Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Kuih Pau (Fieyza Fadlina)

Posted by MamaFaMi
Source : Fieyza Fadlina  (thank you)

Ingredients :

2 1/2 cups pau flour (I used multipurpose flour)
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 tablespoon instant dried yeast (I used mauripan)
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 tablespoon bread softener (optional. I didn’t put)
2 tablespoons vegetable shortening (optional. I add in)
1 tablespoon cooking oil
enough water
greaseproof paper or banana leaves cut to small squares

red bean paste

Method :

1. In a big bowl, place the flour, yeast and sugar.
2. Pour in water, a little at a time and knead. Add in shortening and cooking oil.
3. Continue kneading till you get a soft and shiny dough. Approximately after 25 minutes kneading by hand.
4. Make the dough into a ball and let it rest for 10 minutes.
5. Divide the dough into small portions.
6. Flatten the dough, place the filling in the middle and gather up the edges to seal the filling.
7. Place the pau on a piece of greaseproof paper and arrange in the steamer.
8. Do the same to the remaining portions.
9. Steam the pau over rapid boiling water for 10 minutes.

Note to Yours Trully.... Knead these pau by hand! Perghhh cayalah mama!!! Didn't know I can actually do it! Hahahaha....


  1. waahhh...mak Cik Anis dh lama cri resepi pau ni..nk kne try ni..jom follow cik anis pulak ^^

  2. clap3x...nguli tangan mama yek...bravo! lenkali buat lebih ekk...4 ketui tak sempat sampai somban ni!

    1. Ha ah Kak Nik Ja, mama uli dengan tangan. Ku hempas hempaskan doh dalam besen. Sket baiklah besen plastik ku itu kuat, kalau tak, mau pecah ku kerjakan! Hahahaha.... Tapi happylah sebab menjadi jugalah pau ku ini. Nak buek lobih? Buek sikit pun sey tak kuaso! Hahaha....

  3. As Salam, just nak tanya, after filling the doh and before masukkan dalam steamer, kena tgg the doh naik tak?

    1. Waalaikumussalam Neini. Lepas isi filling, susun dalam tray steamer tu, biar dia naik sekejap, barulah dikukus.


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