. Ready to serve.

Have a nice day!


  1. mamafami baling2 lah sebijik dua kat Uj disini..terguda tenguk cheesenya yg meleleh tu...

    1. UJ... mama baling baling masuk molot sendiri... kih kih kih....

  2. Replies
    1. Ce pergi makan Adda. Jangan bagi perut masuk angin.. nanti jadi kepala angin.. ngeh ngeh ngeh...gurau je

  3. it seems everybody's making these. Kjee pun nak buat jugak! Dah buat my own breadcrumbs. Tunggu.

    1. Kjee ni 'malas' update blog, tapi rajin buat extra work kat dapur. Kita tak kuasa nak buat breadcrumbs sendiri. Beli yang siap punya, tinggal golek je... hehehe.... I will be right here waiting... ;)

    2. Buat breadcrumbs paling senang MF. Just campak a couple of pieces of stale bread in the oven. Bila dah garing, letak dan food processor/blender kering, and trrr. Jangan halus sangat. itu jer. Eh betul ke cara Kjee? lol.

    3. Kjee dear... BELI lagi senang, Less hassle, tak yah nak basuh apa bagai. Pergi kedai beli, snip open the plastik, curah dalam bekas. Thaa dhaaa... done! Hahaha... jangan ikut petua orang kurang rajin ni.. tak elok! Hihihi... Betullah tu cara buat breadcrumbs tu...kot... hihihi...

  4. Oh no!!! what a tempting cheezy ball to look at, will definitely make this..

    1. Oh no!!! Puan Ros kalau buat cheezy balls ni, mesti lagi lawa jadinya. Yelah, nak pikat hati anak-anak kan. Mama ni, tak de hati saper nak dipancing pun... senget benget buat pun, husband dan mak mama makan je... hahaha...

  5. Hello, my name is Chris, with Dawn Star Press. We recently published an eBook that seems like it would be a good topic for your blog, and I was wondering if you would be interested in a free copy in return for a mention or entry in your blog. If so, please respond to with what format you would prefer to receive it in. The book is KNOW ENOUGH: Ethnic Cuisines, a common man's guide to food from around the world and the cultures that created them.

  6. Hello, my name is Chris, with Dawn Star Press. We recently published an eBook that seems like it would be a good topic for your blog, and I was wondering if you would be interested in a free copy in return for a mention or entry in your blog. If so, please respond to with what format you would prefer to receive it in. The book is KNOW ENOUGH: Ethnic Cuisines, a common man's guide to food from around the world and the cultures that created them.

  7. Woww mama....buat kakpb telan air lior pepagi ni. Ni bukan anak je yg suka, confirm emak dia pun tergedik2 nak makan...hehe.

    1. KakPB...

      Biasalah tu... budak-budak ni, kalau dia kata tak nak makan, dia makan juga. Tapi mak-mak ni, dah tergedik-gedik buat, mestilah tergedik-gedik gak nak makan! Hahaha... Tu sebab mak-mak yang semakin schumel!

  8. tq mama for posting this rcp. my eldest has been rambling about this cheese ball & asyik suruh beli kat kfc. baru nak cari rcp, tgk2 mama dah tepek kat sini. hehehe....tq tq and will definitely try this out!

    1. Most welcome dear. Simple je nak buat sebenarnya. Kalau nak beli kat KFC tu, mahal. Buat sendiri, tak berapa sen pun modalnya... puas makan lagi... :)

  9. Hi my dear, this cheesy balls look so addictive.... hard to stop eating? Look so sedaplicious.


  10. Just tried this today. So sedappp! The kids love it, thanx so much :)

    1. Thanks for trying. Glad your kids love it! You must have prepared it with so much love then.. ;)

  11. tq for the recipe ^^.. simple dan sgt sedap !! Rugi kalau x cuba~

  12. MamFami, saya nak tanya tepung tu kena kurangkan dari kentang ke? sbb sy buat tepung lebih jadi keras hihi klu misal kurang tepumng nnti mcm tak boleh nak golek2 jadi bulat sbb melekat kat tgn.

    1. Rohaiza... tepung jangan terlalu banyak. Macam Rohaiza cakaplah, nanti jadi keras, tak best. Kita nak rasa kentang tu lebih. Tambah tepung hingga takat tak lekat sangat kat tangan ye.

  13. Bole try resepi camni..x penah cuba..tq mamafami!!
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